Examples of the the word, horizon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( horizon ), is the 4677 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Us today may never" catch up" to very distant objects. This defines a future, horizon , which limits the events in the future that we will be able to influence. The
  2. See diagram below). Once a declination has been found for the point on the, horizon ,that a building faces it is then possible to say whether a specific body can be
  3. The azimuth, the angle from north, of the structure and the altitude of the, horizon ,it faces The azimuth is usually measured using a theodolite or a compass. A
  4. For a stratified society in this period. This, Thom argued, was a notch on the, horizon ,where a double sunset would occur at midwinter. However, from ground level
  5. Above the horizon for 24 continuous hours at least once per year and below the, horizon ,for 24 continuous hours at least once per year. On the Arctic Circle those
  6. Finding a place where on a specific date the sun set into a notch on the, horizon , A common theme is a mountain which blocked the Sun, but on the right day would
  7. Return to the same throw point and then use a background target object on the, horizon ,to throw in the same direction relative to the wind each time. Competitions and
  8. Expansion would push large regions of space well beyond our observable, horizon , Flatness/oldness problem The flatness problem (also known as the oldness
  9. If the expansion of the Universe continues to accelerate, there is a future, horizon ,as well. Observational evidence The earliest and most direct kinds of
  10. At early times. So our view cannot extend further backward in time, though the, horizon ,recedes in space. If the expansion of the Universe continues to accelerate
  11. That followed By the time Esther was written, the foreign power visible on the, horizon ,as a future threat to Judah was the Macedonians of Alexander the Great, who
  12. Be correct (e.g. Musket, p. 62). Possibly because Scandinavia was beyond the, horizon ,of the earliest Roman sources, including Tacitus (who only mentions one
  13. Of the Universe back to very early times suggests that there is a past, horizon , though in practice our view is also limited by the opacity of the Universe at
  14. Inflation, the Universe undergoes exponential expansion, and the particle, horizon ,expands much more rapidly than previously assumed, so that regions presently on
  15. Although in mountainous regions, there is often no direct view of the true, horizon , The position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed, but directly depends on the
  16. Or matter at all times up to the epoch of last scattering, the particle, horizon ,at that time would correspond to about 2 degrees on the sky. There would then
  17. Main British positions. Between 18:30,when the sun was lowering on the western, horizon , backlighting the German forces, and nightfall at about 20:30,the two huge
  18. Sides of the observable Universe are well inside each other's particle, horizon , The observed isotropy of the CMB then follows from the fact that this larger
  19. To the ancient Greeks, gradual precession had lowered them below the European, horizon ,so that they had been forgotten. On his return to Lisbon, Vespucci wrote in a
  20. Of the object or distribution of charge on it is evenly distributed along the, horizon ,of the black hole, and is lost to outside observers. The behavior of the
  21. Of being intoxicated. " It rolls in like a storm, drums galloping over the, horizon ,into ear shot, guitar riffs slicing with terse dexterity while a tale about a
  22. That attempted to solve the problem of the Moon appearing larger near the, horizon ,than it does when higher up in the sky, a debate that is still unresolved.
  23. Celestial latitude, known as declination. The arc connecting the points on the, horizon ,due East and due West (if the horizon is flat) and all points midway between
  24. In Cumbria, it occurs largely in the New Red rocks, but at a lower geological, horizon , The alabaster of Nottingham shire and Derbyshire is found in thick nodular beds
  25. The mid-point. If an archaeoastronomy can calculate from the azimuth and, horizon ,height that a site was built to view a declination of +23.5° then he or she
  26. The possibilities of summer are gone, and the chill of winter is on the, horizon , Skies turn gray, and many people turn inward, both physically and mentally.
  27. General Daniel Doff and the Allied staff, rode up to Ladoga where, on the, horizon ,to the westward he could discern the massed ranks of the French army deploying
  28. And computing * Bar (tropical cyclone),a layer of dark cloud near the, horizon ,* Base Address Register, a concept in computer hardware design Media and
  29. Aiming the boomerang by pointing with their left arm at or just above the, horizon , Launching is performed crisply using a whip-like flick with their index finger
  30. Calendar site which must have been positioned carefully in order to use the, horizon ,foresight in the ways described. It is the combination of the alignment and
  31. Around a black hole there is a mathematically defined surface called an event, horizon ,that marks the point of no return. It is called" black" because it absorbs
  32. Measuring the angle between a star and the Earth's (or the Moon's), horizon , This task proved to be difficult, as a large cloud of debris around the
  33. In an orbit about the Moon. Borman saw the Earth emerging from behind the lunar, horizon ,and called in excitement to the others, taking a black-and-white photo as he
  34. Age In 1958,David Finkelstein identified the Schwarzschild surface as an event, horizon ," a perfect unidirectional membrane: causal influences can cross it in only
  35. Hit the top of the atmosphere, the crew saw the Moon rising above the Earth's, horizon , just as had been predicted by the trajectory specialists. As they hit the thin
  36. The outer part is aligned towards the midwinter sunset position on a level, horizon ,just to the left of Ward Hill on How. Fourthly the inner part points directly
  37. Return. It is called" black" because it absorbs all the light that hits the, horizon , reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics. Quantum
  38. Are some remaining unsolved problems in physics. Horizon problem The, horizon ,problem results from the premise that information cannot travel faster than
  39. In the same way that it drives the geometry to flatness. A resolution to the, horizon , flatness, and magnetic monopoly problems alternative to cosmic inflation is
  40. And Room sit on the terrace of a house, from which they can see far into the, horizon , As he gazes seaward, Tarrou says with a sense of relief that it is good to be
  41. Not prehistoric peoples used high-accuracy astronomy. He believed that by using, horizon ,astronomy, observers could make estimates of dates in the year to a specific
  42. The quiet years of Alfred’s life were coming to a close, and war was on the, horizon , Further Viking attacks repelled After another lull, in the autumn of 892 or
  43. In the future that we will be able to influence. The presence of either type of, horizon ,depends on the details of the FLRW model that describes our Universe. Our
  44. Florida) during the northern summer, Alpha Centauri lies close to the southern, horizon , As seen from Earth, Proxima Centauri lies 2.2° southwest from Alpha Centauri
  45. Moon appears closer and smaller high in the sky, and further and larger on the, horizon , Through works by Roger Bacon, John Pelham and Widely based on Alhazen's
  46. The arc connecting the points on the horizon due East and due West (if the, horizon ,is flat) and all points midway between the Celestial Poles is the Celestial
  47. 24-hour sunless night). North of the Arctic Circle, the sun is above the, horizon ,for 24 continuous hours at least once per year and below the horizon for 24
  48. That more and more of the currently visible Universe will pass beyond our event, horizon ,and out of contact with us. The eventual result is not known. The CCDM model of
  49. About −29° S latitude, Alpha Centauri is circumpolar and never sets below the, horizon , Both stars, including Crux, are too far south to be visible for mid-latitude
  50. Past whose light has not had time to reach us. This places a limit or a past, horizon ,on the most distant objects that can be observed. Conversely, because space is

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