Examples of the the word, tide , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tide ), is the 4691 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dry land, although there are a few of others cays that can be awash at high, tide , #Kenn Reefs, submerged atoll of about 15 by 8 km, area 40 km2,islet
  2. Reef is completely covered by the sea from 3 hours before to 3 hours after high, tide , The coastline of the reef measures. The region is subject to cyclones. The
  3. The Pyrenees, Charles Martel's halt of the invasion of French soil turned the, tide ,of Islamic advances, and the unification of the Frankish kingdoms under Martel
  4. Swamps fringe estuaries and lagoons where the salinity changes with each, tide , Among the most specialized residents of mangrove forests are mud skippers, fish
  5. Is affected by tide , the swing range will be larger at low tide than at high, tide , However, no matter where the vessel is anchored, the largest possible swing
  6. Deeply involved in the plot. It was in their interest to stem the Lombard, tide ,by bringing a pro-Byzantine regime into power in Verona, and possibly in the
  7. And not the current tide state. Swing range If the anchorage is affected by, tide , the swing range will be larger at low tide than at high tide . However, no
  8. Due to the potential for increased toxic phytoplankton growth (e.g. " Red, tide ,"),declining water quality due to overgrowth, and increasing anoxia in areas
  9. Can penetrate the foliage. Depth and tide s If the anchorage is affected by, tide , tide ranges, as well as the times of high and low water, should be known.
  10. Dangers, as well as being useful in estimating the effects of weather and, tide ,in the anchorage, is essential in choosing a good place to drop the hook. One
  11. Stayed in the camp and didn't support the cavalry. But, this time,the, tide ,turned. The Tatar cavalry won against its Polish counterpart. The Tatars came
  12. Has been widely criticized for not taking an active enough role to stem the, tide ,of steroid use in baseball until it had blossomed into a debilitating problem
  13. If the anchorage is affected by tide , the swing range will be larger at low, tide ,than at high tide . However, no matter where the vessel is anchored, the largest
  14. Seabed with the use of a tool, so require access to the bottom, either at low, tide ,or by use of a diver. Hence, they can be difficult to install in deep water
  15. Were originally communal folk songs sung during celebrations such as" harvest, tide ," as well as Christmas. It was only later that carols began to be sung in
  16. Water and dryness with intensities that vary by location from high to low, tide ,# climatic moisture gradient # temperature gradient by altitude # temperature
  17. Evaded detection. They in turn would take up the fight, eventually turning the, tide ,of the war in the Pacific. The sinking of the British battleship Prince of
  18. From memory, based on the day of the Lunar month, without needing to refer to, tide ,tables. Certain inshore passages on the China coast, for example, where there
  19. Not an articulated design, they have the reputation of not breaking out with, tide ,or wind changes, instead slowly turning in the bottom to align with the force.
  20. And Antares were added, and Iberia was again invaded in 1119 and 1121,but the, tide ,had turned, the French having assisted the Aragonite to recover Zaragoza. In
  21. Storytelling ALF" doll. The staggering success of the dolls could not stem the, tide ,of red ink that had begun with the launch of the Adam computer. In 1988,the
  22. There were several islands which were not completely submerged at high, tide , Three of them (later to be known as Liberty, Black Tom and Ellis) were given
  23. Socio-economic development of Flanders was in full effect, could Dutch stem the, tide ,of increasing French use. Through immigration, a further number of formerly
  24. The family moved to Moscow. At the time of the Eighth Symphony's premiere,the, tide ,had turned for the Red Army. Therefore, the public, and most importantly the
  25. Is sufficiently protected; has suitable holding ground, enough depth at low, tide ,and enough room for the boat to swing. The location to drop the anchor should
  26. Penetrate the foliage. Depth and tide s If the anchorage is affected by tide , tide ,ranges, as well as the times of high and low water, should be known. Enough
  27. Direction before going through. Thrill-seeking kayaks go there during large, tide ,changes to surf the standing waves and brave the class 2 and 3 rapid conditions
  28. Of high and low water, should be known. Enough depth is needed so that low, tide ,does not present obstacles to where the vessel might swing. This is also
  29. The old leadership. Preparations for war: the flag and the oath In the rising, tide ,of anger and resentment amongst the miners, a more militant leader, Peter Labor
  30. Determining scope, which should be figured for high tide and not the current, tide ,state. Swing range If the anchorage is affected by tide , the swing range will
  31. Within 24 hours after the US Army starting using their Choctaw speakers,the, tide ,of the battle had turned. In less than 72 hours the Germans were retreating and
  32. Kantha, or blue-throated, for having swallowed poison in an attempt to turn the, tide ,of a battle between the gods and demons in the gods' favor. * Blue in Judaism
  33. Efforts were not sufficient nor instituted in enough time to stop the rising, tide ,of Italian fascism. Ethiopia lost its independence in the Italian invasion of
  34. When the direction of force changes dramatically, such as with the changing, tide , and on some occasions it might not reset but instead drag. Bruce/ Claw This
  35. This is also important when determining scope, which should be figured for high, tide ,and not the current tide state. Swing range If the anchorage is affected by
  36. Reefs and atolls, twelve being wholly submerged or drying only during low, tide , and 18 others with a total of about 51 islets and cays (18 alone on the atoll
  37. Roger Jones, CSN received the advice from his pilots to take the midnight high, tide ,to depart back over the bar toward the CS Navy base at Norfolk until noon of
  38. Small submerged atoll,2.5 by 4 km, area 8 km2 with lagoon, dries at half, tide ,) # East Holmes Reef (submerged atoll, about 14 by 10 km, area 125 km2 with
  39. Coastlines are identifiable by the coastal landforms, which are above the high, tide ,mark, such as raised beaches. Alternatively, a submerged coastline is a
  40. Allow. Subsequent generations in the city would be strongly influenced by the, tide ,of Baroque styles pre-eminent in other parts of Italy. Freed burg derides Allow
  41. The island's tallest point. The reef surrounding Clipper ton is exposed at low, tide , Clipperton's lagoon is devoid of fish, and contains some deep basins with
  42. To the bar" and that she could not remain and" take the ground on a falling, tide , " So to prevent getting stuck, Lieutenant Jones called off the battle and
  43. Small rocky island off the coast of Casablanca and can only be reached when the, tide ,is low. This outcrop, is where the tomb of Side Abdurrahman Alibi, original
  44. Artillery, sandbags. Commanded by António de Abreu it sailed upriver at high, tide ,onto the bridge, with success: the day after all had landed. After a fierce
  45. Upon him during the decade-long drought (at the height of the neoliberal, tide ,) which preceded Strangler to 'forsake" literature ", and become instead a "
  46. Dry land area, although large parts of the reef become exposed during low, tide , Cartier Island Marine Reserve includes the entire sand cay of Cartier Island
  47. Of marine species. These mostly submerged atolls which dry only during low, tide ,were added to the territory only in 1989. They are located on the Lord Howe
  48. Taking Egypt and Palestine, before the Abbasid dynasty was able to turn the, tide , limiting Fatimid rule to Egypt. The Fatimid dynasty finally ended in 1171. The
  49. Reefs, which enclose a narrow lagoon, are completely submerged at high, tide , Near the center of the lagoon is the only permanent land of the reef -
  50. Not as one-sided as the number of wins suggest, with several tight matches. The, tide ,finally turned in 1953 when England won the final Test at The Oval to take the

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