Examples of the the word, remaining , in a Sentence Context

The word ( remaining ), is the 3423 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Service. It is the world's the largest wildlife refuge, comprising. Of the, remaining ,land area, the state of Alaska owns; its entitlement under the Alaska Statehood
  2. Fatal within 2–5 years. Around 50 % die within 14 months of diagnosis. The, remaining ,50 % will not necessarily die within the next 14 months as the distribution is
  3. Shorter length s in S, repeatedly subtract the measuring number s in S from the, remaining ,length r in R.: 7 IF S > R THEN done measuring so GOT 10 ELSE measure again,
  4. Finally made slavery illegal everywhere in the United States, thus freeing the, remaining ,slaves—65,000 in Kentucky (as of 1865),name "/IN"> Harrison"/> 1,800 in
  5. Was ready. They dated it, and began to sign. They also requested each of the, remaining ,states to notify its delegation when ratification was completed. On that date
  6. To sing, more melodic, and more adaptable to new orchestrations while still, remaining ,as easily recognizable as" The Star-Spangled Banner. " Some prefer" America
  7. Bell's parents embarked upon a long-planned move when they realized that their, remaining ,son was also sickly. Acting decisively, Alexander Melville Bell asked Bell to
  8. From there, roughly 45 % of it goes to the liver and 45 % to the bones, and the, remaining ,10 % is excreted. The uptake to the liver depends on the individual and
  9. Grammatical changes may occur in ways that echo the colloquial variants: **Any, remaining ,case endings (e.g. masculine plural nominative -UN vs. oblique -in) will be
  10. Make a script more complicated. In later Pahlavi papyri, up to half of the, remaining ,graphic distinctions of these twelve letters were lost, and the script could no
  11. Portions of the Alaska Peninsula are considered part of Southwest, with the, remaining ,portions included with the Aleutian Islands (see below). North Slope The
  12. Under international pressure, a second round run-off vote between Karma and, remaining ,challenger Abdullah was announced, but a few days later Abdullah announced that
  13. Numbers of independent atoms of noble gases exist, such as argon and neon. The, remaining ,99 % of the atmosphere is bound in the form of molecules, including carbon
  14. With an average of about 36 % nationwide. Alabama is also one of the few, remaining ,states that levy a tax on food and medicine. Alabama's income tax on poor
  15. Successful albums in 2001,2004 and 2007. Andersson has the distinction of, remaining ,the longest in the Swedish Radio Svensktoppen charts; the songs" Du AR min man
  16. Description: # Assume the first item is largest. # Look at each of the, remaining ,items in the list and if it is larger than the largest item so far, make a note
  17. To the Union XXV Corps, composed of black troops. The, remaining ,Confederate units fled west and after a defeat at Sayler's Creek, it became
  18. L and s that represent the two lengths: INPUT L, S: 2 Initialize R: make the, remaining ,length r equal to the starting/initial/input length l R ← L E0: Insure r ≥ s.:
  19. Became Baroness Wentworth in her own right in 1856,being then the sole, remaining ,representative of the Wentworth Viscounts. Lovelace was often ill, dating from
  20. Of religion, although he used religious terms to explain his decision, while, remaining , a pacifist, to join the army:" In fighting Hitler ", he wrote," we are truly
  21. Of professional astronomers. Astronomy is sometimes promoted as one of the few, remaining ,sciences for which amateurs can still contribute useful data. To recognize this
  22. Loss of the short-long vowel distinction, with the original long vowels, remaining ,as half-long, phonemically,which are used to represent both short and long
  23. Non-division-champion teams (" wild cards" ) by record). The last two teams, remaining ,play in the AFC Championship game with the winner receiving the Lamar Hunt
  24. Killed in action and 6,354 died from illness or accident. About 16,000 of the, remaining ,German troops returned home, but roughly 5,500 remained in the United States
  25. Be and are sold on the open market, however. Various private interests own the, remaining ,land, totaling about one percent of the state. Alaska is, by a large margin
  26. Alliance) against the Taliban that were preparing offensives against the, remaining ,areas under the control of Massed and those under the control of Dos tum.
  27. Kingdoms: the Khanate of Bukhara in north, the Safavid's in the west and the, remaining ,larger area was ruled by the Delhi Sultanate. Afghan nation-state Hotcake
  28. Of 9,165,000 people as of July 2011,nearly 52 % was urban population,the, remaining ,48 % was the rural population. 51 % of the total population were female. In
  29. They allied with local peoples, consolidating their colonial rule against the, remaining ,Portuguese resistance. In 1648,a fleet under the command of Salvador de Sá
  30. By Takashi Abe in 1952 who came as the official Waikiki Home representative, remaining ,in France for seven years. Kenji Tomsk toured with a delegation of various
  31. S death in 2002,followers of Saith subsequently split into two groups; one, remaining ,with the Waikiki and the other forming the independent Shin shin Aikishuren Kai
  32. In the AFC (the four division champions by place standing and the top two, remaining ,non-division-champion teams (" wild cards" ) by record). The last two teams
  33. Commander in Chief, Washington personally directed the withdrawal of his entire, remaining ,army and all their supplies across the East River in one night without
  34. Measuring length s successively (q times) along longer length l until the, remaining ,portion r is less than the shorter length s. In modern words, remainder r = l −
  35. The remainder it uses successive subtractions of the shorter length s from the, remaining ,length r until r is less than s. The high-level description, shown in boldface
  36. On the basis of the team's final division standing in the previous season. The, remaining ,8 games are split between the roster of two other NFL divisions. This
  37. Pashtunwali, which is an ancient way of life that is still preserved. The, remaining ,of the country is culturally Persian and Turkic. Some non-Pashtuns who live in
  38. At the opposite end of the screen and shoot across the screen boundary, while, remaining , relatively safe. Another popular method of exploiting this bug was to simply
  39. Puts 3 percent back into the principal for inflation proofing, and the, remaining ,5 percent is distributed to all qualifying Alaskans. To qualify for the
  40. Its ethnic Greek population. Following the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922,all, remaining ,ethnic Anatolian Greeks were forced out during the 1923 population exchange
  41. Montgomery dead, Arnold wounded, and over 400 Americans taken prisoner. The, remaining ,Americans held on outside Quebec City until the spring of 1776,suffering from
  42. After Sumerian),having been written from c. 3200 BC to the Middle Ages and, remaining ,as a spoken language for longer. The phases of Ancient Egyptian are Old
  43. And Fort Pickens, Fort Jefferson, and Fort Taylor, all in Florida, were the, remaining ,Union-held forts in the Confederacy, and Lincoln was determined to hold them
  44. As well as to major Southeast and Alaska Peninsula communities. The bulk of, remaining ,commercial flight offerings come from small regional commuter airlines such as
  45. Useful for later discussion).: 5 R ← S: 6 S ← L E1: Find remainder: Until the, remaining ,length r in R is less than the shorter length s in S, repeatedly subtract the
  46. With about 25,000 species, and the Campanulaceae, with about 2,000 species. The, remaining ,families count together for less than 500 species. The two large families are
  47. Extraction) with tribute phosphate in a hydrocarbon. The lanthanides and, remaining ,actinides are then separated from the aqueous residue (rabbinate) by a
  48. As assistant director),he had directed twenty-three films, while during the, remaining ,twenty-eight years, for many and complex reasons, he would complete only seven
  49. Of 1861 met in Washington in a failed attempt at resolving the crisis. The, remaining ,eight slave states rejected pleas to join the Confederacy. Confederate forces
  50. Obscurity of alchemical literature, and the eighteenth century disappearance of, remaining ,alchemical practitioners into the area of chemistry; the general understanding

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