Examples of the the word, defensive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( defensive ), is the 4690 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The hands of Berber group of the region, he ordered the destruction of its, defensive ,towers and to lower the walls, though a year later he decided to reconstruct
  2. Of most of Massachusetts; the Loyalists suddenly found themselves on the, defensive , In all 13 colonies, Patriots had overthrown their existing governments
  3. Which took the highest toll on Bulgaria, the Bulgarian army soon turned on the, defensive , Romania attacked from the north and north-east, the Ottoman Empire also
  4. Gatehouse, which stretches between the south-west corner of the church and a, defensive ,tower on the High Street, and the still complete Abbot's House, a building of
  5. The historical circumstances leading to the choice of the Agra Decimates as a, defensive ,point and the concentration of Germans there are probably to be found in the
  6. Respectively. The first great battles were at the Adrianople - Kirk Plissé, defensive ,line, where the Bulgarian 1st and 3rd Armies (together 110,000 men) defeated
  7. Strategy by enunciating in his turn a further number of general concepts of, defensive ,play aimed at achieving one's own goals by preventing realization of the
  8. To preserve it in the long-term. Such a war could not be preemptive, but, defensive , to restore peace. Thomas Aquinas, centuries later, used the authority of
  9. Reinforcements from the Asian provinces, established their third and strongest, defensive ,position at the Catalina Line, across the peninsula where Constantinople is
  10. To the Serbian border in the northwest to defend the capital Sofia. After the, defensive ,battles at Slivnitsa and Vi din, Bulgaria began an offensive which took the city
  11. Be reluctant to enter into contracts with him. One difficult application of, defensive ,aggression is the act of revolutionary violence (including anarcho-capitalist
  12. S army were thirty-six siege engines. Zaragoza's famous white granite, defensive ,walls were breached under a torrent of ordnance from the Umayyad lines. ABD
  13. Available prearranged barrier of fire designed to impede enemy movement across, defensive ,lines or areas. *Harassing fire: a random number of shells are fired at random
  14. Employed in infantry support and offensive armored operations as well in the, defensive ,anti-tank role. Although the early German Panzerjäger carried more effective
  15. Against the British East India Company and had proposed an offensive and, defensive ,consortium; Sultan Abdul Hamid I, informed the ambassadors of the Sultanate of
  16. Puebloan towns and villages in the Southwestern U. S. were located in various, defensive ,positions, for example, on high steep mesas such as at Mesa Verde or
  17. Territory in Nubia rich in quarries and gold mines, while laborers built a, defensive ,structure in the Eastern Delta, called the" Walls-of-the-Ruler ", to defend
  18. Fire: delivered by supporting units to assist and protect a unit engaged in a, defensive ,action. *Final Protective Fire: an immediately available prearranged barrier of
  19. And Rescue, and target acquisition. ESM/WAS Electronic support measures and, defensive ,aids are used extensively to gather information about threats or possible
  20. Of thousands of more reserve troops. Military service was obligatory. A special, defensive ,line, known as the Kali Marko defensive line, was constructed along the entire
  21. Pillbox or small fortress (though these are static fortifications of a purely, defensive ,nature) that can move toward the enemy - hence its offensive utility.
  22. As it is in the defense of persons or property. The permissible extent of this, defensive ,use of force is an arguable point among anarcho-capitalists. Retributive
  23. 1969 (SALT I). By 1972 an agreement had been reached to limit strategic, defensive ,systems. Each country was allowed two sites at which it could base a defensive
  24. Intercept short-range rockets and artillery shells. The system was created as a, defensive ,countermeasure to the rocket threat against Israel's civilian population on
  25. And its utilization is predicated upon intent. Some have argued that in, defensive ,postures, for example, the primary intention of a soldier is not to kill, but
  26. Materials (e.g., splinters,bullet wounds, or injecting needles). It is a, defensive ,reaction of the tissue to prevent the spread of infectious materials to other
  27. Not need to invade and hold enemy territory to win, but only needed to fight a, defensive ,war to convince the North that the cost of winning was too high. The North
  28. Aggression, and to counter French interests in Europe, Austria Hungary forged a, defensive ,alliance with Germany in October 1879 and in May 1882. In October 1882,Italy
  29. The defense. Another problem was high altitude EMP (whether from offensive or, defensive ,nuclear warheads) which could degrade defensive radar systems. When this
  30. On the next birth. Some Buddhists point to other early texts as justifying, defensive ,war. One example is the Koala Calcutta, in which King Sendai, a righteous
  31. Corps (from Lee's army in the east),defeated Rosecrans, despite the heroic, defensive ,stand of Maj. Gen. George Henry Thomas. Rosecrans retreated to Chattanooga
  32. Whether from offensive or defensive nuclear warheads) which could degrade, defensive ,radar systems. When this proved infeasible for economic reasons, a much smaller
  33. Thomas Dimitri General Manager. On January 23, 2008,Jacksonville Jaguars, defensive ,coach and former linebackers coach for the 2000 Super Bowl champion Baltimore
  34. Middle Ages as a borrowing from the French. It is dated from 1297,as a" mail, defensive ,covering worn in combat" from Old French armature, itself derived from the
  35. Foreign players as teenagers before making first team debuts, such as Belgian, defensive ,trio Jan Vertonghen, Toby Alderweireld and Thomas Vermeulen (now with Arsenal
  36. To demand it, though his education certainly prejudiced him in favor of the, defensive ,at all costs. He was at the same time capable of forming and executing the most
  37. Known site for this large number of well-preserved cliff dwellings, housing, defensive , and storage complexes were built in shallow caves and under rock overhangs
  38. Of the balls (8) in his pocket wins the game. The game requires far more, defensive ,strategy than offensive strategy, much unlike eight-ball, nine-ball,or
  39. A fan of baseball's Boston Red Sox. Arsenal have often been stereotyped as a, defensive ,and" boring" side, especially during the 1970s and 1980s; many comedians
  40. And Cold Harbor. Even though they had the advantage of fighting on the, defensive , the Confederate forces had" almost as high a percentage of casualties as the
  41. Allen recruited 7-5,445-pound wrestler Andre the Giant as a run-stopping, defensive ,lineman in a news conference at Duke Zeibert's restaurant. Andre the Giant
  42. It is thought that the considerations of the layout were purely practical and, defensive ,rather than ornamental. Construction started in 1613 and proceeded from west to
  43. Range of specialist zoo ids. A few species can creep very slowly by using spiny, defensive ,zoo ids as legs. Auto-bids supply nutrients to non-feeding zoo ids by channels
  44. Explicitly voluntary basis. But, their complaint is not just that the state's, defensive ,services are funded by taxation but that the state assumes it is the only
  45. Defensive systems. Each country was allowed two sites at which it could base a, defensive ,system, one for the capital and one for ICBM silos (Art. III). The treaty was
  46. Strategic stalemate. Both Finnish and Soviet troops at the Finnish front dug to, defensive ,positions, and the front remains stable until the end of the war. *1945 – World
  47. The launching aircraft to fire missiles at the target and subsequently take, defensive ,actions. Even if the targets have longer-range semi-active radar homing (SARAH
  48. Armor-penetrating capability in a medium-weight vehicle. Facing an increasingly, defensive ,war, the German Army reverted to larger and more powerfully armed Jagdpanzer
  49. Within Armenian society. The Active Forces mainly have peacekeeping and, defensive ,duties, and are further divided into Deployment Forces, Immediate Reaction, and
  50. At the same time, and with maximum carnage. This was, however,a fundamentally, defensive ,strategy. Al-Qaeda sought to open the" offensive phase" of the global Salami

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