Examples of the the word, pride , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pride ), is the 3426 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In order to give the bisexual community its own symbol comparable to the Gay, pride ,flag of the larger LGBT community *Bisexual community, a term used to describe
  2. To unisexual (only one sex present, always females) recovered names *Bisexual, pride ,flag, designed by Michael Page in 1998 in order to give the bisexual community
  3. Triumph over all earthly empires which are self-indulgent and ruled by, pride , Augustine followed Cyprian in teaching that the bishops of the church are the
  4. The two seat arrangement where it exists, since the county seat is a source of, pride ,(and jobs) to the city involved. Arkansas is the only state to specify the
  5. Amulet, provide important teachings about the atonement of Christ, overcoming, pride , and the natural man, retaining conversion, the resurrection of all men, and
  6. They employ a high, energetic tone of voice. Singing fiercely and with great, pride , they typically add nonsensical, random noises to their singing. Likewise
  7. And The Peloponnesian War was only in its fourth year. His plays often express, pride ,in the achievement of the older generation (the victors at Marathon) yet they
  8. Sense organs are the powerful enemies of humans. Anger spoils good relations, pride ,destroys humility, deceit destroys peace and greed destroys everything. Jainism
  9. Only physical but also mental behaviors. One's unconquered mind with anger, pride ,(ego),deceit, greed and uncontrolled sense organs are the powerful enemies
  10. Of Munich and Framing. Traditions Bavarians commonly emphasize, pride ,in their traditions. Traditional costumes collectively known as Lang "
  11. Functions both as a demonstration of mysticism and as a piece of family, pride , Architecture In Baroque architecture, new emphasis was placed on bold massing
  12. Full support, of the United States. The events at Suez wounded British national, pride , leading one MP to describe it as" Britain's Waterloo" and another to
  13. He sacrificed two important objects to petty considerations. His, pride ,of opinion, his desire to beat, blinded him to the real welfare of the South
  14. In its modern English usage to apply to any outrageous act or exhibition of, pride ,or disregard for basic moral laws. Such an act may be referred to as an" act
  15. Abuse. Additionally, there are countless bhangra songs devoted to Punjabi, pride ,themes and Punjabi heroes. The lyrics are tributes to the rich cultural
  16. Both figures. He described Lucifer as the light spirit, which " plays on human, pride ,and offers the delusion of divinity ", but also motivates creativity and
  17. Passion must be Superior to all private Passions. Men must be ready, they must, pride ,themselves, and be happy to sacrifice their private Pleasures, Passions,and
  18. Hero, and in which he was represented, somewhat like the British Arthur, as the, pride ,and crown of chivalry. Before the publication of this work most of the trouvère
  19. God, with its hierarchy of beings and values. They would not have fallen into, pride ,and lack of wisdom, if Satan hadn't sown into their senses" the root of evil
  20. Protected by the same Providence that protected the young nation. This national, pride ,was a large part of the Jacksonian cultural myth fueling American expansion in
  21. S neglect of his finances. Some observers speculate that Alan Jay Lerner's, pride ,was so badly bruised by Muselli's much-publicized rejection of him (due to
  22. Been influenced by the cultures of those neighboring nations. Afghans display, pride ,in their culture, nation,ancestry, and above all, their religion and
  23. Drew his dagger and rushed upon the sultan. Alp Asian, who took great, pride ,in his reputation as the foremost archer of his time, motioned to his guards
  24. Insipientia) followed by pride and disobedience to God or the opposite:, pride ,came first. The first couple disobeyed God, who had told them not to eat of the
  25. So use of the term" African" became problematic. Though initially a source of, pride , many blacks feared the use of African as an identity would be a hindrance to
  26. Christopher Street Day (Berlin Pride)—Central Europe is largest gay-lesbian, pride ,event celebrated on the last weekend of June—Folsom Europe and Hustlaball.
  27. She got copying papers by hand, which she did secretly in her room, and took, pride ,in her ability to earn money" as if she were a man. " Torvald's new job
  28. Six countries (England, Senegal,Guinea, Ireland,France, and Kenya),took, pride ,in its ability to bring people together through music. " We can communicate
  29. Shocked. England then lost the 1975 series 0–1,but at least restored some, pride ,under new captain Tony Drag. Australia won the 1977 Centenary Test which was
  30. In place of Negro, activists promoted the use of black as standing for racial, pride , militancy and power. Some turning points included the use of the term "
  31. Of Adam and Eve was either an act of foolishness (incipient) followed by, pride ,and disobedience to God or the opposite: pride came first. The first couple
  32. Inland. Historian Geoffrey Elton suggests only Henry's ardent supporters felt, pride ,over his Welsh blood. It was a different story when Henry moved to
  33. Greed destroys everything. Jainism recommends conquering anger by forgiveness, pride ,(ego) by humility, deceit by straight-forwardness and greed by contentment.
  34. For President Vladimir Putin's attempts to restore a sense of national, pride ,in Russia. Putin signed a decree conferring on Solzhenitsyn the State Prize of
  35. To modern usage, the term did not have the extended connotation of overweening, pride , self-confidence or arrogance, often resulting in fatal retribution. In Ancient
  36. Which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just, pride ,of patriotism more than any appellation. " Originally, the name" the United
  37. Of Imperial reform, besides encouraging any first buddings of pan-national, pride ,that would unite his multilingual and ethnic subjects under one common
  38. Sign of the lion, Leo. Leo is associated with fire and symbolizes productivity, pride , and expansion. The bricks used to make the city were on all four sides. Abu
  39. Pangasinan, which offers preschool, elementary and high school education, takes, pride , in having St. Albert as their patron saint. Its main building was named
  40. S life when he was very ill, but she has not told him in order to protect his, pride , She told everyone that the money came from her father, who died at about the
  41. Word in Japan have lessened in foreign context, where it instead connotes the, pride ,of the fans. Ankara () is the capital of Turkey and the country's second
  42. The action performed by the hero, usually because of his/her hubris, or great, pride , that leads to his/her death or downfall. Crucial to this definition are the
  43. Favored buildings that reinforced the paternalistic metaphor and enhanced civic, pride , Between 1886 and 1917,Carnegie reformed both library philanthropy and library
  44. Losing his Hill head seat to Labor candidate George Galloway in 1987. Liberal, pride ,was damaged by the sustained lampooning of the Alliance by ITV's Spitting
  45. To the same results. However, these approaches are often a matter of national, pride ,and there are opinions amongst jurists about the merits of the differing
  46. Rather than being. At the school, Ged masters his craft with ease, but his, pride ,and arrogance grow even faster than his skill and, in his hubris, he attempts
  47. Tomb the dust of Aeschylus doth hide, : Euphorion's son and fruitful Gela's, pride ,.: How tried his valor, Marathon may tell, : And long-haired Modes, who knew it
  48. S loss in the death of your distinguished husband. It will ever be a source of, pride ,to our country that the great invention, with which his name is immortally
  49. As" a hard-nosed cop who is completely devoted to the force" and with" more, pride ,in the Military Police than anything else. " Dan is voiced by Thou Agenda in
  50. The ancient Greek world. That was so because it not only was proof of excessive, pride , but also resulted in violent acts by or to those involved. The category of

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