Examples of the the word, characterization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( characterization ), is the 6811 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Aromatic sextets—i. e., benzene-like moieties—is the most important for the, characterization ,of the properties. For example, in phenanthrene (1) one Car structure has
  2. Practice" that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine ", Self, characterization , The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM)
  3. In the history of Spider-Man. The aftermath of the story also deepened both the, characterization ,of Mary Jane Watson and her relationship with Parker. By late 1973,Gil Kane
  4. Archaeoastronomical topics. Since archaeoastronomy disagree so widely on the, characterization ,of the discipline, they even dispute its name. All three major international
  5. As carbon fibers that were produced on carbon anodes during arc discharge. A, characterization ,of these fibers was given as well as hypotheses for their growth in a nitrogen
  6. However, the government has never produced convincing evidence supporting its, characterization ,of the Bahá'í community. Also, the government's statements that Baha'is who
  7. Positions, decreasing the structural order. Even the most advanced structural, characterization ,techniques, such as x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy
  8. The Cantor set inherits from the natural topology on the real number line. This, characterization ,of the Cantor space as a product of compact spaces gives a second proof that
  9. Advances in aerodynamics, notably his work on supersonic and hypersonic airflow, characterization , A repeating pattern of swirling vortices is named after him, the on Kármán
  10. Of choice or the continuum hypothesis. Thus, there are three possibilities. Each, characterization ,will break some rules, uphold some others, and may be indecisive about some
  11. And can even form parts of other molecules, such as glycoproteins. Structural, characterization ,There are a number of biophysical techniques for determining sequence
  12. And a scowling, badass Robin. " Morrison explains his intentions for the new, characterization ,of Batman:" Dick Grayson is kind of this consummate superhero. The guy has
  13. However, Bjørn Lomborg's publication cannot fall within the bounds of this, characterization , Conversely, the publication is deemed clearly contrary to the standards of
  14. Was always hidden," thus alluding to the film's plot central idea. Lynch's, characterization ,of films, symbols,and motifs have become well-known, and his particular style
  15. Are the sensory qualities' solidity, fluidity,temperature, and mobility; their, characterization ,as earth, water,fire, and air, respectively,is declared an
  16. Characterizations can yield different results. For example, in the popular, characterization ,of size chosen by Cantor, sometimes an infinite set A is larger (in that sense
  17. The new Constitution gave much more power to the central government, but, characterization , of the result is disputed. The general goal of the authors was to get as close
  18. Isomorphism requires the axiom of choice. Another consequence of this algebraic, characterization ,is that C contains many proper subfields which are isomorphic to C (the same
  19. Has been an indispensable area in the development of nanotechnology. Surface, characterization ,instruments, electron microscopes and scanning probe microscopes enables
  20. Point cannot? ". The word" existential" can even be dropped from the previous, characterization , since P NP if and only if P PH (as the former would establish that NP co-NP
  21. 1970s many of these techniques began to be used together to achieve a complete, characterization ,of samples. Starting in approximately the 1970s into the present day analytical
  22. Scholarship reveals that Aristotle's" lost" works stray considerably in, characterization ,from the surviving Aristotelian corpus. Whereas the lost works appear to have
  23. Connected locally compact topological fields are R and C. This gives another, characterization ,of C as a topological field, since C can be distinguished from R because the
  24. Vain, pompous personality revealed from his letters also often led to negative, characterization ,in modern popular depictions. Cicero had a major influence on modern astronomy
  25. Going after hidden treasure. Waters wrote a total of five drafts. On the, characterization ,of Cat woman, Waters explained" Sam Hamm went back to the way comic books in
  26. Smiled at him and said" And where was I, then? " The Roman writer Virgil's, characterization ,of the Volcano warrior maiden Camilla in the Aeneid borrows heavily from the
  27. Elaine Carry also argues that beauty is related to justice. Human beauty The, characterization ,of a person as“ beautiful ”, whether on an individual basis or by community
  28. Breaks the rule that deleting an element makes the set smaller. Another, characterization ,may preserve the rule that deleting an element makes the set smaller, but break
  29. As administered by the Local Ordinary, or Bishop. Universal celibacy Jesus ', characterization ,(in) of the future status of all persons in heaven is officially designated "
  30. Held for finite sets. Which rules are broken varies from characterization to, characterization , For example,Cantor's characterization , while preserving the rule that
  31. If harmonic motion is estimated. More importantly, it allows for the, characterization ,of stationary points. The frequencies are related to the eigenvalues of the
  32. Of computer science that deals with the design, implementation,analysis, characterization , and classification of programming languages and their individual features. It
  33. Of organometallic chemistry. * Materials chemistry is the preparation, characterization , and understanding of substances with a useful function. The field is a new
  34. Criticized what he saw as the film's lack of emotional depth, shallow, characterization , and empty metaphors. Listing it among the most overrated works within the film
  35. Isomorphic to itself). Characterization as a topological field The preceding, characterization ,of C describes the algebraic aspects of C, only. That is to say, the properties
  36. BS 7901 for recovery vehicles and vehicle recovery equipment *BS 8485 for the, characterization ,and remediation from ground gas in affected developments *BS 8494 for detecting
  37. A group of Soviet scientists published the results of chemical and structural, characterization ,of carbon nanoparticles produced by a thermocatalytical disproportionate of
  38. And clung to its laissez-faire policy while national problems mounted. The, characterization ,is epitomized by an observation made by President Ramón Barros Luck (1910–1915
  39. Equivalent definition reveals the algebraic nature of C more immediately. This, characterization ,relies on the notion of fields and polynomials. A field is a set endowed with
  40. An element makes the set smaller, but break another rule. Furthermore, some, characterization , may not" directly" break a rule, but it may not" directly" uphold it either
  41. Proof that Cantor space is compact, via Tychonoff's theorem. From the above, characterization , the Cantor set is homomorphic to the panic integers, and,if one point is
  42. Representational allegories of yin and yang are water and fire. Yin and yang, characterization ,also extends to the various body functions, and - more importantly - to disease
  43. Example, any complex matrix has at least one (complex) eigenvalue. Algebraic, characterization ,The field C has the following three properties: first, it has characteristic 0.
  44. Is that A and B are cop rime. In this determination, it is convenient to use the, characterization ,that A and B are cop rime if and only if no prime number divides both of them (
  45. Rules" which held for finite sets. Which rules are broken varies from, characterization ,to characterization . For example,Cantor's characterization , while preserving
  46. By aversion to cold, absence of thirst, and a white tongue fur. More detailed, characterization ,depends on whether cold is coupled with vacuity or repletion. In all other
  47. By the Belgian chemist and physician Jan Baptist van Helmont. The synthesis and, characterization ,of elemental chlorine occurred in 1774 by Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Schiele
  48. Or philosophy. But using a broader definition, such as Frederick Streng's, characterization ,of religion as" a means of ultimate transformation ", Confucianism could be
  49. Better way of understanding of emission of beta particle. History Discovery and, characterization ,of decay Radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by Henri Becquerel in uranium
  50. Broken varies from characterization to characterization . For example,Cantor's, characterization , while preserving the rule that sometimes one set is larger than another

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