Examples of the the word, confirmation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( confirmation ), is the 4681 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Book included the other occasional services in full: the orders for baptism, confirmation , marriage,'prayers to be said with the sick' and a funeral service. It set
  2. Merits) and the character indelible (sacramental character) of baptism, confirmation , and ordination. That doctrine had been written about much earlier by Augustine
  3. Deliberately to maintain the balance of power and as such, was also taken as, confirmation ,of the Soviet adherence to the MAD doctrine. Missiles limited by the treaty The
  4. User acceptance testing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a process to obtain, confirmation ,that a system meets mutually agreed-upon requirements. A Subject-Matter Expert
  5. With Thomas at the commission and was a close friend. During his contentious, confirmation , she spoke out on his behalf and helped edit The Real Anita Hill, a book by
  6. Never gave me so much pleasure as the discovery of a theoretic truth, or the, confirmation ,of a calculation by experiment ". His name is one of the 72 names inscribed on
  7. Of the new diocese were defined, and Pope John XVIII granted the papal, confirmation ,in the same year. Henry II ordered the building of a new cathedral, which was
  8. Source counts, began to favor Big Bang over Steady State. The discovery and, confirmation ,of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964 secured the Big Bang as
  9. The rite until adolescence or adulthood, although in some parts of the world, confirmation ,is administered to infants immediately after baptism by Catholic bishops. **
  10. To the naked eye while passing through the inner Solar System. Since the, confirmation ,of the periodicity of Halley's Comet, quite a few other periodic comets have
  11. Of experiments carried out by Chaudesaigues in 1908 and Person in 1909. The, confirmation ,of Einstein's theory constituted empirical progress for the kinetic theory of
  12. Regardless, if one were to call one of these numbers, listen for the number, confirmation ,and hang up, they would in effect be using this system as if it were an ANA.
  13. Corrine assassination attempt. Farad'n uses the situation to force his formal, confirmation ,of power from his mother in front of witnesses. Jessica and Farad'n make a
  14. Are mutually contradictory. Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches perform, confirmation , which they call Christian, on infants immediately after baptism, while the
  15. Anointings occur in relation to other sacraments, in particular baptism, confirmation ,and ordination, and also in the coronation of a monarch. Names Since 1972,the
  16. Supporters, partly due to their timing (only revealed during Justice Thomas ', confirmation ,hearings) and the" he said, she said" nature of the discussions made
  17. Abbot. In abbeys exempt from the (arch)bishop's diocesan jurisdiction,the, confirmation ,and benediction had to be conferred by the pope in person, the house being
  18. For further investigation, particularly in issues of stellar evolution. The, confirmation ,of his estimated stellar diameters by Michelson in 1920 proved crucial in
  19. In practice, since before 1500 or so),the Church may carry out a ", confirmation ,of cults ", which is much simpler. For example, Saint Hermann Joseph had his
  20. Since Guth's early work, each of these observations has received further, confirmation , most impressively by the detailed observations of the cosmic microwave
  21. Thomas. She gained national exposure for testifying at Thomas' 1991 Senate, confirmation ,hearings alleging that her supervisor Thomas had made provocative and harassing
  22. SME),preferably the owner or client of the object under test, provides such, confirmation ,after trial or review. In software development, UAT is one of the final stages
  23. Various baseball pundits, fans,and even players have taken this as, confirmation ,that Bonds used illegal steroids. Bonds never tested positive in tests
  24. Evidence that arsenic is actually incorporated into biomolecules. Independent, confirmation ,of this finding has not yet been possible. Methylation of arsenic Inorganic
  25. French Jesuit priest and geologist Pierre Ballard de Chardin saw evolution as, confirmation ,of his Christian beliefs, despite condemnation from Church authorities for his
  26. They had last been seen" gone down the North side of Hispaniola ". Although no, confirmation ,exists that these two ships were controlled by Teach and Bonnet, author Angus
  27. Enough alone to lead to the first formulating of the idea. Once cognized, confirmation ,bias and avoidance of cognitive dissonance may reinforce the belief. In a
  28. At the level of two standard deviations (2σ). This is considered an important, confirmation ,of the theory of inflation. However, the third-year data revealed that the
  29. Ordinances through which adherents make covenants with God, including baptism, confirmation , the sacrament (holy communion),and celestial marriage (marriage blessings
  30. Then closes with Moroni's testimony and an invitation to pray to God for a, confirmation ,of the truthfulness of the account. Doctrinal and philosophical teachings The
  31. Of the other sacraments, including the Eucharist, reconciliation of penitents, confirmation ,and anointing of the sick. To those who claim it, apostolic succession is an
  32. By jurisdiction to the monks themselves, reserving to the bishop the, confirmation ,of the election and the benediction of the new abbot. In abbeys exempt from the
  33. And" capital" only in one place, chapter 2,article 32: The king's, confirmation ,by oath and his coronation take place in" the capital Amsterdam" (" DE
  34. Or a stack of chips will be more likely to seven out. This is likely a case of, confirmation ,bias, however,for the sake of a harmonious table care should be taken to keep
  35. Cosmic microwave background. These measurements are expected to provide further, confirmation ,of the theory as well as information about cosmic inflation, and the so-called
  36. Review. Van de Kamp never acknowledged any error and published a further, confirmation ,of two planets' existence as late as 1982; he died in 1995. Wolff Heinz, Van
  37. If they predate the 15th century Portuguese colonization of the Azores. Solid, confirmation ,of a pre-Portuguese human presence in the archipelago has not yet been
  38. GlaxoSmithKline plc, moved a step closer to the High Court in London, with the, confirmation ,that Public Funding had been reinstated following a decision by the Public
  39. Solar system – that the Earth revolved annually about the Sun – had received, confirmation ,by the observations of Galileo and Tycho Brahe (who, however,never accepted
  40. God to his children. Individual members are entitled to divine revelation for, confirmation ,of truths, gaining knowledge or wisdom, meeting personal challenges, etc.
  41. Been built to experiment on and test such conditions, resulting in significant, confirmation ,of this theory. On the other hand, these accelerators have limited capabilities
  42. Been discussions for reunion concert, but nothing is set. " There was also no, confirmation ,of a location for the concerts. Al Sardine joined the Beach Boys for the first
  43. Themselves convinced that a supreme effort was necessary. It may be noted, in, confirmation , of this view, that the naval supremacy of Regina is assigned by the ancient
  44. The world better ". As noted in the Will Broker book, Batman Unmasked," the, confirmation ,of Batman's identity lies with the young audience ... he doesn't have to be
  45. Meantime, Lambert and his mother Gertrude travelled to Rome to receive papal, confirmation ,of his imperial succession, but Formosa, still desiring to crown Arnulfo, was
  46. Before been found in space). This discovery was considered as a controversial, confirmation ,of a hypothesis that as nebulae of the same type as the Red Rectangle approach
  47. With the bishop. The bishop is also the proper minister of the sacrament of, confirmation , and in the Anglican Communion and Liberal Catholic communion only a bishop may
  48. Stellar parallaxes existed, then the Copernican theory would receive additional, confirmation , Many observers claimed to have determined such parallaxes, but Tycho Brahe and
  49. Made an elaborate speech in favor of Antony, and would have proposed the, confirmation ,of his ACTA had it not been vetoed by a tribune. Octavian was not present, but
  50. Investigations, Sharon in his role as Prime Minister was not involved in the, confirmation ,of the appointment of a new Attorney General Men ahem Jazz in 2005. On 10

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