Examples of the the word, lamp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lamp ), is the 5870 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The entire width of the exit slit of the spectrometer. The use of a separate, lamp ,makes this technique the least accurate one, as it cannot correct for any
  2. Or bishop) pours pure olive oil and a small amount of wine into the shrine, lamp , and says the" Prayer of the Oil ", which calls upon God to" ... sanctify
  3. Above. The office of the Maronite was at first merely to take care of the, lamp ,which was to burn perpetually before the veil of the tabernacle Exodus 27:21. A
  4. Location to an enemy, inviting a reply by gunfire. Recognition signals by, lamp ,once seen could also easily be copied in future engagements. British ships both
  5. In free gas atoms. These colors can be replicated using a gas-discharge, lamp ,containing the same element. Name lochner2007/> Helium was discovered in
  6. To play on. Other early courses were also of this type, using anything from, lamp ,poles to fire hydrants as targets. When he finished college in 1968
  7. While methane, another suffocating gas and explosion risk would make the, lamp ,burn more brightly). Carbon dioxide differential above outdoor levels at
  8. Undulating roads where angular cues can't be used. British Rail color, lamp ,signals use more easily identifiable colors: the red is blood-red, the amber is
  9. But recognizing Eros instantly, she dropped her dagger. Oil spilled from the, lamp ,onto his shoulder, awaking him, and he fled, saying " Love cannot live where
  10. A high-contrast display these models illuminated the LCD using a filament, lamp ,and solid plastic light guide, which negated the low power consumption of the
  11. Which to human color perception most closely matches the light from the, lamp , Because such an approximation is not required for incandescent light, the CCT
  12. For each element that has to be determined. In CS AAS, in contrast, a single, lamp , emitting a continuum spectrum over the entire spectral range of interest is
  13. Compared to an arc lamp due to the better fit of the image of the former, lamp ,with that of the analyte HCL. Smith-Hieftje background correction This
  14. Was one of the principal seats of the glass industry in Indiana – plate glass, lamp ,chimneys, mirrors,BC., were once manufactured here. Charles Cordon Hall, a
  15. From HCL when high current is applied. Total absorption is measured with normal, lamp ,current, i. e., with a narrow emission line, and background absorption after
  16. Devices exist but are not usually called" diodes ". For example, a neon, lamp ,has two terminals in a glass envelope and has interesting and useful nonlinear
  17. At wavelengths above about 320 nm, as the emission intensity of the deuterium, lamp ,becomes very weak. The use of deuterium HCL is preferable compared to an arc
  18. Other side of the aperture. Alien was the first to demonstrate this with his, lamp ,experiment where several light sources are arranged across a large
  19. High intensity lighting. These compounds dissociate near the hot center of the, lamp ,releasing isolated dysprosium atoms. The latter re-emit light in the green and
  20. Particularly for flame AAS. In this case, a separate source (a deuterium, lamp ,) with broad emission is used to measure the background absorption over the
  21. June 2007,Apple upgraded the MacBook Pro, replacing cold cathode fluorescent, lamp ,(CCFL) backlit LCDs with mercury-free LED backlit LCDs and
  22. Becomes very weak. The use of deuterium HCL is preferable compared to an arc, lamp ,due to the better fit of the image of the former lamp with that of the analyte
  23. Economy and simplicity, as well as the quality of the flame for a burner, lamp , While his building was still under construction late in 1854,Bunsen suggested
  24. Lit depending on tradition. On the first night of Hanukkah one light (candle, lamp , or electric) is lit on the right side of the Menorah, on the following night
  25. For, where the rock suddenly opened before him and a beautiful cave lit by a, lamp ,presented itself to his view. The rabbis also dwell with special audition on
  26. Which offer text-to-speech and adjustable font size features. * Adjustable task, lamp , using a fluorescent bulb, shines directly onto the paper and can be adjusted
  27. Would seem to be a smoother (" fuller spectrum" ) power distribution than the, lamp ,actually has. Owing to their spiky distribution, much finer increments are
  28. The sacrament is reserved in a tabernacle or Aubrey with a lighted candle or, lamp ,nearby. Only a priest or a bishop may be the celebrant at the Eucharist, though
  29. Simply has to resolve the analytical line from other radiation emitted by the, lamp , This can usually be accomplished with a band pass between 0.2 and 2 nm, i. e.
  30. Was accidentally burned when the chemicals in her perfume got close to a, lamp ,while in Agra. This event precipitated a family crisis with political
  31. Wavelength range from 190 nm to 900 nm. A special high-pressure xenon short arc, lamp , operating in a hot-spot mode has been developed to fulfill these requirements.
  32. A" pushy dame" ( Calvin's mother) accuses him of destroying an expensive, lamp ,(broken during an indoor football game between Calvin and Hobbes). Later, he
  33. And Scandinavia used the Hefnerkerze, a unit based on the output of a Hefner, lamp , It became clear that a better-defined unit was needed. The Commission
  34. Apple upgraded the iMac and MacBook, replacing the cold cathode fluorescent, lamp ,(CCFL) backlit LCDs with mercury-free LED backlit LCDs and
  35. Was a monster, and she should strike him with a dagger. So one night she lit a, lamp , but recognizing Eros instantly, she dropped her dagger. Oil spilled from the
  36. Are available for correction purposes. One of these corrections is that for, lamp ,flicker noise, which is independent of wavelength, resulting in measurements
  37. That of sodium street lamp s; also the green can be confused with a grubby white, lamp , This is a risk factor on high-speed undulating roads where angular cues can't
  38. Analysis After electrophoresis the gel is illuminated with an ultraviolet, lamp ,(usually by placing it on a light box, while using protective gear to limit
  39. Monochromator, as will be discussed later. In addition, it is necessary that the, lamp ,emits radiation of intensity at least an order of magnitude above that of a
  40. Using correction pixels It has already been mentioned that in HR-CS AAS, lamp ,flicker noise is eliminated using correction pixels. In fact, any increase or
  41. Suffer such problems. The British preferred signalling by ship to ship flag and, lamp ,signals, avoiding wireless, whereas the Germans used wireless successfully. One
  42. Lamps (HCL) are the most common radiation source in LS AAS. Inside the sealed, lamp , filled with argon or neon gas at low pressure, is a cylindrical metal cathode
  43. As the same algorithm is used for background correction and elimination of, lamp ,noise, the background corrected signals show a much better signal-to-noise
  44. As it became unconscious would stop singing and fall off its perch. The Davy, lamp ,could also detect high levels of black damp (which collect near the floor) by
  45. Source is used; among the disadvantages are that the high-current pulses reduce, lamp ,lifetime, and that the technique can only be used for relatively volatile
  46. Background absorption are measured with the same emission profile of the same, lamp , so that any kind of background, including background with fine structure can
  47. For measuring AAS; however, it has the disadvantage that usually a separate, lamp ,is required for each element that has to be determined. In CS AAS, in contrast
  48. Polarizer, and the σ components do not overlap with the emission profile of the, lamp , so that only the background absorption is measured. The advantage of this
  49. Angle of the lamp —the full vertex angle of the emission cone. For example,a, lamp ,that emits 590 CD with a radiation angle of 40° emits about 223 lumens. See
  50. Field, resulting in a low-pressure inductively coupled discharge in the, lamp , The emission from an EDL is higher than that from an HCL, and the line width

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