Examples of the the word, designation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( designation ), is the 5864 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which allows operation of both the A310 and A300-600. * A300-600: (Official, designation ,: A300B4-600) The baseline model of the −600 series. * A300-620C: (Official
  2. Which is the missile's export name or R-77 the official Russian Air force, designation ,) does have an advantage as it has a greater range than the AMRAAM (when the
  3. The freighter version of the baseline −600. * A300-600R: (Official, designation ,: A300B4-600R) The increased range −600,achieved by an additional trim fuel
  4. Freighter version. First delivery December 1985. * A300-600F: (Official, designation ,: A300F4-600) The freighter version of the baseline −600. * A300-600R: (
  5. Both Persian or Indian names) or Arian (Albanian name) * or Again: the, designation ,of an inhabitant of Aria (a region in the eastern part of the Persian empire;
  6. Companion. Some older references use the confusing and now discontinued, designation ,of A×B. Since the distance between the Sun and Alpha Centauri AB does not
  7. Station. No changes were made in the armament. Re-designated obsolete (RB-25A, designation , ) in 1942. (Number made: 40. ); B-25B: Rear turret deleted; manned dorsal and
  8. Mediterranean, and soon became accepted generally in all languages as the, designation ,of the head of a monastery. At first, it was employed as a respectful title for
  9. There are approximately 9,500 American National Standards that carry the ANSI, designation , The American National Standards process involves: *consensus by a group that
  10. It was discovered by amateur astronomer Bill Young who gave it the temporary, designation ,J002E3 before it was determined to be an artificial object. Landing The Apollo
  11. He again followed a" top-down" (" north-south" ) route. Various Bayer, designation ,arrangements This" First to Rise in the East" method is done in a number of
  12. The binary star system is called Alpha Centauri AB (α CEN AB). This" AB ", designation ,denotes the apparent gravitational center of the main binary system relative to
  13. Of apartheid. By the 1970s this so discredited" Bantu" as an ethno-racial, designation ,that the apartheid government switched to the term" Black" in its official
  14. Aspirated engines (N52),not a 2,500 cc or 2,800 cc engine as the series, designation ,number would lead one to believe. The '28' is to denote a retuned engine in
  15. Passenger A300,an A300-622R,in November 2002. * A300-600RF: (Official, designation ,: A300F4-600R) The freighter version of the −600R. All A300s delivered between
  16. Giving a high commonality between the avionics of the A-1M (FLU aircraft, designation ,), the F-5M and the newly introduced Embrace A/T-29. With the Mirage III
  17. As number retirement, money,or organizational jobs, in exchange for the cap, designation , (For example, though Wade Boggs denied the claims, some media reports had
  18. The line 1. C4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4 the" Nimzo-English ", employing this, designation ,in Chapter 11 of his recent book Mastering the Chess Openings, Volume 3 (
  19. Are under a modernization program called F-5BR program, the aircraft official, designation ,is F-5M. The upgrade is being carried out by Embrace and EBIT; it includes a
  20. Visual companions The A-type main sequence star has the multiple star, designation ,WDS 19508+0852A and has three visual companion stars, WDS 19508+0852B,C, and
  21. AD) on the mean motion pages in his Tabulæ Astronomicæ, thus adding the, designation ,0 to Kepler's Christi. Finally, in 1740 the French astronomer Jacques Cassini
  22. U. S. Highway 290 enters Austin from the east and merges into I-35. Its highway, designation ,continues south on I-35 and then becomes part of Highway 71,continuing on to
  23. Became XIM-99A and YIM-99A,respectively. Originally the USAF had allocated the, designation ,IM-69,but this was changed (possibly at Boeing's request to keep number 99)
  24. With just over 25 days for the Sun). Barnard's Star has the variable star, designation ,V2500 Ophiuchus. In 2003,Barnard's Star presented the first detectable change
  25. These included live ramjets, but still had no guidance system or warhead. The, designation ,YF-99A had been reserved for the operational test vehicles. In August 1955,the
  26. The same island chain as Cuba, Hispaniola and the Turks and Pieces Islands; the, designation ,of the Bahamas refers normally to the Commonwealth and not the geographic chain.
  27. To see some effects of that. " She has also rejected an immigrant, designation ,for African-Americans and instead prefers the term" black" or" white" to
  28. Of space as one emerges from the Earth's atmosphere. * A black dwarf is the, designation ,used in astronomy for a star that has burned out. * The term" black hole" is
  29. A300B4-600) The baseline model of the −600 series. * A300-620C: (Official, designation ,: A300C4-620) A convertible freighter version. First delivery December 1985. *
  30. By popular etymology from a Scythian Ironic Alaina- 'unlit,' 'dark '; the, designation ," Black Sea" may thus date from Antiquity. A map of Asia dating to 1570
  31. As the A300F4-200 was soon replaced by the more capable A300-600F (official, designation ,: A300F4-600). A300-600 Officially designated A300B4-600,this version is the
  32. V. (film),a 2005 Hong Kong film directed by Pang Ho-Cheung Military *AV,the, designation ,for" seaplane tender" in the United States Navy's ship classification system
  33. Flares, winds,and plasma ejection events. A Bayer designation is a stellar, designation ,in which a specific star is identified by a Greek letter, followed by the
  34. Game Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies. In supplemental materials, the official, designation ,of the enemy Yellow Squadron is Aquila Squadron. * Aquila (children's
  35. Is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Major (despite its Bayer, designation ,being merely" epsilon" ), and at magnitude 1.76 is the thirty-first brightest
  36. Significance; he is the only native of Great Britain to achieve this, designation ,(Anselm of Canterbury, also a Doctor of the Church, was originally from Italy
  37. Such, but officially they were classified as large light cruisers. This unusual, designation ,was required because construction of new capital ships had been placed on hold
  38. Bridge Inventory tracks the structural evaluations of all bridges, including, designation , as " structurally deficient" and" functionally obsolete ". Visual index
  39. Then one-third of Acadia’s varsity athletes also achieve Academic All-Canadian, designation ,through Canadian Interuniversity Sport by maintaining a minimum average of 80
  40. And qualities of given products. Denmark: Herbal and dietary supplements is the, designation ,of a range of products, which have in common their status as medicine belonging
  41. Warhol also groomed a retinue of Bohemian eccentrics upon whom he bestowed the, designation ," Superstars ", including Nico, Joe Alejandro, Edie Sedgwick, Viva,Ultra
  42. Of the Ministry of Defense (Mod),the Aeronautic Ministry changed its, designation ,to Aeronautic Command, but no big changes happened to the air force structure
  43. Strongly influenced by solar flares, winds,and plasma ejection events. A Bayer, designation ,is a stellar designation in which a specific star is identified by a Greek
  44. Korean and Japanese, came to be known as" Macro-Altaic ", leading to the, designation ,by acronym of the smaller grouping as" Micro-Altaic ". Most proponents of
  45. There are two common ways in which Bayer designation s can be written. The, designation ,can be written out in full, as in Alpha Canis Majoris or Beta Versa, or a
  46. To whom they are dedicated. The trios were published in 1795. Despite the Op. 1, designation , these were not Beethoven's first published compositions; this distinction
  47. Organization's code for Alaska Airlines * Allmennaksjeselskap or ASA,the, designation ,for a Norwegian public limited company * ASA Aluminum Body, Argentinian
  48. Evans Shepard and Mitchell named their landing site Frey Mauro Base, and this, designation ,is recognized by the International Astronomical Union (depicted in Latin on
  49. These designation s have proved useful and are widely used today. Bayer, designation ,styles There are two common ways in which Bayer designation s can be written.
  50. Of Crowley's commune, while also being a type of magical school, giving it the, designation ," Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum," The College of the Holy Spirit. The general

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