Examples of the the word, reef , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reef ), is the 5859 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Turtles; Fish and amphibians *All sharks, such as tiger, great white, nurse and, reef ,sharks *Many bony fish, such as tuna, marlin,salmon, and bass; Invertebrates
  2. I). *1947 – Thor Heyerdahl's balsa wood raft the Kon-Tiki, smashes into the, reef ,at Raroia in the Tuamotu Islands after a 101-day,journey across the Pacific
  3. While they have a total of shoreline, measured along the outer edge of the, reef , there are no ports or harbors, only offshore anchorage. Nearby Hibernia Reef
  4. A UNESCO-recognized World Heritage Site and the second-largest barrier, reef ,in the world, second only to Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Forests and
  5. For the first time, including Tarawa Point near Hut Bay, and the long right, reef ,point at the southwest tip of the island, named Kumar Point. The resulting
  6. Level of variety in the environment is beneficial to many types of coral, reef ,animals, which for example may feed in the seagrass and use the reef s for
  7. That is open on the Northwest side) # South Moore Reef (small submerged, reef ,5 km South of North Moore Reef) # Willis Islets (sunken atoll, bank 45 by 19
  8. Mainly tropical rainforest, of which 63 % is National Park. The narrow fringing, reef ,surrounding the island can be a maritime hazard. Christmas Island is south of
  9. Is called coral bleaching, and can lead to the devastation of large areas of, reef , The habitats supported by the reef s are critical to such tourist activities as
  10. Australia. It has no permanently dry land area, although large parts of the, reef ,become exposed during low tide. Cartier Island Marine Reserve includes the
  11. Has deeper soil cover, but over cultivation has caused serious erosion. A coral, reef ,lies close to shore; the island's capital of Mutsamudu is also its main port.
  12. S southeast, is considerably higher and forms the island's tallest point. The, reef ,surrounding Clipper ton is exposed at low tide. Clipperton's lagoon is devoid
  13. Clearly defined, no breakers, difficult to see) # Abington Reef (submerged, reef , nearly awash,4 by 2.5 km, area 7 km2) # Marion Reef (large circular atoll
  14. Northwest of Europa Island. It rises steeply from the seabed 3000 m below. The, reef ,rim averages around 100 m across and completely encloses a shallow lagoon that
  15. At high tide. Near the center of the lagoon is the only permanent land of the, reef ,- Heralds-Beacon Islet. The island is a small cay measuring 600 m by 120 m
  16. Nero Bank. Quite Steno Bank is claimed by the United States to be a submerged, reef , and thus does not recognize the sovereignty of any nation over the bank.
  17. Cayman Islands government intended to use Kittiwake to form a new artificial, reef , Originally intended to be sunk in June 2009,she was finally sunk off Seven
  18. Julia ". " Julia" was the name of a Portuguese ship that ran aground on this, reef , This ship was named" Julia" ( Jewess in Portuguese),because its owner was
  19. Ports or harbors, with anchorage available only offshore. The narrow fringing, reef ,surrounding the island can be a maritime hazard, so there is a day beacon near
  20. Small lagoon that is open to the North) # Malay Reef (small submerged, reef , not clearly defined, no breakers, difficult to see) # Abington Reef (
  21. 70 meters (area 5,000 m2),the highest point 0.8 meters. At low tides much of the, reef ,flat is exposed. Overview of islets and cays Man-made objects Automatic
  22. Measures about 10 by 4 km, with an area of 30 km2. On the southern side of the, reef ,lies Observatory Cay, the only permanently dry land, although there are a few
  23. Highest point close to the Northern end 1.5 meters. At low tides much of the, reef ,flat is exposed. #Elizabeth Reef, atoll about 8.2 by 5.5 km,Area 51 km2
  24. Out in their approach, leaving their occupants to wade ashore through the coral, reef ,in chest-high or deeper water while being raked by Japanese machine guns;
  25. By the sea from 3 hours before to 3 hours after high tide. The coastline of the, reef ,measures. The region is subject to cyclones. The atoll has long been a maritime
  26. On August 2,1981,the ship Primrose grounded on the North Sentinel Island, reef , A few days later, crewmen on the immobile vessel observed small black men were
  27. Marine habitats, including seagrass meadows, intertidal sand flats, coral, reef , flats,and lagoons, and supports an important and diverse range of species
  28. Herald Cays, Southwest Cay (4 km Southwest of Northeast Cay, encircled by a, reef ,of 2 by 2 km, total area 3 km2,land area 0.188 km2) # Lihou Reef and Cays (
  29. That are thought to be the earliest sponges and also the first non-microbial, reef ,builders. The end of the period was eventually set at a fairly definite fauna
  30. A condition which unless corrected leads to the deterioration and loss of the, reef , Sea sponges Green Algae live close to the surface of some sponges, for example
  31. Ending a thriving trade in metals and tiles. The same storm also created a, reef ,barrier at the Atlantic Ocean. Industry The city is also famous for its
  32. Of Isabel. To the east in the Caribbean Sea, the second-longest barrier, reef ,in the world flanks much of the of predominantly marshy coastline. The area of
  33. Japanese date: August 1,1590) *1791 – sinks after having run aground on a, reef ,the previous day. *1799 – The entire Dutch fleet is captured by British forces
  34. Rock, the soil is relatively rich in some areas. A well-developed coral, reef ,that encircles much of the island ensures protection for ships and a habitat
  35. Islet (area 0.163 km2) ) # Herald Cays, Northeast Cay (encircled by a, reef ,of 3 by 3 km, total area 6 km2,land area 0.34 km2) # Herald Cays, Southwest
  36. To May 11, 2011 at 33 sea sites of Bali. They have discovered 952 species of, reef ,fish which 8 of them were new discoveries at Veteran, Gilimanuk, Nusa Due
  37. Reef (atoll,15 by 5 km,60 km2) # Herald's Surprise (small submerged, reef ,North of Flinders Reefs,3 by 2 km) # Dart Reef (small submerged reef
  38. In Belize is Doyle's Delight at. The Caribbean coast is lined with a coral, reef ,and some 450 islets and islands known locally as cays (pronounced" keys" ).
  39. East sides are 2.1 to 3 m high, and those on the west and south sides 1.2 m The, reef ,is completely covered by the sea from 3 hours before to 3 hours after high tide
  40. Alaska repealed its state income tax. In 1989,the Exxon Valdez hit a, reef ,in the Prince William Sound, spilling over of crude oil over 1,100 miles (
  41. Of handling (more hazardous) acids. CO2 is also used in the keeping of, reef ,Aquarian, where it is commonly used in calcium reactors to temporarily lower the
  42. Island Marine Reserve includes the entire sand cay of Cartier Island,the, reef ,surrounding it, the ocean for a radius around the island, and below the
  43. Which were part of a convoy escorted by HMS Convert, were wrecked on the, reef ,in Gun Bay, on the East end of Grand Cayman, but with the help of local
  44. Green turtles and hawks bill turtles, both threatened, can be found along the, reef , Seabird species such as the lesser frigate bird, brown noddy and sooty tern use
  45. At which metabolism can proceed determines the growth or deterioration of the, reef , Algae of the Dinoflagellate phylum are often endosymbiosis in the cells of
  46. The seafloor. It was proclaimed in 2000. *Cartier Reef (44.03 km² area within, reef ,(including lagoon) There is an automatic weather station on West Islet.
  47. Has since become known as the Wreck of the Ten Sail. The ships had struck a, reef ,and run aground during rough seas. Legend has it that King George III rewarded
  48. 195 km2,with lagoon up to 30 m deep) # Shark Reef (small elongated submerged, reef ,15 km South of Osprey Reef, with the least depth of 7.8 m) # Bougainville Reef (
  49. Terrain is low-lying and sandy: a coral island surrounded by a narrow fringing, reef ,with a depressed central area devoid of any lagoon with its highest point being
  50. Reef North of Flinders Reefs,3 by 2 km) # Dart Reef (small submerged, reef ,Northwest of Flinders Reefs,3 by 3 km, area 6 km2 including small lagoon that

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