Examples of the the word, hazardous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hazardous ), is the 4689 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of generation, and to assist LDCs in environmentally sound management of the, hazardous ,and other wastes they generate. The Convention was opened for signature on 22
  2. Another is the 1988 Yoko case in which 5 ships transported 8,000 barrels of, hazardous ,waste from Italy to the small town of Yoko in Nigeria in exchange for $100
  3. This discussion aims at identifying and finding solutions to the reasons why, hazardous ,wastes are still brought to countries that are not able to treat them in a safe
  4. Coca in 2007,while in response the government has fumigated these crops using, hazardous ,chemicals. Insurgents have also destroyed oil pipelines creating major
  5. Gauges, and hydrology. Although the element is only mildly toxic, it is a, hazardous ,material as a metal and its radioisotopes present a high health risk in case of
  6. Morally binding by signatories, the Amendment prohibits the export of, hazardous ,waste from a list of developed (mostly OECD) countries to developing
  7. Countries with economies in transition, do not lead to an unsound management of, hazardous ,wastes. This discussion aims at identifying and finding solutions to the
  8. Then $229,000 after a $2,000 investment. A bar code system is used to track, hazardous ,waste. It has led to reduction of waste by 50 percent since 2000. Violations
  9. Of the event was to demonstrate the durability of the V8 Vantage across, hazardous ,terrain—and also to publicize the car in China. The exercise was so successful
  10. Waste reduction and pollution prevention. The Convention states that illegal, hazardous ,waste traffic is criminal but contains no enforcement provisions. According to
  11. Decays with a half-life of 330 days to californium-249,which is a strong and, hazardous ,emitter of alpha particles. This gradual transformation is an important
  12. To stop whilst on fire in the tunnel. Euro tunnel has banned a wide range of, hazardous ,goods from travelling in the tunnel. Two STTS vehicles with firefighting pods
  13. An informal manner a way forward to ensure that the transboundary movements of, hazardous ,wastes, especially to developing countries and countries with economies in
  14. Also the Serves disaster in Italy in 1976. In addition to this,2,4,5-T is, hazardous ,in its own right. In 1979,the Yale biologist Arthur Alston, who specialized
  15. Addition to that, American Airlines has also won the award for the reduction of, hazardous ,waste that saved them $229,000 after a $2,000 investment. A bar code system is
  16. Bison (NS),SK (NS / CP) and Buffalo Creek (NS / CSX). A large amount of, hazardous ,cargo also crosses through the Buffalo area, such as liquid propane and
  17. Loose scree, rocks and pebbles, especially on the path's upper reaches, can be, hazardous ,and slippery. Thanks to the zigzags, the path is not unusually steep apart
  18. Convention was opened for signature with the aim of preventing the export of, hazardous ,waste from wealthy to developing nations for disposal. Geography Basel has an
  19. To foreign direct investment are defense and national security, disposal of, hazardous ,wastes, and real estate—the last of these restrictions is intended to hinder
  20. Though sanitary engineering traditionally had not included much of the, hazardous ,waste management and environmental remediation work covered by the term
  21. Earthquake engineering covers ability of various structures to withstand, hazardous ,earthquake exposures at the sites of their particular location. Earthquake
  22. Underlying pattern, starting with the" call to adventure ", followed by a, hazardous ,journey, and eventual triumph. The adventure novel exhibits these" protagonist
  23. The original waste, but like all incinerator waste, are usually classified as, hazardous ,waste. Some of the oldest pre-system sewage types are pit toilets, latrines
  24. Marine pollution is a generic term for the entry into the ocean of potentially, hazardous ,chemicals or particles. The biggest culprits are rivers and with them many
  25. Under the scope of the Convention is if it is defined as or considered to be a, hazardous ,waste under the laws of either the exporting country, the importing country, or
  26. From rising. Among the advantages of this is the avoidance of handling (more, hazardous ,) acids. CO2 is also used in the keeping of reef Aquarian, where it is commonly
  27. Called on to respond to a bioterrorism incident would include law enforcement, hazardous ,materials/decontamination units and emergency medical units. The US military
  28. And calcium chloride are 6.45 and 1.4 g/kg, respectively. Calcium metal is, hazardous ,because of its sometimes-violent reactions with water and acids. Calcium metal
  29. Purification, waste water treatment, air pollution, solid waste treatment and, hazardous ,waste management. Environmental engineers can be involved with pollution
  30. Defines unsafe abortions as those performed by unskilled individuals, with, hazardous , equipment,or in unsanitary facilities. Abortion, when performed in the
  31. For example, RCRA) in developed nations in the 1970s,disposal costs for, hazardous ,waste rose dramatically. At the same time, globalization of shipping made
  32. Of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of, hazardous ,waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs). It does not, however
  33. Also has its own control system that governs the trans-boundary movement of, hazardous ,materials between OECD member countries. This allows, among other things, the
  34. Used computers stop being a" commodity" and become a" waste ". Definition of, hazardous ,waste A waste will fall under the scope of the Convention if it is within the
  35. The board noted that: the test planners had failed to identify the test as, hazardous ,; the emergency equipment (such as gas masks) were inadequate to handle this
  36. In waste management" 42 Path. U. Law Review 103 (1992),only around 4 % of, hazardous ,wastes that come from OECD countries are actually shipped across international
  37. Is mostly composed of permafrost, making construction difficult and often, hazardous , and agriculture virtually impossible. The Arctic, when defined as everything
  38. Of wastes listed in Annex I of the Convention, and it does exhibit one of the, hazardous ,characteristics contained in Annex III. In other words it must both be listed
  39. Review and permitting of wetlands construction, and remedial action for, hazardous ,waste sites. Buffalo is also the home of a major office of the National Weather
  40. Adventurers, who earn wealth and fame by adventure, such as undertaking, hazardous ,missions, exploring ruins, and slaying monsters. This stereotype is strong
  41. The Convention and has a number of such agreements for allowing the shipping of, hazardous ,wastes to Basel Party countries. The OECD Council also has its own control
  42. And many LDCs were desperate for foreign currency. Consequently, the trade in, hazardous ,waste, particularly to LDCs, grew rapidly. One of the incidents which led to
  43. And procedures that are appropriate for damage that comes from the movement of, hazardous ,waste across borders. Basel Ban Amendment After the initial adoption of the
  44. Columbia Bar, a shifting sandbar that makes the river's mouth one of the most, hazardous ,stretches of water to navigate in the world. The Columbia drains an area of
  45. Go far enough. Many nations and NGOs argued for a total ban on shipment of all, hazardous ,waste to LDCs. In particular, the original Convention did not prohibit waste
  46. Is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of, hazardous ,waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste
  47. The dismantling of ships. According to Maureen Walsh in" The global trade in, hazardous ,wastes: domestic and international attempts to cope with a growing crisis in
  48. Fuelling the missile before launch took nearly half an hour, and was quite, hazardous , On launch the rocket engine's first chamber developing thrust would power the
  49. Of many pharmaceuticals. Although in wide use, ammonia is both caustic and, hazardous , In 2006,worldwide production was estimated at 146.5 million tonnes. It is
  50. Products or strong oxidants, such as household bleach, can lead to, hazardous ,compounds such as chlorine. Laboratory use of ammonia solutions The hazards

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