Examples of the the word, urgent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( urgent ), is the 4680 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Clark's usual method of changing was to either" suddenly" remember something, urgent ,that required his immediate attention or leave the room/area under the pretense
  2. Strongly in traditional values and traditional politics, and often have an, urgent ,sense of nationalism. Social conservatism is distinct from cultural
  3. Began to cross to the north bank of the Danube. On 10 August, Eugene sent an, urgent ,dispatch reporting that he was falling back to Donauwörth –" The enemy have
  4. The new closing number of his act. After a show in La Crosse, Wisconsin,an, urgent ,message on the letterhead of the local Catholic diocese's newspaper was sent
  5. To enhance in-situ population growth and why this initiative is both, urgent ,and fundamental to the future survival of mountain bongo in the wild. The
  6. Two years of the singer's life, observed his rapidly declining health and the, urgent ,need to address it:" But we all knew it was hopeless because Elvis was
  7. Vermeulen declared at the European Patent Forum in May 2008 that there was an ", urgent ,need" for a community patent. Agreement in December 2009,and language issue
  8. Residing in Islamabad. The victim suffered multiple fractures and required, urgent ,surgery for her injuries. The accident occurred in the F6/1 section of
  9. Accident, but her mysterious mother informs Laura's father that her journey is, urgent ,and cannot be delayed. She arranges to leave her daughter with Laura and her
  10. To address the artillery dilemma—important targets are rarely urgent and, urgent ,targets are rarely important. Of course importance is a matter of perspective;
  11. In March 1989,TF issued a statement which stated that, in " early 1985" an, urgent ,memorandum was sent to all of its members" reminding them that any such
  12. Through an emergency department or, in less critical situations, through an, urgent ,care facility. The Dardanelles (, ),formerly known as the Hellespont (Greek:
  13. In Christian service. He believed marriage could be a distraction from an, urgent ,mission. He believed he was living in a time of crisis and urgency where the
  14. One, Austria-Hungary declared war. Franz Joseph I finally followed the, urgent ,counsel of his top advisors. Over the course of July and August 1914,these
  15. Rajah. Since it was believed that the Muslim armies in Syria were in need of, urgent ,reinforcement, Khalid avoided the conventional route to Syria via Dumas UL
  16. Tanks. Gravity tanks on short towers are reliable, so pump repairs are less, urgent , The least expensive bulk cistern is a fenced pond or pool at ground level.
  17. Report condemned sanitation at Dartmoor as well as highlighting a list of, urgent ,repairs needed at the prison. A year later Dartmoor was converted to a Category
  18. Mail service is suspended. The use of telephone lines is restricted only to ", urgent ," calls, leaving short telegrams as the only means of communicating with
  19. On the same site as the existing structure, and said he needed it for, urgent ,foreign policy reasons no later than his next New Year's reception for
  20. Day in Canada ---- {{ Congo|Take | (beginning, middle,end/rapid, sudden, urgent , and emergency) structure, which means the performance will speed up
  21. Placed itself under the senior officer present, which was Seymour. After an, urgent ,call for help from the Legation, Seymour set out on 10 June with 2000 troops to
  22. On African soil for the very first time, CTAOP wants to put a spotlight on the, urgent ,need to provide sustainable health, education and recreational resources to
  23. Schweitzer writes that modern Christians of many kinds deliberately ignore the, urgent ,message (so powerfully proclaimed by Jesus during the 1st century) of an
  24. U. S. President George W. Bush identified dependence on imported oil as an, urgent ," national security concern ". Two-thirds of the world's proven oil reserves
  25. And building boats on the beach. The captain of the Primrose radioed for an, urgent ,airdrop of firearms, so the crew could defend themselves, but did not receive
  26. As underpinning capitalism. Prices serve as a signal as to the, urgent ,and unfilled wants of people, and the promise of profits gives entrepreneurs
  27. Railways revived the concept in the early 1950s. At that time there was an, urgent ,need to move away from expensive steam traction which led to many experimental
  28. Attempts to address the artillery dilemma—important targets are rarely, urgent ,and urgent targets are rarely important. Of course importance is a matter of
  29. Race – and thus an area of dangerous and sterile competition? The choice is, urgent , And it is ours to make. The nations of the world have recently united in
  30. Seconds later than Superman. Later in the film, when the need to change is more, urgent ,(as he believes the city is about to be poisoned by Led Author),he simply
  31. London on a musical version of the classic film My Man Godfrey. He received an, urgent ,call from Andrew Lloyd Webber who wanted him to write the lyrics to The Phantom
  32. The Marines departed three months later. The deployment came in response to the, urgent ,request of Lebanese president Camille Chamois after sectarian violence had
  33. Judge) may act to sentence for contempt. Where it is not necessary to be so, urgent , or where indirect contempt has taken place the Attorney General can intervene
  34. And use of computers and networks to help cope with the world’s increasingly, urgent ,and complex problems. Engelhardt embedded a set of organizing principles in his
  35. And grand periods" these historians implausibly gave to men in the midst of, urgent ,battlefield circumstances (Precept grenade Republican
  36. To enhance in-situ population growth. This is why this initiative is both, urgent ,and fundamental to the future survival of the mountain bongo in the wild. In
  37. Nicknamed Baghdad Gate was announced. This project not only addresses the, urgent ,need for new residential units in Baghdad but also acts as a real symbol of
  38. Reported pyrethroid-resistance in the vector An. forests Giles, indicates an, urgent ,need to develop a strategy of insecticide resistance management for the malaria
  39. Understanding that the incumbent will merely continue existing and perform only, urgent ,business becomes increasingly questioned. Communities and Regions / Dutch
  40. To an increased demand for humanitarian and disaster relief missions. Due to, urgent ,requirements, the RAAF will receive an aircraft in August originally slated for
  41. Of it in the first draft of Inside the Third Reich, and it was only on the, urgent ,advice of his publisher that he added a mention of seeing the ruins of the
  42. 12 November 2010 in the US. The Atlantic review of COOL IT described it as" An, urgent , intelligent, and entertaining account of the climate policy debate, with a
  43. He would have expected to rule for at least another twenty or thirty years, and, urgent , attention was required to address the multitude of disasters which struck
  44. Unstable. Unstable angina may precede myocardial infarction, and requires, urgent ,medical attention. It may be treated with oxygen, intravenous nitroglycerin
  45. Embasy to the Ottoman capitol of Istanbul, to Sultan Abdul Hamid I'm requesting, urgent ,assistance against the British East India Company and had proposed an offensive
  46. And China-Burma-India (CBI) theaters. Use as a gunship Because of the, urgent ,need for hard-hitting strafed aircraft, a version dubbed the B-25G was
  47. The late 2008 decline in the economy and the credit crisis the problem became, urgent ,in November 2008. One potential problem is that a substantial portion of the
  48. Diseases constitute internal insurrection. Because the threat is, urgent , perhaps a matter of life and death, unthinkably radical, even oppressive
  49. In fact, they spent the whole day together. Also, Robert Pole was carrying, urgent ,and confidential despatches to the Queen, who was at her residence Nonesuch
  50. On to portray Cat woman in Batman Returns. Young's departure necessitated an, urgent ,search for an actress who, besides being right for the part, could commit to

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