Examples of the the word, termination , in a Sentence Context

The word ( termination ), is the 4693 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. All franchisees who have left the network during the preceding year, whether by, termination ,or non-renewal, and: f) the conditions for renewal, assignment, termination
  2. Microarrays are a variant of this. * Automated sequencing of DNA by the chain, termination ,method; each of four different chain terminating bases has its own specific
  3. Reason for seeking shelter. Name Chatterton2003/> Abortion refers to the, termination ,of pregnancy at any stage that does not result in birth; medically, abortion is
  4. Thus, fluctuations in the former inflation would not affect inflation, termination , while fluctuations in the latter would not affect the rate of expansion.
  5. For the slow roll (thus determining the period of inflation and its, termination ,). Thus, fluctuations in the former inflation would not affect inflation
  6. After a long successful career with Adam El Than, Diab officially announced the, termination ,of his contract with Chosen Gamer (owner of Adam El Than) and move to the
  7. As a result, the replication forks are constrained to always meet within the, termination ,region of the chromosome. Polymerase chain reaction Researchers commonly
  8. And Trevor Taint on, who became known as the 'Ashton Gate Eight ', each accepted, termination ,of his contract for half the amount due to him. Revival (1982–90) City spent
  9. To x. This code uses inclusive bounds and a three-way test (for early loop, termination ,in case of equality),but with two separate comparisons per iteration. It is
  10. Crystal system, with tabular to prismatic crystals with an obvious paranoid, termination , It has four prism faces and two paranoid faces to form a pseudohexagonal
  11. That does not result in birth; medically, abortion is typically defined as the, termination ,of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo
  12. As an uneven tendency to" percolate" outwards, within an eventual slowing and, termination ,of the effort given the enormous costs involved and the fact that colonies will
  13. Portuguese West Africa),and erected a second pillar, probably marking the, termination ,of this voyage, at Cape Santa Maria (the Montenegro of these first visitors)
  14. In their works. In fact, some copyright laws, like US's ones include a ", termination ,right ", so artist can take back the rights on their work 35 years after its
  15. Aspects of both types, are also common. Edge dislocations are caused by the, termination ,of a plane of atoms in the middle of a crystal. In such a case, the adjacent
  16. The development of this technology has led to sex-selective abortion, or the, termination ,of a fetus based on sex. The selective termination of a female fetus is most
  17. Abortion, or the termination of a fetus based on sex. The selective, termination ,of a female fetus is most common. It is suggested that sex-selective abortion
  18. End of the parental chromosome. E cold regulate this process through the use of, termination ,sequences that, when bound by the Tu's protein, enable only one direction of
  19. Into 10BASE-T,which was designed for point-to-point links only, and all, termination ,was built into the device. This changed repeaters from a specialist device used
  20. Then executes (" runs" ) the program, instruction by instruction, until, termination , A program in execution is called a process. Termination is either by normal
  21. Hydrogen from the alkane to give an alkyl radical. This reacts further. * Chain, termination ,where step the radicals recombine. Experiments have shown that all alienation
  22. Advertisements, including the influential" Face" campaign. Following the, termination ,of its relationship with BA, Saatchi & Saatchi made an imitation of this advert
  23. Structures * Structured looping constructs, with an END DO statement for loop, termination , and EXIT and CYCLE statements for" breaking out" of normal DO loop
  24. DSL can be used as an access method for an ATM network, allowing a DSL, termination ,point in a telephone central office to connect to many internet services
  25. Intractable suffering ". In the Netherlands, euthanasia is understood as ", termination ,of life by a doctor at the request of a patient ". Euthanasia is categorized in
  26. In these areas, the local telephone carriers are allowed to charge a high ", termination ,fee" to the caller's carrier in order to fund the cost of providing service
  27. Reckoning. " That winter which will be the death of Time has no promise of, termination , Winter that returns not to spring ... - who can bear it? " She dealt deftly
  28. Final independence of the Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia after, termination ,of trusteeship. * 1990 – The Parliament of Croatia adopts the current
  29. Has terminated. References to a lexical variables and functions after the, termination ,of their establishing construct are possible thanks to lexical closures.
  30. Answering dishonestly on them can be grounds for rejecting the application, or, termination , if the lie is discovered after hire. It is legal to discriminate against felons
  31. A" revelation" of the person delivering it. Notes Death is the permanent, termination ,of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. Phenomena which
  32. By termination or non-renewal, and: f) the conditions for renewal, assignment, termination , and the scope of exclusivity. Initially, there was some uncertainty whether any
  33. DSL access to the customers of many internet service providers. Since one DSL, termination ,point can support multiple ISPs, the economic feasibility of DSL is
  34. Can be divided between daughters. A co-heir may petition the Crown for a, termination ,of the abeyance. The Crown may choose to grant the petition, but if there is
  35. He continued about a year, studying with the utmost assiduity. After the, termination ,of this engagement he began to work on his own account, and received from his
  36. It must be refunded on termination of the franchise agreement; and, upon, termination , the franchisee is prohibited from continuing to use the franchisor’s marks.
  37. Against the council. Unison estimate that the cost to the taxpayer of early, termination ,could be as much as £50m. The political composition of the county council is as
  38. If the franchisee has paid a deposit to the franchisor, it must be refunded on, termination ,of the franchise agreement; and, upon termination , the franchisee is prohibited
  39. Abuse, legitimacy,adoption, surrogacy,child abuse, and child abduction *the, termination ,of the relationship and ancillary matters including divorce, annulment
  40. Which leads to a fast roll of the inflation down its potential, leading to, termination ,of inflation. Inflation and string cosmology The discovery of flux
  41. Medical procedures necessary to save the woman's life if they result in the, termination ,of pregnancy. " The medical Procedural Code, he says, is not affected by the
  42. The franchisee’s confidentiality obligations continue indefinitely after, termination ,or expiration of the franchise agreement: :* if the franchisee has paid a
  43. Suffering Alexandria residents, he declared the" burning of Alexandria a fit, termination ,of the unfortunate Red River expedition. " This is due in part to the large
  44. Due to the improbability that any given fossil represents the absolute, termination ,of an evolutionary path. Types of preservation Per mineralization
  45. Agreements, for example in relation to marketing funds, a cooling-off period, termination ,and the resolution of disputes by mediation. The federal government is
  46. Iraq. Brazil's arms industry nearly collapsed after 1988,as a result of the, termination ,of the Iran-Iraq War (1980–88),a reduction in world demand for armaments
  47. Leading to cancer formation. Because bacteria have circular chromosomes, termination ,of replication occurs when the two replication forks meet each other on the
  48. Him in crushing the Woman Rebellion, he patiently worked to its eventual, termination , Since World War II, Ethiopia has played an active role in world and African
  49. Statement" absolutely insufficient" because it did not commit to a complete, termination ,of what Ares considered" terrorist activity" by the group. Observers urged
  50. With forming of another inactive particle from the initial active one); *, termination ,(elementary step in which active particle loses its activity without

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