Examples of the the word, spokesman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spokesman ), is the 4688 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pressure from the government. The Norwegian Nobel Committee called him a, spokesman ,for the conscience of mankind. On December 19, 1986 Mikhail Gorbachev who had
  2. The Blue Angels marked their 60th year of performing. On 30 October 2008 a, spokesman ,for the team announced that the team would complete its last three performances
  3. To be used on all occasions excepting those of a specifically regal nature. A, spokesman ,for the Prime Minister Golf Whitley stated that the Government regarded the
  4. Elements had to be sustained and protected from harm. On March 30, 2010,a, spokesman ,for the Egyptian Culture Ministry claimed it had unearthed a large red granite
  5. Commons led to its repeal. With this, Franklin suddenly emerged as the leading, spokesman ,for American interests in England. He wrote popular essays on behalf of the
  6. Were issued ", said Officer Jason Lee, a Los Angeles Police Department, spokesman , Schwarzenegger did not obtain his motorcycle license until July 3,2006.
  7. S death, most of his survivors and supporters recognized Clive Doyle as the, spokesman ,of their organization. But, according to the church's Constitution and By-Laws
  8. Advisory Council member, editor of the BNP's website and foreign affairs, spokesman ,but resigned from all positions due to financial disputes. Policies Economic
  9. 2008,The Migration Information Source article noted that" A Nigerian Embassy, spokesman ,estimated that Nigerians possibly make up the largest group of Black Africans
  10. Sport where hurting the other athlete is the goal. Dr. Bill O'Neill, boxing, spokesman , for the British Medical Association, has supported the BMA's proposed ban on
  11. Systems. Speaking to Radio Free Europe's Armenian service, Defense Ministry, spokesman ,David Karapetyan confirmed that the Armenian army now has S-300s in its missile
  12. His contract required. Upon the U. S. entering World War I, Chaplin became a, spokesman ,for Liberty Bonds with his close friend Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford.
  13. Deleted all references to Zubaydah’s statements in its public dossier. A, spokesman ,for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service stated“ The CSIS director has
  14. Hall of Fame in 1963. As NFL Commissioner, his role was to act as the principal, spokesman ,for the NFL, enhance the league's popularity, maintain a core set of franchise
  15. And thus not to heterosexual intercourse at all. However, Federico Lombardi, spokesman ,of the Vatican, clarified that it applied to heterosexual and transsexual
  16. Of civil rights martyr Edgar Every, Charles Every is a leading civil rights, spokesman ,within the Republican Party in his native Mississippi. In 1969, he became the
  17. Although the story was later" splashed across" the BNP's website. BNP, spokesman ,Simon Darby denied that the party exploited the story. Winston Churchill's
  18. Troops engage Abu SAAF bandits in Suburban town in Basil an. Abu SAAF, spokesman ,Abu Malaya threatens to behead two of the hostages. * June 2 - Abu SAAF
  19. The move prompted outcry and comparisons to Nineteen Eighty-Four itself, Amazon, spokesman , Drew Hardener stated that the company is" changing our systems so that in the
  20. Greek (to release Israel from captivity, Aaron became his brother’s Nazi, or, spokesman , to his own people (Exodus 7:1) and, after their unwillingness to hear, too
  21. San Sub FYI trial is an internal affair of Myanmar ", Vietnamese government, spokesman ,Le Dung stated on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In contrast
  22. And that one of al-Qaeda's“ many tentacles" was" cut off. ” - White House, spokesman ,ARI Fleischer *Abu Zubaydah was“ one of the top operatives plotting and
  23. Never rivaled Li'l Abner's or Fearless Fosdick's, he was a celebrity, spokesman ,in print ads for Shaffer Snorkel fountain pens (along with colleagues and
  24. Attracted to the states rights Democratic Party of Andrew Jackson. He became a, spokesman ,for the numerous yeomen farmers and mountaineers against the wealthier, but
  25. And death Cicero and Antony then became the two leading men in Rome; Cicero as, spokesman ,for the Senate and Antony as consul, leader of the Caesarion faction, and
  26. And fined £200. The fine was criticized as an" an absolute disgrace" by a BNP, spokesman ,and a detective sergeant involved said he was" disappointed" with the outcome
  27. Late to the distraction of the teacher and other students. " In 2008 a campus, spokesman ,also said that one goal of the dress code was" to teach our young people to
  28. Hope to those oppressed by communist regimes. As a Whig activist, Lincoln was a, spokesman ,for business interests, favoring high tariffs, banks,internal improvements
  29. Which was the second in the region in three days, but Sudanese foreign ministry, spokesman ,Jamal Mohammed Ibrahim denies any Sudanese involvement," We are not for any
  30. Incidents, double the number of the previous year (2008). Fredrik Sieradzki, spokesman ,for the Malmö Jewish community, estimated that the already small Jewish
  31. Negotiations led by the UN, the government released her; a government, spokesman ,said that she was free to move" because we are confident that we can trust
  32. Effect the next day. Günter Schabowski, the party boss in East Berlin and the, spokesman ,for the SED Politburo, had the task of announcing this; however he had not been
  33. Wheat using the Abner characters, and in the 1950s,Fearless Fossil became a, spokesman ,for Wild root Cream-Oil hair tonic in a series of daily strip-style print ads.
  34. The announcement the No.4 or slot pilot, was absent from the formation. A, spokesman ,for the team would not confirm the identity of the pilot removed from the team.
  35. A major conflict arose between Venice and the Papacy. Paolo Sari, as, spokesman , for the Republic of Venice, protested against the papal interdict, and
  36. And 90 MHz from mobile satellite service. Mark Wig field, broadband, spokesman , for the FCC, pointed out that even in the unlikely event all broadcasters in a
  37. Government. He strengthened the power of the presidency, which he saw as, spokesman ,for the entire population, as opposed to Congressmen from a specific small
  38. Was Asian Mashhad, the Foreign Minister was Ilya Akhmatova, who was the, spokesman ,for Mashhad. Asian Mashhad had been elected in an internationally monitored
  39. Abu Zubaydah’s capture would help deter future attacks. Also, White House, spokesman ,ARI Fleischer stated Abu Zubaydah could provide a treasure-trove of information
  40. In the world by 2010. " Adding: Jonathan Todd,Commission's Internal Market, spokesman , declared: European Commission President Romano Prod, asked to evaluate his
  41. Put, one of the top terrorist leader based in Lulu province, said the, spokesman , 2007 * January 17 - Abu SAAF leader, Abu Sulaiman is killed in a gun battle
  42. His leader to the Scotland on Sunday newspaper. *Liberal Democrats Home Affairs, spokesman ,Mark Oaten resigns after it is revealed by the News of the World that he paid
  43. Media. It proposes that homosexuality should be returned" to the closet ". BNP, spokesman ,Phil Edwards stated that homosexuality" is unnatural" and" does not lead to
  44. Approved by the bank's board of directors; however, PRC Foreign Ministry, spokesman ,Qin Gang claimed," The Asian Development Bank, regardless of the major
  45. That he will gain consciousness get smaller ". On 23 July 2006,a hospital, spokesman ,announced that Sharon's condition was deteriorating, with a change in his
  46. Ordered the U. S. Embassy in Minsk to cut its staff by half. A White House, spokesman ,described the expulsion as" deeply disappointing ". Relations with third
  47. The Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS). Goldwater was also a prominent, spokesman ,for amateur radio and its enthusiasts. Beginning in 1969 up to his death he
  48. And there are planned 11 locations that the PAC-3 will be installed. A military, spokesman ,said that tests had been done on two sites, one of them a business park in
  49. Hard to get an American because they may think we are afraid of them," a, spokesman ,for Abu SAAF said. " We want to fight the American people. " They have also
  50. His early and indefatigable campaigning for colonial unity; as an author and, spokesman ,in London for several colonies, then as the first United States Ambassador to

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