Examples of the the word, running , in a Sentence Context

The word ( running ), is the 6856 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S byte code is platform-independent, Java applets can be executed by browsers, running ,under many platforms, including Windows, Unix,macOS, and Linux. When a Java
  2. His teaching and private classes, Bell began to stay awake late into the night, running ,experiment after experiment in rented facilities at his boarding house. Keeping
  3. Although precariously built, the vast majority of them have electricity, running ,water and modern household amenities. Nevertheless, many of these gecekondus
  4. Teams, each trying to grab and hold a goat carcass. Afghan hounds (a type of, running ,dog) originated in Afghanistan and was originally used in the sport of hunting
  5. To Atlanta; and I-10 traverses the southernmost portion of the state, running ,from west to east through Mobile. Another interstate road,I-22,is currently
  6. Where the spore lands. The spores of fresh-water Algae are dispersed mainly by, running ,water and wind, as well as by living carriers. The bodies of water into which
  7. Took over the title. From October 1994 to June 1996,Amazing stopped, running ,stories exclusive to it, and ran installments of multipart stories that
  8. Of Hector's favorite and dearest brother, Deiphobus, persuaded Hector to stop, running ,and fight Achilles face to face. After Hector realized the trick, he knew the
  9. Group. Hybrid electric vehicles includes: Fully electric vehicles: LED daytime, running ,lights Beginning in 2006,Audi has implemented white LED technology as daytime
  10. Appearance of the convent is that of a town of isolated houses with streets, running ,between them. It is evidently planned in compliance with the Benedictine rule
  11. Areas and many rural communities, with services on most major routes, running ,half-hourly or more frequently during peak travel times. There are frequent
  12. The foundation of exercise being central to health, he names many exercises as, running , swimming, weight lifting, polo,fencing, boxing,wrestling, long jumping, high
  13. By the spin-off anime series that, first broadcast in the late 1990s,is still, running ,worldwide to this day. In doing so, anime has made significant impacts upon
  14. The government representatives, since he does have some real knowledge on the, running ,of trains. She notices, however,that he is the least appreciated by his own
  15. The Atlantic Ocean into two large troughs with depths from. Transverse ridges, running ,between the continents and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge divide the ocean floor into
  16. Who stayed in Ningbo in China. There he visited the local mosque, the Hui, running ,the mosque was from Shandong, and he was a descendant of Muslims from the city
  17. Night Before ", traditionally held at the Beverly Hills Hotel (eight years, running ,in 2010) and generally known as THE party of the season, benefits the Motion
  18. De facto head for some time—Turing having little interest in the day-to-day, running ,of the section. Turing became a general consultant for cryptanalysis at
  19. Quad band GSM and EDGE cellular phone with features found in hand held devices, running ,scaled-down versions of Apple's Mac OS X (dubbed iOS, formerly iPhone OS)
  20. Defines the limits of the Aegean Sea as follows: On the South. A line, running ,from Cape As pro (28°16'E) in Asia Minor, to Cum Burn (Capo Della Serbia)
  21. Transportation Company twin mainline runs east and west bisecting the town and, running ,just south of the downtown business district. The C&NW used to operate a branch
  22. The Ambassadors Theatre in London on 25 November 1952 and as of 2011 is still, running ,after more than 24,000 performances. In 1955,Christie was the first recipient
  23. Lights Beginning in 2006,Audi has implemented white LED technology as daytime, running ,lights in their products. The distinctive shape of the URLs has become a
  24. Andrew Johnson, a War Democrat from the Southern state of Tennessee, as his, running ,mate. To broaden his coalition to include War Democrats as well as Republicans
  25. Time) ## Las Vegas algorithms always return the correct answer, but their, running ,time is only probabilistically bound,e.g. ZPP. # In optimization problems
  26. Politician (d. 1993) *1924 – H. Browning Ross, American long-distance, running ,Olympian (d. 1998) *1926 – David Coleman, British TV sports broadcaster *1926
  27. In the form of a differential equation that operates continuously on the data, running ,on an analog computer. Legal issues: See also: Software patents for a general
  28. This, and related statements, reflect the deep thread of international theology, running ,through Anglican social thought – a theology which sees God, nature,and
  29. Solution. A memorable example of these sorts of schemes" involved the idea of, running ,the poor through a joint-stock company ". That were in vogue during the early
  30. Were designed by Saudi as structures jutting out from the steep hillside or, running ,on viaducts, with separate footpaths in arcades formed under these structures.
  31. Value, as well as its symbolism, such as waves or the form of brooks or, running ,water. Bells and candles are also frequent symbols. These are symbols of film
  32. As their official currency. *2010 – A train derailed near Merino, Italy,after, running ,into a landslide, causing nine deaths and injuring 28 people. Births *599 BC –
  33. Fact was that it was the junction point where the roads in northern Anatolia, running ,north-south and east-west intersected. The great imperial road running east
  34. Car getting a head start) using an index (the lowest e. t. allowed),and cars, running ,under (quicker than) their index" break out" and lose. The slowest cars
  35. And deciduous forests: These forests occupy the mountains of northern Anatolia, running ,east and west between the coastal Euxine-Colchic forests and the drier
  36. McCain defeated Democrat Barack Obama in Alaska,59.49 % to 37.83 %. McCain's, running ,mate was Sarah Pain, the state's governor and the first Alaskan on a major
  37. Southeast, the Atlantic merges into the Indian Ocean. The 20° East meridian, running ,south from Cape Adults to Antarctica defines its border. Some authorities show
  38. Men by the loss at Bennington and the need to garrison Ticonderoga, and he was, running ,short on supplies. Despite these setbacks, he determined to push on towards
  39. To run on a national ticket when she became John McCain's Vice Presidential, running ,mate. She continued to be a prominent national figure even after resigning from
  40. January 1865 closed the last useful Southern port and virtually ended blockade, running , Conscription and desertion In the first year of the war, both sides had far
  41. One (although every album includes at least one instrumental somewhere in the, running ,order). The instrumental on that album," Sirius ", eventually became the
  42. By his own men, the director had archers shoot real arrows, hollowed out and, running ,along wires, toward Toshiba Minute from a distance of about ten feet, with the
  43. For rail transport, Amtrak schedules the Crescent, a daily passenger train, running ,from New York to New Orleans with stops at Anniston, Birmingham,and Tuscaloosa
  44. Has 5 plus 2,allowing use with a hexadecimal numeral system. Instead of, running ,on wires as in the Chinese and Japanese models, the beads of Roman model run in
  45. Antisemitic violence can actually be seen as a spill-over from the long, running ,Arab-Israeli conflict since the majority of the perpetrators are from the large
  46. In armament production. Few women were employed in the factories, which were, running ,only one shift. One evening soon after his appointment, Speer went to visit a
  47. Anatolia running north-south and east-west intersected. The great imperial road, running ,east passed through Ankara and a succession of emperors and their armies came
  48. The Democratic Party primary, with generally only token Republican challengers, running ,in the General Election. Developments in the 1986 Democratic primary election
  49. McGillicuddy. Miss Marple herself sees an apparent murder committed on a train, running ,alongside hers. Likewise, it is Miss Marple herself who poses as a maid to find
  50. 27, 2010,Apple introduced their much-anticipated media tablet, the iPad, running ,a modified version of iOS. It offers multitouch interaction with multimedia

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