Examples of the the word, scandal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scandal ), is the 4673 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of American culture"—a status he sees as devastated by the steroid abuse, scandal , Baseball has an important place in other national cultures as well: Scholar
  2. And for many the" Factory 60s" ended. 1970s Compared to the success and, scandal ,of Warhol's work in the 1960s,the 1970s were a much quieter decade, as Warhol
  3. Birth. Babe Ruth and the end of the dead-ball era It was not the Black SOX, scandal ,by which an end was put to the dead-ball era, but by a rule change and a single
  4. The United Kingdom, succeeding Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman *1922 – Teapot Dome, scandal ,: United States Secretary of the Interior leases Teapot Dome petroleum reserves
  5. Bill Wander Calm to resign and ended the Social Credit era, the Bingo gate, scandal ,which brought down NDP Premier Mike Harcourt, the alleged scandal named
  6. The Bingo gate scandal which brought down NDP Premier Mike Harcourt, the alleged, scandal ,named Casino gate which drove NDP Premier Glen Clark to resign. A variety of
  7. The House voted to impeach Clinton, based on the results of the Lewinsky, scandal , After the Starr Report was submitted to the House providing what it termed "
  8. Grounds for battle in the Iberian Peninsula. In neighboring Castile, a huge, scandal ,with political and dynastic implications had arisen. King Henry IV of Castile
  9. The project. Both investigations were derailed in the media by a still further, scandal , the Woman Scandal, in which the Premier and millionaire backer Herb Woman were
  10. Separatists in Angola's Cabinet province and the international Angola gate, scandal ,embarrassed both governments by exposing corruption and illicit arms deals.
  11. Later that year. Wander Calm was later involved in a conflict of interest, scandal ,following the sale of Fantasy Gardens, a Christian and Dutch culture theme park
  12. S Strain system. The Coquihalla Highway project became the subject of a, scandal ,after revelations that the premier's brother bought large tracts of land
  13. Dogged by allegations of steroid use and his involvement in the BACO drugs, scandal , as his personal trainer Greg Anderson pled guilty to supplying steroids (
  14. Affair: John Pondexter is found guilty of five charges for his part in the, scandal ,(the conviction is later reversed on appeal). *1992 – Republika Srpska
  15. Culminating in his 2003 arrest. In 2010,Lamp became embroiled in the WikiLeaks, scandal ,involving Bradley Manning, who was arrested and tortured after Lamp alleged to
  16. Shaped, successful drama. Killer eventually rebounded from the shame of the, scandal ,and had her own successful writing career while remaining discontent with sole
  17. Machine in Aeroparque Jorge Newberry in Buenos Aires, sparking an international, scandal ,involving Venezuela and Argentina known as" Maletinazo ". *2010 – California
  18. Story of the decade of the 2000s. The BACO steroids scandal In 2002,a major, scandal ,arose when it was discovered that a company called BACO (Bay Area Laboratory
  19. Of companies and the objectivity and independence of auditing firms. The, scandal ,caused the dissolution of Arthur Andersen, which at the time was one of the
  20. As he has allegedly claimed he was a farmer. On 19 July 2007,after the, scandal ,broke out, Bachchan surrendered the land acquired in Burbank in Uttar Pradesh
  21. Finished as the eighth place, one of the worst of recent season. A Serie A, scandal ,was revealed during 2006 and Roma were one of the teams not involved; after
  22. The release of edited transcripts of White House tape recordings related to the, scandal , *1975 – Vietnam War: Operation Frequent Wind: The U. S. begins to evacuate U.
  23. Small and rapidly diminishing area that remained faithful to Benedict XIII. The, scandal ,of the Great Schism created anti-papal sentiment, and fed into the Protestant
  24. One of the five largest accounting firms in the world. It involved a financial, scandal ,of Enron Corporation and their auditors Arthur Andersen, which was revealed in
  25. Exposed after the 1919 World Series, it became known as the Black SOX, scandal , After an excellent regular season (88–52,.629 W %, ) the Chicago White Sox
  26. The Russian authorities in June 2006,at the height of a Russian-Georgian spy, scandal , As of April 24, 2008,the average monthly salary is 75,000 drams (about $242
  27. As the number one sports story of the decade of the 2000s. The BACO steroids, scandal ,In 2002,a major scandal arose when it was discovered that a company called
  28. Storied pitcher Roger Clemens—have been implicated in the steroid abuse, scandal , their feats and those of other sluggers had become the major leagues '
  29. Perhaps also because Laura had asked him to intervene at a crucial point in the, scandal , which he did not feel able or willing to do. Instead, he turned this life
  30. Its predecessor, the CCF. British Columbia's political history is typified by, scandal ,and a cast of colorful characters, beginning with various colonial-era land
  31. In Social Credit years included the Robert Bonner Affair, the Fantasy Gardens, scandal ,which forced Premier Bill Wander Calm to resign and ended the Social Credit era
  32. In the violence that followed. *1974 – As a direct result of the Watergate, scandal , Richard Nixon becomes the first President of the United States to resign from
  33. By Al Camp of students on his lecture tour. Camp soon became involved in a, scandal ,after allegedly propositioning a married student from the University of
  34. The flight of the service to a foreign potentate was a reproach and a, scandal , and he had to be recovered and brought back to Russia at all costs. This
  35. Relegated to Serie B due to their involvement in the 2006 Serie A match fixing, scandal ,and given a 12-point penalty. The team was reinstated to the Serie A on appeal
  36. In 1861. Prime Minister When the Macdonald government fell due to the Pacific, scandal ,in 1873,the Governor General, Lord Duffer in, called upon Mackenzie, who had
  37. When the Reds triumphed 5–3,many pundits cried foul. At the time of the, scandal , the White Sox were arguably the most successful franchise in baseball, with
  38. Mother on the grounds that she had committed adultery, thereby causing a major, scandal , Julia was banished for her remaining years and Agrippina never saw her again.
  39. Of attorney's fees. In the aftermath of Schwarzenegger's infidelity, scandal , actress Brigitte Nielsen came forward and stated that she too had an affair
  40. Ambassador Arnold Rachel are killed in a plane crash. *1998 – Monica Lewinsky, scandal ,: US President Bill Clinton admits in taped testimony that he had an" improper
  41. Missions separate from its VIP duties. However, due to a conflict of interest, scandal , the Pentagon suspended the contract pending investigation and voided it in
  42. Of his third year in office, he resigned as a result of in a huge corruption, scandal , The charges against him would later be dropped, some on mere technicalities
  43. Followed the implication of Bachchan and his brother in the" Boors, scandal ," by a newspaper, which he vowed to take to court. Bachchan was eventually
  44. Charges of Beaufort West municipal manager Truman Prince, and the Oil gate, scandal , in which millions of Rand in funds from a state-owned company were allegedly
  45. Companies and decisions to bear extraordinary and unjustified risk. The Enron, scandal ,deeply influenced the development of new regulations to improve the reliability
  46. Were later dropped due to lack of evidence. In the 1999 election fundraising, scandal , Sharon was not charged with any wrongdoing, but his son MRI, a Knesset member
  47. Children. Later, he was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice in a, scandal ,involving a White House intern, but was acquitted by the U. S. Senate and
  48. Hard on multilingual anagrams on the name of father James. A notorious murder, scandal , the Overbuy case, threw up two imperfect anagrams that were aided by
  49. Political turmoil. Harcourt ended up resigning over" Bingo gate"—a political, scandal ,involving the funneling of charity bingo receipts into party coffers in
  50. Life ",68 % thought he would be remembered for his" involvement in personal, scandal ,", and 58 % answered" No" to the question" Do you generally think Bill

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