Examples of the the word, enhancement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enhancement ), is the 4678 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sun observes:" Many pop stars ... feel they have no choice but to seek vocal, enhancement , Since the advent of MTV and other video music channels, pop audiences have
  2. Standard in FORTRAN 90. FORTRAN II IBM's FORTRAN II appeared in 1958. The main, enhancement ,was to support procedural programming by allowing user-written subroutines and
  3. Of 400kbit/s can be expected. Technology EDGE/GPRS is implemented as a bolt-on, enhancement ,for 2.5G GSM/GPRS networks, making it easier for existing GSM carriers to
  4. To assure that sensor noise does not introduce false information. ** Contrast, enhancement ,to assure that relevant information can be detected. ** Scale-space
  5. And their origins, as well as detailing the seven year-long restoration, enhancement ,and remastering process behind The Final Cut. Included are interviews with
  6. Some extra human processing beyond mere shaping and drilling, such as color, enhancement ,via dyes or irradiation. Beads can also be made from chocolate. These types of
  7. Particularly at professional level, inject substances such as" site, enhancement ,oil ", commonly known as menthol, to mimic the appearance of developed muscle
  8. Bands, drum corps, and winter guard teams use flags as a method of visual, enhancement ,in performances. In politics Social and political movements have adopted flags
  9. Research (particularly if publicly funded); oppose both eugenics and human, enhancement ,(transhumanism) while supporting. Religious conservatism Religious
  10. Base, which was disappointed when Be Inc. failed commercially and no further, enhancement ,of the operating system would be possible. In the years that followed a handful
  11. Of the following qualities: Steiner sees meditation as a concentration and, enhancement ,of the power of thought. By focusing consciously on an idea, feeling or
  12. Study found that the first 3.5 hours of sleep offer the greatest performance, enhancement ,on memory recall tasks, because the first couple of hours are dominated by SWS.
  13. Was divided into two contingents, one of which was always in the field; and the, enhancement ,of Wessex's sea power through the addition of larger ships to the existing
  14. Of the p53 gene and result in the increase of p53 protein level and, enhancement ,of cancer cell-apoptosis. P53 prevents the cell from replicating by stopping
  15. Areas include storage, level compression, data compression, transmission, enhancement , ( e.g., equalization,filtering, noise cancellation, echo or reverb removal or
  16. Control system using both radar and computer technology. This system required, enhancement ,to keep pace with air traffic growth, however,especially after the Airline
  17. Complicated task, and some popular DBMS's have been under development and, enhancement ,(also to follow progress in technology) for decades. #Application developers
  18. One image to another, e. g., by pixel-wise operations such as contrast, enhancement , local operations such as edge extraction or noise removal, or geometrical
  19. For the first season, each episode is updated with color correction and sound, enhancement , And sold 500,000 copies in November 1995. In 1999,a second soundtrack album
  20. And much less likely to cause infection to the wrong party. One significant, enhancement ,in biological weapon development was the first use of anthrax. Anthrax
  21. Particles of high atomic number materials, within the human body, have a small, enhancement ,due to the photoelectric effect. Cosmic radiation The Earth, and all living
  22. Is more powerful than was previously known. However, the extent of this, enhancement ,is unknown. Charles is a genius with multiple doctorates. He is a
  23. Laboratory. All other factors being equal, a high quality emerald with an, enhancement ,level graded moderate should cost 40–50 % less than an identical stone graded
  24. Is 0.1–0.2 l/kg. Acidosis increases the volume of distribution because of, enhancement ,of tissue penetration of salicylates. When small doses (less than 250 mg in an
  25. Performs a concerto with a full orchestra, subtle amplification called acoustic, enhancement ,may be used. The use of microphones and amplifiers in a classical setting has
  26. This began a rationalization of state government, and eventually it led to an, enhancement ,of executive authority. In 1908,Governor Hughes reviewed the clemency petition
  27. The 2D pre-processing steps may be applied first (noise reduction, contrast, enhancement , etc.),because initially the data may be in a 2D format from multiple cameras
  28. Views - in general, they advocate for the preservation, restoration,or, enhancement ,of the natural environment. Environmentalists are sometimes given names in an
  29. Domains The most common processing approach in the time or space domain is, enhancement ,of the input signal through a method called filtering. Digital filtering
  30. The loco motor enhancing properties of cocaine may be attributable to its, enhancement ,of dopaminergic transmission from the substantia nigra. Recent research points
  31. Feature support before adding the enhancement s. This is known as progressive, enhancement , Accessibility Assuming that the user has not disabled its execution
  32. Microsoft SQL server, and IBM DB2,have been in ongoing development and, enhancement ,for thirty years or more. General-purpose DBMS's aim to satisfy as many
  33. That Rogers also underwent rigorous physical training in combat prior to his, enhancement , After the physical transformation, Nazi spy Heinz Kruger reveals himself and
  34. Fainting, etc.). ACE inhibitors have also been shown to cause a central, enhancement ,of parasympathetic activity in healthy volunteers and patients with heart
  35. all the bodily senses (hearing, touch,smell, vision,taste) *Substantial, enhancement ,of the appreciation of music quality *Mild psychedelia, consisting of mental
  36. Related to the perceived significance of the behavior for the maintenance and, enhancement ,of the organism. #The values attached to experiences, and the values that are a
  37. Categories reflect levels of enhancement not clarity. A gem graded none on the, enhancement ,scale may still exhibit visible inclusions. Laboratories tend to apply these
  38. Then any of the individual source images. Available programs for multi-shot DOF, enhancement ,include Adobe Photoshop, Syncroscopy Automotive, PhotoAcute Studio, Helicon
  39. HID) lamps couple their even-greater electrical efficiency with phosphor, enhancement ,for better color rendition. White light-emitting diodes (LEDs) became
  40. The case of depletion mode FET's, or doped of similar type to the channel as in, enhancement ,mode FET's. Field-effect transistors are also distinguished by the method of
  41. Of Claims of the Paranormal examined the photographs, using a" computer, enhancement ,process ". They concluded that the photographs were fakes, and that strings
  42. Example, text in Microsoft Word will be rendered on the screen with ClearType, enhancement , but text placed in a bit mapped image in a program such as Adobe Photoshop will
  43. Implemented a new version of the APL language which contained as its primary, enhancement ,the concept of nested arrays, where an array can contain other arrays, as well
  44. As Enterprise Jacobean) *“ True” binary support (up until this, enhancement , binary items were truncated based on the (base-10) specification within the
  45. Of dogmatic theological and metaphysical ideas and was intertwined with the, enhancement ,of ethical autonomy and the Enlightenment critique of superstition and
  46. Moderate and highly enhanced. Note that these categories reflect levels of, enhancement ,not clarity. A gem graded none on the enhancement scale may still exhibit
  47. Or induced by the process. Those flaws are concealed through various diamond, enhancement ,techniques, such as repolishing, crack filling, or clever arrangement of the
  48. Some gem labs consider the mere presence of oil or polymers to constitute, enhancement , Others may ignore traces of oil if the presence of the material does not
  49. Tissue to move across structures within the skull (brain herniation). Ring, enhancement ,may also be observed in cerebral hemorrhages (bleeding) and some brain tumors
  50. Only those things that are perceived as being involved in the maintenance of or, enhancement ,of the structure of self” ( Rogers,1951). Therefore, relevancy to the

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