Examples of the the word, precept , in a Sentence Context
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- Helps man to live up to the primary or subsidiary precept s can be a secondary, precept , for example: *Drunkenness is wrong because it injures one's health, and worse
- e. g., for a Buddhist, one of the five precept s is "," or" I undertake the, precept ,to refrain from destroying living creatures," which is in obvious opposition
- And to Pindar's verse in particular. The life of Backslides This simple, precept , from one of Backslides' extant fragments, was considered by his modern
- Take the precept s as their teacher, so few ceremonies are held for partial, precept ,undertaking. There are exceptions, however. In concise terms, the late Chan
- Meat eating are the fundamental conditions for being a Jain. Buddhism's first, precept ,is the respect for all sentient life. The general approach by all Buddhists is
- Burke wrote:" It cannot at this time be too often repeated; line upon line;, precept ,upon precept ; until it comes into the currency of a proverb, To innovate is not
- And man is by nature a social animal (i.e. does not support the subsidiary, precept ,of living in society). Natural moral law is concerned with both exterior and
- Believed to be embodied, in its most abstract form, in the concept of a primary, precept ,:" Good is to be sought, evil avoided. " St. Thomas explains that: there
- From trait-based tools such as 16PF. Type preferences are polar opposites: a, precept ,of MBTI is that people fundamentally prefer one thing over the other, not a bit
- One of the rest. The breach of this precept is arrogance, and observers of the, precept ,are called modest. * The eleventh law is that if a man be trusted to judge
- It is primarily vegetarian, in order to keep with the general Buddhist, precept ,of AHIMA (non-violence). Parts of Ancient India were also Buddhist, and many
- With Candide, if not outright rejecting optimism, advocating an enigmatic, precept ," we must cultivate our garden ", in lieu of the Leibniz mantra of Pan gloss
- Garment” and thus find that a woman wearing a tacit to be in violation of the, precept ,prohibiting a woman from wearing a man’s garment. In contemporary Orthodox
- Poverty. Clad in a rough garment, barefoot,and, after the Evangelical, precept , without staff or scrip, he began to preach repentance. He was soon joined by a
- That every man acknowledge another for his equal by nature. The breach of this, precept ,is pride. * The tenth law is that at the entrance into the conditions of peace
- Past and Prejudice ':" The dynamic of Indian society was the juxtaposition of, precept ,to practice, of the organization of life as it should be, to the organization
- Wrote that it was only permitted to enter the site to fulfill a religious, precept , After the destruction of the Temple there was discussion whether the
- 2 or 3 times a week with an additional discussion seminar that is called a ", precept , " To graduate, all A. B. candidates must complete a senior thesis and, in most
- Congregation to be remembered before God; and a third time to comply with the, precept ,regarding the scholar. Ten appropriate verses from the Bible are recited at each
- Natural law, of course, is based on" first principles "::... this is the first, precept ,of the law, that good is to be done and promoted, and evil is to be avoided.
- Skyscraper with a shape echoing a historical wardrobe top defied every, precept ,of the modernist aesthetic: historical pattern had been effectively outlawed
- His treatise Leviathan, ( 1651),Hobbes expresses a view of natural law as a, precept , or general rule, found out by reason, by which a man is forbidden to do that
- Sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi. For more on the first precept , see AHIMA. In the fifth, precept ,sure, meraya and major are kinds of alcoholic beverages. In some modern
- The police and fire authorities (and parish council where this exists) set a, precept , is raised from council tax and business rates. Mains water and sewerage
- Variously described as virtue, good conduct, morality,moral discipline and, precept , It is an action that is an intentional effort. It is one of the three
- City Council has responsibility for local issues, including setting an annual, precept ,(local rate) to cover the council's operating costs and producing annual
- A reading that presents Voltaire as advocating a militaristic philosophy and a, precept ,committing the travelers to improving the world through metaphorical gardening
- Have the Church's power to be very great, because it hath dispensed with the, precept ,of the Decalogue. " Lutheran church historian Augustus Leander states" The
- Troilus and Cressida. Tragedies Many have linked these plays to Aristotle's, precept ,about tragedy: that the protagonist must be an admirable but flawed character
- Precepts of Buddhism states that one is to refrain from sexual misconduct; this, precept ,has sometimes been interpreted to include homosexuality. The Dalai Lama of
- Did for me, thy beloved son, the King of Upper- and Lower-Egypt, who has set a, precept ,of worship inside the temple sanctuaries for all men, to the satisfaction of
- Years into the future from the time they were written (circa 1940). This, precept ,was maintained in the pages of his later novel Pebble in the Sky, wherein
- Ages no definite rule regulating the number of crosses, nor was there any, precept ,determining their color. They were generally dark, but sometimes red. The pins
- The speech of Dr Chasuble and Miss Prism is distinguished by" pedantic, precept ," and" idiosyncratic diversion ". Furthermore, the play is chock-full of
- As I learned it as a student in my young days, as I was taught it both by the, precept ,and the example of the great Liberal statesman Mr Gladstone ... that remains
- Annihilation which it intended for us ... It now perishes according to its own, precept ,of ‘ an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ’! " In 1939,in a speech to the
- The town council had limited powers and a small budget funded by the local, precept , It campaigned on local issues, seeking to influence the unitary authority
- Size of the force the snipers are attached to. These perceptions stem from the, precept ,that sniping, while effective in specific instances, is much more effective as
- Is not content should be reserved to every one of the rest. The breach of this, precept ,is arrogance, and observers of the precept are called modest. * The eleventh
- By Thomas Hobbes in his treatises Leviathan and De Five, natural law is" a, precept , or general rule, found out by reason, by which a man is forbidden to do that
- A major departure from Roe. However, it preserved Roe's core constitutional, precept ,: that the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right to control one's
- It cannot at this time be too often repeated; line upon line; precept upon, precept ,; until it comes into the currency of a proverb, To innovate is not to reform ".
- For four years, is responsible for local issues, including setting an annual, precept ,(local rate) to cover the council’s operating costs and producing annual
- Parish council has responsibility for local issues, including setting an annual, precept ,(local rate) to cover the council’s operating costs and producing annual
- Veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi. For more on the first, precept , see AHIMA. In the fifth precept sure, meraya and major are kinds of alcoholic
- Lay followers. Lay followers observe the Five Moral Precepts of which the fifth, precept ,forbids consumption of intoxicants substances (except for medical reasons).
- Constitution. Cantabrian based its claim to autonomy on the constitutional, precept ,that made provision for self-government for" provinces with a historic
- Pre-emptive attack The Israeli strategy was, for the most part, based on the, precept ,that if war was imminent, Israel would launch a preemptive strike. It was
- Every thing that is good here, and to establish immorality and murder by, precept ,and example—'HIC Niger est hung TU Roman ca veto' 'Such a man is evil; beware
- Was a pupil of Socrates, from whom he imbibed the fundamental ethical, precept ,that virtue, not pleasure, is the end of existence. Everything that the wise
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