Examples of the the word, immoral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( immoral ), is the 9272 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Had been massacred by the Turks and Gladstone therefore believed it was, immoral ,to support the Ottoman Empire. Blake further argued that Disraeli's
  2. Based on some of his books as well as on witness accounts, included blasphemy, immoral ,conduct, and heresy in matters of dogmatic theology, and involved some of the
  3. And Profit Only Another Name for Plunder. " Tucker believed that usury was, immoral , however, he upheld the right for all people to engage in immoral contracts. "
  4. Individual has" turned away" from (ceased) the course of action considered, immoral ,by the church. This can be complex when dealing with cases of divorce and
  5. In order to explain a mention of twin ship (Asia 30.3) between the moral and, immoral , Although Urbanism had died out by the 10th century the critical question of
  6. Christian churches do not view monogamous same-sex relationships as sinful or, immoral , These include all German Lutheran, reformed and united churches in END, all
  7. S Witnesses and Mormons, also take the position that gay sexual activity is, immoral , Other Christian denominations do not view monogamous same-sex relationships as
  8. Is generally defined as the political philosophy which holds the state to be, immoral , or alternatively as opposing authority in the conduct of human relations.
  9. If the sensation of eating a cake is a value, then why is it an, immoral ,indulgence in your stomach, but a moral goal for you to achieve in the stomach
  10. Way but justify employment as a natural occurrence in a free market that is not, immoral ,in any way. Law and order and the use of violence Different anarcho-capitalists
  11. 1 Cor 3:10). Later, Paul wrote about immoral ity in Corinth by discussing an, immoral ,brother, how to resolve personal disputes, and sexual purity. Regarding
  12. Selling tickets at 1000 lire, crowds queued in line for hours to see an “, immoral ,movie” before the censors banned it. At an exclusive Milan screening on
  13. Denominations do not view monogamous same-sex relationships as sinful or, immoral , These include the United Church of Canada, and the United Church of Christ. In
  14. Supersede those expressed in the Gates. In the late 19th century the moral and, immoral ,forces came to be represented by Spent Many and its Satanic antithesis Angry
  15. Actions which, though acknowledged by every one to be prejudicial and, immoral , still do not come within the reach of the positive laws of a country; as often
  16. Him when they need him. He also asked people to save money and not to spend for, immoral ,causes. Ashoka also believed in dharmacharana (dhammacharana) and
  17. As glowing examples of perfection, when they garner awards, or as decadent or, immoral ,if they become associated with a scandal. When seen in a positive light
  18. Of self-interest may be viewed as a moral victory, it could also be dubbed, immoral ,if it prevents another person from executing what is in his best interests.
  19. A Polish festival with no biblical justification ", and a time of wasteful and, immoral ,behavior. Controversy and criticism continues in the present-day, where some
  20. Human. Moderation was encouraged, with the extremes seen as degraded and, immoral , For example, courage is the moderate virtue between the extremes of cowardice
  21. Had the right to take land from American Indians, and calling homosexuality ", immoral ," and" disgusting ", while also advocating the repeal of all laws against it.
  22. See dharmasastra). The antonym of dharma is dharma meaning unnatural or, immoral , Dharma also refers to the teachings and doctrines of the founders of Buddhism
  23. Freedoms listed in the free software definition. Many of them hold that it is, immoral ,to prohibit or prevent people from exercising these freedoms and that these
  24. The Holy Synod frequently attacked Rasputin, accusing him of a variety of, immoral ,or evil practices. Because Rasputin was a court official, though,he and his
  25. Various sexual practices, treating rape, prostitution,or temple sex rituals as, immoral ,and those within committed relationships as positive regardless of sexual
  26. By most of Christianity that these uses of capital punishment were deeply, immoral , Taboo food and drink Orthodox Jews, unlike most Christians, still practice a
  27. For the reading public; women who were regarded as" unfortunates ", inherently, immoral , casualties of the Victorian class/economic system. Bleak House and Little
  28. Ethical altruism. In politics, she condemned the initiation of force as, immoral ,and opposed all forms of collectivism and statism, instead supporting
  29. S novel, A Clockwork Orange, as criticizing Skinner's theories as being, immoral , claiming that moral choice is a necessary part of one's humanity. The novel
  30. The novel, culminating in the brutal murder of his own son. Moore has other, immoral ,characters that are more closely connected to the Catholic Church. These other
  31. In answering this charge, must show either that what is apparently, immoral ,is not really so or that, if it really is so, then closer examination of the
  32. To a devout religiosity that declared depiction of living things in art an, immoral ,rivalry to Allah's creation. Accordingly, Ahmed spent his wealth instead on
  33. Make it impossible for chaplains whose faith teaches that same-sex behavior is, immoral ,to minister to military service members. Other religious organizations and
  34. Towards humanity, to maintain a pure lifestyle, to abstain from criminal and, immoral ,activities, to transmit their rules uncorrupted and to preserve the books of
  35. And law) by Catholic theologian Leonard us Lessons, who condemned them as, immoral , From at least the 18th century, condom use was opposed in some legal
  36. A higher caste if they had led a moral life, or a lower caste if they led an, immoral ,life. Thus, it was thought that those who served undesirable functions, like
  37. Are given today: condoms reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, which some thought, immoral ,or undesirable for the nation; they do not provide full protection against
  38. Celebration of the spring and student life),Ginsberg was labelled an ", immoral ,menace" by the Czechoslovak government because of his free expression of
  39. Usury was immoral , however,he upheld the right for all people to engage in, immoral ,contracts. " Liberty, therefore,must defend the right of individuals to make
  40. Keep quiet about the whole affair. He berates Nora, calling her a dishonest and, immoral ,woman and telling her she is unfit to raise their children. He says that from
  41. Fortress had held only seven prisoners (four forgers, two noblemen kept for, immoral ,behavior, and a murder suspect),the Bastille served as a potent symbol of
  42. S nomination alienated many Republicans who viewed Blaine as ambitious and, immoral , Democratic Party leaders saw the Republicans' choice as an opportunity to
  43. Weapons—attacking the major population centers of the enemy homeland—was, immoral , Nazi-Soviet relations and Falsifiers of History Relations further deteriorated
  44. The key to salvation because since the body is evil, one must defile it through, immoral ,activity (see libertines). The name Cain ite is used as the name of a
  45. By mainstream Yemenite society, considering them lowly, dirty,ill-mannered and, immoral , Latin America The Spanish and Portuguese colonists of the Americas instituted
  46. Sort of questions addressed by applied ethics include:" Is getting an abortion, immoral , "" Is euthanasia immoral ? "" Is affirmative action right or wrong? "" What
  47. S Landing after the arrest of his daughter Margery by the High Seton for, immoral ,behavior. The castle remains loyal to King Stands Marathon. Dorne is
  48. The free software movement do not believe that proprietary software is strictly, immoral , They argue freedom is valuable (both socially and pragmatically) as a
  49. Be laid to rest. Indeed, the Bleeding Nun is yet another representation of an, immoral ,Catholic. These two women are meant to draw a contrast between the morally
  50. By applied ethics include:" Is getting an abortion immoral ? "" Is euthanasia, immoral , "" Is affirmative action right or wrong? "" What are human rights, and how

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