Examples of the the word, ruling , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ruling ), is the 3422 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Hostile to the purported descendants of Northern, who at this time were a, ruling ,house in Polys. This interpretation is supported by the negative character of
- Chateaux (de Clara Value),AD 1116. The rigid self-abnegation, which was the, ruling ,principle of this reformed congregation of the Benedictine order, extended
- In the rest of Europe. RTSH has a past of being heavily influenced by the, ruling ,party in its reporting, that being left or right winged. According to the National
- 1973 when U. S. District Judge Earl R. Larson held the ENAC patent invalid, ruling ,that the ENAC derived many basic ideas from the Standoff–Berry Computer.
- Throne at such an early age, Alfonso had served no apprenticeship in the art of, ruling , but he possessed great natural tact and a sound judgment ripened by the trials
- Regional wars ever in Brazil, which was chiefly directed against the white, ruling ,class, reduced the population of Pará from about 100,000 to 60,000. The total
- In any other but Muslim contexts, but the High Court in 2009 revoked the law, ruling ,that it was unconstitutional. While Allah had been used for the Christian God
- That" The best way for Turks to promote democracy would be to vote against the, ruling ,party ". Not long after, the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said
- A Marxist party came to power, its leaders would simply take the place of the, ruling ,class they had fought against. In 1872,the conflict climaxed with a final
- XI in 1078 BC, Smendes assumed authority over the northern part of Egypt, ruling ,from the city of Tanks. The south was effectively controlled by the High
- This subtle agent, possessed of all knowledge and power, is especially seen, ruling ,in all the forms of life. Mind causes motion. It rotated the primitive mixture
- Franks attacked the Burgundians in the decade after 500,Alaric assisted the, ruling ,house, and according to Wolfram the victorious Burgundian king Gunboat ceded
- Latter, the western portion of the empire. Radius showed little interest in, ruling , leaving most of the actual power to his Praetorian Prefect Ruins. Honors
- Khrushchev thaws in the 1950s. According to Solzhenitsyn, Russians were not the, ruling ,nation in the Soviet Union. He believed that all ethnic cultures have been
- Set a precedent for wives who were Roman Empresses or female relatives of the, ruling ,Imperial Family of the day to assist in the ruling and decision-making policies
- Was also per office the head of that reichsunmittelbar state. The last such, ruling ,abbess was Sofia Albertina, Princess of Sweden. The term abdominal surgery
- War that had been ongoing since Angola's independence in 1975. Namibia's, ruling ,party SWAP sought to support the ruling party MPA in Angola against the rebel
- In the provinces reconquered over England. However, it never spread beyond the, ruling ,elite. With these various styles, the same day could, in some cases, be dated
- Vary greatly from era to era and each one is traditionally named after the, ruling ,dynasty. So, for example, Tang Dynasty paintings are monochromatic and sparse
- Of its Amir extended to Palmyra (early 17th century); but Olivier found the, ruling ,prince with only twenty-five men in his service, the town becoming more
- Where" Here" refers to Here Recorders van de star Amsterdam (, ruling ,lords of Amsterdam),and freight means canal, so the name can be roughly
- Or female relatives of the ruling Imperial Family of the day to assist in the, ruling ,and decision-making policies that could affect, change and shape the Empire.
- Catholic newspaper The Herald. The government has in turn appealed the court, ruling , and the High Court has suspended implementation of its verdict until the
- Of Persian literature on the territory of present-day Azerbaijan. The next, ruling ,state of the Jalayirids was short-lived and fell under the conquests of Timur.
- Sunday of November. The Yen Azerbaijan Party, and independents loyal to the, ruling ,government, currently hold almost all the Parliament's 125 seats. During
- Of Gratin and Theodosius that Arianism was effectively wiped out among the, ruling ,class and elite of the Eastern Empire. Theodosius' wife St Flotilla was
- Brought against him by the incompetent loan applicant. When Narragansett's, ruling ,was reversed on appeal, he retired and joined the strike. At the end of the
- Votes helped bring the popular front back to power. Months later, the former, ruling ,class responded with an attempted coup causing the Spanish Civil War (
- Islamic Front for Combat Against the Jews and Crusaders, they declared: The, ruling ,to kill the Americans and their allies—civilians and military—is an individual
- Under ADA and must be made accessible to persons with disabilities. The, ruling ,was later appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court which refused to hear the case
- In the decision" below" ( i.e., in the lower court),it may" modify" the, ruling ,to correct the defect, or it may nullify (" reverse" or" vacate" ) the
- Sensitive but more general test is the Ranch test. ) Owing to its use by the, ruling ,class to murder one another and its potency and discreetness, arsenic has been
- Deny the legitimacy of a state on principle::" For, apart from, ruling ,out as unjustified all activities such as murder, homicide,rape, trespass
- Players will portray the children of the main characters from the books - the, ruling ,family of Amber, known as the Elder Americas - or a resident of the Courts.
- Greek) (444 BC – 360 BC) was a king of Sparta, of the Eurypontid dynasty, ruling ,from approximately 400 BC to 360 BC, during most of which time he was, in
- Councils of elders, known as Ken bet in the New Kingdom, were responsible for, ruling ,in court cases involving small claims and minor disputes. Punishment for minor
- Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. However, the U. S. Supreme Court reversed the, ruling ,of the lower courts on the basis that Norwegian Cruise Lines was a business
- A small town. It is a humorous political critique, aimed squarely at the then, ruling ,party Parties Revolutionary Institutional (PRI) and its paramilitary
- Found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples,the, ruling ,caste or race is fairer than the rest and has, therefore,evidently
- Arabia. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 had put the Kingdom and its, ruling ,House of Said at risk. The world's the most valuable oil fields were within easy
- 1816 – the United Kingdom formally annexed the Tristan the Cuba archipelago, ruling ,them from the Cape Colony in South Africa. *1842 – Indian Wars: Second Seminole
- To the U. S. Supreme Court which refused to hear the case, letting stand the, ruling ,of the 9th Circuit Court. Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd. This was a case
- Culminating in the final Spanish recognition of sovereignty of Portugal's new, ruling ,dynasty, the House of Organza, on 13 February 1668 in the Treaty of Lisbon.
- Elections, due for 1997,have been rescheduled for 5 September 2008. The, ruling ,party MPA won 82 % (191 seats in the National Assembly) and the main
- South Africa Angola-South Africa relations are quite strong as the, ruling ,parties in both nations, the African National Congress in South Africa and the
- S independence in 1975. Namibia's ruling party SWAP sought to support the, ruling ,party MPA in Angola against the rebel movement UNITS, whose stronghold is in
- Root of the word, as these texts were obviously hidden away to protect the, ruling ,Emperor from challenges to his status as Heaven's choice as sovereign.
- We failed to discipline the organization. " FTC investigation In a 1979, ruling , the Federal Trade Commission found that Amway does not qualify as a pyramid
- Then in the crucial democratic experience of, to use Aristotle's words,", ruling ,and being ruled in turn" ( Politics 1317b28–30). The allotment of an
- That the Court of Appeals erred when it found Williams to be disabled. This, ruling ,is now, however,no longer good law -- it was invalidated by the ADANA. In fact
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