Examples of the the word, dictate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dictate ), is the 4674 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Unconscious or broken limbs). There are two forms of dress for grappling that, dictate ,pace and style of action: with a jacket, such as a GI or Kurt, and without.
  2. Companies have intellectual ownership of their seeds, they have the power to, dictate ,terms and conditions of their patented product. Currently, ten seed companies
  3. Legal immigration, and says that he" will not let Israel or any nation, dictate ,our foreign policy. " He has also claimed that he would be" willing to risk
  4. Frog while the other fingers drape on the other side of the bow. Various styles, dictate ,the curve of the fingers and thumb, as do the style of piece; a more pronounced
  5. Thrown haphazardly into their orbits by the migrating Neptune. IAU guidelines, dictate ,that all plutinos must, like Pluto, be named for underworld deities. Its
  6. Resumed overall strategic direction of the Middle East theater, he continued to, dictate ,operational matters to Ritchie. Auchinleck appears to have believed that enemy
  7. Ranks (the familiar order, family etc.). These ranks will by convention, dictate ,the ending to names for some groups. Clades do not by their nature fit this
  8. In the Palestinian Authority local elections of 2005. The attempt by Hamas to, dictate ,a cultural code of conduct in the 1980s and early 1990s led to a violent
  9. Greater variety in outer space, others point out that convergent evolution may, dictate ,substantial similarities between Earth and extraterrestrial life. These two
  10. He would have to come to them, in the open, where,he, unlike his father, would, dictate , the place of battle. All worked as he had planned, until Martel arrived, albeit
  11. Country in the world ... It is this practice of allowing one set of people to, dictate ,to another set of people what they shall do, what they shall think, what they
  12. Since as a result, it created the freedom that Valderrama needed in order to, dictate ,the tempo of the game without doing too much running with and without the ball
  13. To market goods and services under trademarks. In addition, articles which, dictate ,the form and content of the franchise agreement and define the documents that
  14. While descriptivists argue that prescriptivism is an unnatural attempt to, dictate ,usage or curtail change, prescriptivists argue that to indiscriminately
  15. Francis Gresham. Following the Rudolf plot of 1571 prisoners were made to, dictate ,their confessions, before copying and signing them, if they still could.
  16. And a large DOF is appropriate. In other cases, artistic considerations may, dictate ,that only a part of the image be in focus, emphasizing the subject while
  17. Should act as puppeteer, controlling his own life instead of letting others, dictate ,it. Another transvestite friend of his, John,tells Glen how cross-dressing
  18. A real stumbling-block" that has" embarrassed speculative reason "., dictate ," what ought to be done ". Aesthetic philosophy Kant discusses the subjective
  19. IN"> traditions"/> In modern times, Judaism lacks a centralized authority that would, dictate ,an exact religious dogma. Name" religious leadership"/> name "
  20. The physical environment around us — are held together by chemical bonds, which, dictate , the structure of matter. Overview of main types of chemical bonds In the
  21. Each other – and risk one or both cars breaking down or crashing. They could, dictate ,a finishing order to the drivers – guaranteeing that one set of drivers would
  22. Commitment. Usage and success rate Media coverage in the United States tends to, dictate ,how situations are perceived by the public. A case using the insanity defense
  23. Questions of morality. It then goes on to observe that circumstances often, dictate ,that married couples should limit the number of children, and that the sexual
  24. Were touched, or removal of the touched rock from play. The rules generally, dictate ,that the resulting outcome should be the one that places the touching team at
  25. Ones. While Philip, I could hardly control his Parisian barons, Philip IV could, dictate ,popes and emperors. The late Capetian's, although they often ruled for a shorter
  26. Funding, government regulations and safety standards. These constraints, dictate ,a plant's choice of process, materials and equipment. Process design A unit
  27. Developed the DES algorithm entirely within IBM using Fibers. The NSA did not, dictate ,a single wire! " In contrast, a declassified NSA book on cryptologic history
  28. Many victories. Jahangir, as a devout Muslim, did not let his personal beliefs, dictate ,his state policies. Sovereignty, according to Jahangir, was a" gift of God "
  29. And ambiguity). He defined two categories:" Rules of Engagement" which, dictate ,the environment in which software development can take place effectively, and "
  30. world's biggest consumer, with its own natural resources, the U. S. can wisely, dictate ,what conditions can apply to goods and services imported for U. S. consumption
  31. Become totally blind, probably due to the onset of glaucoma. This forced him to, dictate ,his verse and prose to amanuenses (helpers),one of whom was the poet Andrew
  32. Of its English-language counterpart. The CRTC's Canadian content regulations, dictate ,that a certain percentage of a domestic broadcaster's transmission time must
  33. Under what circumstances, and who will control these circumstances, who will, dictate ,them, and who will know to exploit the time from the beginning of the ceasefire
  34. Molecules - such as carbohydrates, proteins,and cellulose - that really, dictate ,the rate at which microbial-mediated transformations are possible. Some cities
  35. To all Democrats that passage of the bill was essential to the party and would, dictate ,how federal patronage would be handled. Jefferson Davis and Attorney General
  36. Effects on the mind and" mindfulness ". It is part of the Five Precepts which, dictate ,that one is not to consume" addictive materials ". The definition of "
  37. Reckoned with. He had no intention of allowing Martel to catch him unawares and, dictate ,the time and place of battle, as his father had, and concentrated instead on
  38. On this delegation as well as the others, while following Lincoln's strong, dictate ,to" Make no contracts that bind me ". Most Republicans agreed with Lincoln
  39. Court to court within a country. The specific rules of the legal system will, dictate ,exactly how the appeal is officially begun. For example, the appellant might
  40. Batista made any notes during his twenty-nine year of travels. When he came to, dictate ,an account of them, he had to rely on memory and manuscripts produced by
  41. From grapes, grain,sugar beets, or sugarcane. Regional appellation laws may, dictate ,the types of spirit that are permitted for fortification. The source of the
  42. To the clinical doctrines of observation and documentation. These doctrines, dictate ,that physicians record their findings and their medicinal methods in a very
  43. In film Producer David O. Selznick was an amphetamine user, and would often, dictate ,long and rambling memos under the influence of amphetamine to his directors.
  44. For guiding design philosophies are fundamental guiding principles that, dictate ,how a designer approaches his/her practice. Reflections on material culture and
  45. Support on the metal mesh of penetration resistance on the bib. FIE regulations, dictate ,that masks must withstand on the mesh and on the bib. Some modern masks have a
  46. Day. Black tie dress is the most common outfit for men, although fashion may, dictate ,not wearing a bow-tie, and musical performers sometimes do not adhere to this.
  47. Declared that" if Marshall were merely stupid, the laws of probability would, dictate ,that part of his decisions would serve this country's interest "; Support from
  48. The company operates as a monopoly (one buyer, many sellers),in that it can, dictate ,terms to its suppliers. Briefly in July 2011,due to the debt-ceiling crisis
  49. Law was superseded by the New Covenant since the purpose of these laws was to, dictate ,a proper relationship to God through the tabernacles and the temples in
  50. The Stuart monarchy continually attempted to expand its right to arbitrarily, dictate ,law. The most important Whig historian’S. R. Gardiner, popularised the English

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