Examples of the the word, firmly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( firmly ), is the 4685 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Addressed and a position which is both principled and politically realistic is, firmly ,established. We don't hate anyone, especially the mixed race children who are
  2. These ambitions impractical in the short term, and the Royal Navy remained, firmly ,in control of the Atlantic Ocean. However, the French Navy was dominant in the
  3. Was listed as Jacksonville, Florida by Paramount Records, but that is not, firmly ,established. The" Phelps" name theory was entirely based on a response given
  4. Hieratic hunting bag (Kansas),a rough and shaggy goatskin that has been, firmly ,established in literary texts and iconography by H. G. Interlock, is the most
  5. Accurate estimates of the atomic mass of oxygen and various other elements, and, firmly , established the distinction between molecules and atoms. In 1827,the British
  6. City preserving the ownership of all land outside the 17th century limit, thus, firmly , controlling development. Most of these neighborhoods became home to the
  7. Son Alioth renewed his claim to the island but was told that the republic was, firmly ,resolved to keep it. He and his family were pensioned and one of them aided in
  8. Seen in public again. Except for those in the north, the people of England, firmly ,believed that Richard, the " tyrant ", had murdered his nephews. Discontent
  9. To Hutchinson's recall, and brought a conciliatory Benjamin Franklin, firmly ,to the side of the colonists. On December 16, 1773,a group of men, led by
  10. And by the 10th century, before the great Clinic reform, the system was, firmly ,established. Even the abbey of St Denis was held in commend am by Hugh Capet.
  11. In AD 541–542 is the first known attack on record, and marks the first, firmly ,recorded pattern of bubonic plague. This disease is thought to have originated
  12. Until Henry was crowned king and had established his claim on the throne, firmly ,enough to preclude that of Elizabeth and her kin. Henry further convinced
  13. Being taught by the bishop. Arius’ theological views appear to have been, firmly ,rooted in Alexandrian Christianity, and his Histological views were certainly
  14. Letter Apostolic Curve on the invalidity of Anglican ordinations ..." While, firmly ,restating the judgment of Apostolic Curve that Anglican ordination is invalid
  15. S novels, along with Emily's Withering Heights, continued to be published, firmly ,launching these two sisters into literary stardom, while Anne's work was
  16. Investiture of the Northern March, which was again without a ruler. Once he was, firmly ,established in the Northern March,Albert's covetous eye lay also on the
  17. Has just one central sextet. Therefore, in this molecule the outer rings are, firmly ,aromatic while its central ring is less aromatic and therefore more reactive.
  18. A great power, growing to be the greatest empire the world had yet seen. He, firmly ,subjugated the areas previously under only nominal Assyrian vassalage
  19. Basques, especially in Spain, are strongly nationalist, identifying far more, firmly ,as Basques than as citizens of any existing state. Others are not, feeling as
  20. On the phase angle of the images: in forward-scattered light Adapted is, firmly ,outside the Main Ring, name Ockert-Bell1999/> but in back-scattered light
  21. They do not attack the root of the evil. They try to keep prices low while, firmly ,committed to a policy of increasing the quantity of money that must necessarily
  22. As an integral part of globalization where American and western cultures are, firmly ,embedding themselves into Indian culture, which is manifested, amongst other
  23. Novelist who is best known for his work in children's fantasy. His work is, firmly ,rooted in the landscape, history and folklore of his native county of Cheshire.
  24. Actively engaged by the company, but this was after the phenomenon was already, firmly ,established. Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki has called the brand fanaticism "
  25. There is a collagen defect that results in the layers of skin not being held, firmly ,together. Thus, when the horse is ridden under saddle or suffers trauma to the
  26. Fist (knuckles pointing forward) and the elbow bent. The rear hand is tucked, firmly ,against the jaw to protect the chin. The torso and hips are rotated clockwise
  27. Was organized in departmental basis. The university grew steadily, and now it is, firmly ,established as a major institution of higher education in Upper Egypt. Aswan
  28. Relativity break down completely. This would put the creation of black holes, firmly ,out of reach of any high energy process occurring on or near the Earth. Certain
  29. Agency had become the focal point of creative planning, and advertising was, firmly ,established as a profession. Around the same time, in France, Charles-Louis
  30. Powers and Russia and China. Regional policy Over the past decade, Brazil has, firmly ,established itself as a regional power. It has traditionally been a leader in
  31. With water buckets succeeded in extinguishing the flames, It has never been, firmly ,established how the fire on the Orient broke out, but one common account is that
  32. Created a state within the state. With Portugal's position as a country, firmly ,established, Afonso II endeavored to weaken the power of the clergy and to
  33. Conflict around Arian beliefs in the fourth, fifth and sixth centuries helped, firmly ,define the centrality of the Trinity in Nicene Christian theology. As the first
  34. But was now overtaking Connors for the top ranking. Borg established himself, firmly ,in the top spot with his fourth French Open singles title and fourth straight
  35. master's true position. Some claim that on a later visit he met Gurdjieff—who, firmly ,repudiated Crowley. Biographer Putin expresses skepticism, and Gurdjieff's
  36. As the new Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's foreign policy was to remain, firmly ,aligned with the United States. Wind of change Macmillan gave a speech in Cape
  37. The pair as something of a team in the public imagination. The connection was, firmly ,cemented by the time Lancaster and Douglas reteamed for their final movie
  38. He succeeded in being awarded the generalship of Greece and, with his authority, firmly ,established, launched the military plans for expansion left by his father. In
  39. Had been transferred from Cuts' column),supported by 18 battalions was, firmly ,planted amidst the French line of 64 squadrons and nine battalions of raw
  40. Give context, astrobiology concerns itself primarily with hypotheses that fit, firmly ,into existing scientific theories. Earth is the only place in the universe
  41. Momentarily, to allow the catcher to clamp their hands shut decisively and, firmly ,on the horizontal boomerang from above and below, sandwiching the center
  42. Writings that" except the Lord build they labor in vain that build it. " I, firmly ,believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall
  43. Year the celebration of International Workers' Day on May Day had become, firmly ,established as an international worker's holiday. In 1907,the International
  44. 6th and 7th centuries is the first known attack on record, and marks the first, firmly ,recorded pattern of bubonic plague. From historical descriptions, as much as 40
  45. With his own naval power. Characteristically, all of Alfred's innovations were, firmly ,rooted in traditional West Saxon practice, drawing as they did upon the three
  46. Fuel. By the end of 2000,however, the dispute had been solved and Labor were, firmly ,back in the lead of the opinion polls. In total, a mere 29 parliamentary seats
  47. In 304 BC, and established his rule over the Greek cities of the island more, firmly ,than ever. A peace treaty with Carthage left him in control of Sicily east of
  48. But Impressionism, and through it almost all of 20th century art, is also, firmly ,rooted in the Romantic tradition. Representative artists: George
  49. For the technique. Drive layout In all its post Volkswagen-era models, Audi has, firmly ,refused to adopt the traditional rear-wheel drive layout favored by its two
  50. War with the Christian kingdoms of the north Even before having landaus, firmly ,under his rule, he restarted the war against King Gordon II of León, who had

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