Examples of the the word, validity , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Yet essentially valid. Other apostolic churches, however,appear to deny the, validity ,of churches other than themselves. * The doctrines of the various" apostolic "
  2. Epistemology, she considered all knowledge to be based on sense perception,the, validity ,of which she considered axiomatic, and reason, which she described as" the
  3. Contexts, and many programs focus on success measures that lack predictive, validity ,and real-world relevance. Some alternative treatments may place the child at
  4. Sagan said he took this stance not because he thought astrology had any, validity ,at all, but because he thought that the tone of the statement was authoritarian
  5. Held that ordination in the historic episcopate is a core element in the, validity ,of clerical ordinations. The Roman Catholic Church does not recognize most
  6. Aurangzeb's reign, it increased. Amidst these and other contradictions,the, validity ,and bias of Manual and Khaki Khan's work is being questioned. Another
  7. Prior to the year 1878,all apostolic letters and briefs requiring for their, validity ,the leaden seal were engrossed upon rough parchment and in Gothic characters (
  8. Of arbitration clauses in the US is not a settled legal matter. Typically,the, validity ,of an arbitration clause is decided by a court rather than an arbitrator.
  9. Or unconscionably or some other ground for rescission which undermined the, validity ,of the entire contract). The USA is now known as the Federal Arbitration Act.
  10. Of the problem Depending on the underlying logic, the problem of deciding the, validity ,of a formula varies from trivial to impossible. For the frequent case of
  11. Although the Sedition Act was never tested in this Court, the attack upon its, validity ,has carried the day in the court of history. " 376 U. S. 254,276 (1964). In
  12. Joined by delegates of the other estates; Louis XVI started to recognize their, validity ,on 27 June. The assembly re-named itself the National Constituent Assembly on 9
  13. Of England, whose recognition is generally considered the standard for Masonic, validity , did not recognize any of the above bodies as being true Freemasonry, thus
  14. 13-hour mission with two in-flight refueling from KC-135 tankers proved the, validity ,of flying long-range missions outside the contiguous United States to attack
  15. Effort was made to reduce the amount of gambling on games which was leaving the, validity ,of results in doubt. At the same time, a " gentlemen's agreement" was struck
  16. The Apostolic Succession of the Anglican archbishops and bishops and the, validity ,of the Church's priesthood in 1614. In consequence of the Nag's Head Fable
  17. Also the case with Anglicans or other groups having apostolic succession. The, validity ,of a priest's ordination is decided by each autocephalic Orthodox church.4
  18. Concede this prerogative of their brother was the sin of Miriam and Aaron. The, validity ,of the exclusive priesthood of the family of Aaron was attested after the
  19. By the time of Pope Martin V their signature was made essential to the, validity ,of the acts of the chancery; and they obtained in course of time many important
  20. Arbitration per terms of the contract. Validity of Arbitration Clauses The, validity ,of arbitration clauses in the US is not a settled legal matter. Typically, the
  21. And explication. " (Hume 1974:328) He shows how a satisfying argument for the, validity ,of experience can be based neither on demonstration (since" it implies no
  22. A variety of positions taken by the various Eastern Orthodox Churches on the, validity ,of Anglican orders. In 1922 the Patriarch of Constantinople recognized them as
  23. The entire contract rather than a specific clause, the arbitrator decided the, validity , Arbitration clauses of companies such as Blockbuster, AT&T,and Talk America
  24. Many sciences, the postulates of each particular science were different. Their, validity ,had to be established by means of real-world experience. Indeed, Aristotle
  25. Such thinking without sufficient facts is ineffective, and that discerning the, validity ,of one's hypothesis requires far more rigorous experimentation than that which
  26. While Stradivari's first known violin states that he was a pupil of Amati,the, validity ,of his statement is questioned. ) Geronimo Amati (Hieronymus II) The last
  27. Act typically allows federal courts to decide these types of" gateway" or, validity ,questions, but the Supreme Court ruled that since Jackson targeted the entire
  28. From atheism. Religious criticism Many theistic thinkers repudiate the, validity ,of agnosticism, or certain forms of agnosticism. Religious scholars in the
  29. And postulate that numerous health risks may be associated with aspartame. The, validity ,of these claims has been examined and dismissed. In 1987,the U. S. Government
  30. S algorithm, and he proposes" a general method applicable to proving the, validity ,of any algorithm ". Tamworth proposes that a measure of the complexity of a
  31. Sites are unconfirmed. Detailed examination and dating to authenticate the, validity ,of these speculations is lacking. So far, it is unclear whether these
  32. Of California disproved the effectiveness of Allison's device and the, validity ,of this false discovery. This erroneous discovery was followed by another "
  33. The valid celebration of the sacraments today. Roman Catholics recognize the, validity ,of the apostolic successions of the bishops, and therefore the rest of the
  34. In a separate family, known as Arabic (though doubts long persisted about its, validity ,). Castrén's Altaic is thus equivalent to what later came to be known as
  35. 1974:391-392) Moreover, he stresses that talk of the miraculous has no surface, validity , for four reasons. First, he explains that in all history there has never
  36. Review, on the other hand, provides an independent and civil inquiry into the, validity ,of a conviction and sentence, and as such are generally limited to challenges
  37. More authentically Japanese. But at least one film scholar has questioned the, validity ,of this dichotomy between“ Japanese” Mizoguchi and“ Western” Kurosawa by
  38. Today, with both computer simulation and empirical results supporting its, validity , Application of theory to man, and role of teleology in evolution In 1864
  39. Critiques and rejoinders The criteria Hume lists in his examination of the, validity ,of human testimony are roughly upheld in modern social psychology, under the
  40. Church.4 Neither the Catholic Church nor the Orthodox churches recognizes the, validity ,of the apostolic succession of the clergy of the Protestant denominations, in
  41. To a failure to make progress, typically from 15 to 30 months of age. The, validity ,of this distinction remains controversial; it is possible that regressive
  42. APL history and no longer be relevant today, or they may have some degree of, validity , ALGOL (short for Algorithmic Language) is a family of imperative computer
  43. Been quoted by those who argue that astrology retains some sort of scientific, validity , Sagan said he took this stance not because he thought astrology had any
  44. A leader in the development of sociology ... While Jensen recognizes the, validity ,of some of Gould's claims, in many places, he criticizes Gould's general
  45. By many biochemists to be the result of experimental error, and as such the, validity ,of the report has come into question. Alexander Stalin, one of the most
  46. Sacraments performed by schismatics are considered irregular. Nevertheless,the, validity ,of the sacraments do not depend upon the holiness of the priests who perform
  47. Causing other episcopal lineages to die off. Roman Catholics recognize the, validity ,of the apostolic successions of the bishops, and therefore the rest of the
  48. Studies, none of which have yielded any convincing evidence of the scientific, validity ,of the claims of its proponents. Methods Practitioners have looked for
  49. Come to the same conclusions and have declared themselves as accepting the, validity ,of Anglican Orders. " Succeeding judgments, however,have been more conflicting
  50. Donatists, Augustine developed a distinction between the" regularity" and ", validity ," of the sacraments. Regular sacraments are performed by clergy of the Catholic

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