Examples of the the word, erode , in a Sentence Context

The word ( erode ), is the 7610 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If the slope/cliff being undercut is made of unconsolidated sediment it will, erode ,at a much faster rate then a cliff made of bedrock. (Easter brook 1999). *A
  2. For geyser activity exist, the rock structure is loose, and eruptions will, erode ,the channels and rapidly destroy any nascent geysers. Most geysers form in
  3. Corruption. The austerity measures approved by Suharto had started to, erode ,domestic confidence with the New Order and led to popular protests. Suharto
  4. But increases in the minimum wage during the Ortega administration will likely, erode ,its comparative advantage in this industry. Nicaragua relies on international
  5. Lakes called tarns. There may be two glacial cirques 'back to back' which, erode ,deep into their back walls until only a narrow ridge, called an Crete is left.
  6. All streams in the country reduce the economic value of the streams. They, erode ,the mountains and deposit the sediment that created the lowlands and continues
  7. Weakness in the financial sector, speculation,and lower levels of investment, erode ,confidence in the productive sector. The government continues its efforts to
  8. It was not specified in the Constitution. He also thought that to do so would, erode ,states' rights by increasing federal executive power. On the other hand, he
  9. In the world. Less deposits are geologically unstable by nature, and will, erode ,very readily. Therefore, windbreaks (such as big trees and bushes) are often
  10. Resistant rocks erode faster, creating inlets or bays; the more resistant rocks, erode ,more slowly, remaining as headlands or outcroppings. Coastal landforms The
  11. Outer parts of the present delta, lacking replenishment, would mostly soon, erode ,away. Over time, the new channel would itself develop meanders and cutoffs
  12. Typically erode fastest from glancing impacts. Harder material will typically, erode ,fastest from perpendicular impacts. Hardness is a correlative factor for
  13. A large factor in the mechanics of the erosion. A soft material will typically, erode ,fastest from glancing impacts. Harder material will typically erode fastest
  14. At Drama and Guadalajara in 1937. Soon, though,the Nationalists began to, erode ,their territory, starving Madrid and making inroads into the east. The north
  15. Mangroves and seagrass from strong currents and waves that would damage them or, erode ,the sediments in which they are rooted, while the mangroves and seagrass
  16. The Christian churches and increased understanding of other faiths, all helped, erode ,the image of the church as the unique source of wisdom, destined to dominate
  17. Ill thought through and unnecessary ", stating that" it seeks to further, erode ,fundamental legal and civil rights ". Brown was mentioned by the press in the
  18. Bores can erode as the waves surge up river estuaries from the ocean. Waves, erode ,coastline as they break on shore releasing their energy; the larger the wave
  19. Pores and fractures in rock may expand causing further cracking. Glaciers, erode ,predominantly by three different processes: abrasion/scouring, plucking,and
  20. state's endangered species list. Some environmentalists worry that this could, erode ,safeguards for the popular sea creature. Marine pollution is a
  21. Not be reversed and promised to support further reforms so long as they did not, erode ,the institutions of church and state. These new principles were presented in
  22. In fossils and many of these can be seen exposed on the beaches as the cliffs, erode , Cretaceous rocks on the island, usually red, show that the climate was
  23. Grain cultivation in the Tunisian mountains caused large amounts of silt to, erode ,into the river. This silt was accumulated in the harbor until it was made
  24. Pan-Arabism. Egyptian critics of Arab nationalism contend that it has worked to, erode ,and/or relegate native Egyptian identity by superimposing only one aspect of
  25. Gorge period During the tenth century, however,both cultures began to, erode ,and were eventually unified under the Gorge dynasty, which drew much of its
  26. S lifetime. After a surface is initially affected by cavitation, it tends to, erode ,at an accelerating pace. The cavitation pits increase the turbulence of the
  27. Rocks and sediments are added to glaciers through various processes. Glaciers, erode ,the terrain principally through two methods: abrasion and plucking. As the
  28. Tides do not typically cause erosion by themselves; however, tidal bores can, erode ,as the waves surge up river estuaries from the ocean. Waves erode coastline as
  29. The USA),argue against the idea of school vouchers for concern that it would, erode ,educational standards and reduce funding, and that giving money to parents who
  30. In fact the form's popularity as an established genre had already begun to, erode ,with the success of the historical romance popularized by Sir Walter Scott).
  31. Be replaced regularly, since they are consumed in the process. The cathodes do, erode , mainly due to electrochemical processes and metal movement. After five to ten
  32. New Zealand. JPG|Strong winds in the Cook Strait produce high waves, and they, erode ,the shore as shown in this image. Geology New Zealand straddles the boundary
  33. His family members in important priestly positions. Libyan control began to, erode ,as a rival dynasty in the delta arose in Leontopolis, and Kushites threatened
  34. Roots and float on the denser mantle much like an iceberg at sea. As mountains, erode , their roots rise and are erode d in turn. The rocks that now form the surface
  35. Accurately adjusted for the disc in order to get a good recording; this may, erode ,the benefits of dye stability, as marginally written discs (with higher
  36. Also called the meander belt; every time the river changed course, it would, erode ,tons of soil and rocks from its banks. However, channeling and diking the river
  37. Social and political unit. Such arrangements can under certain conditions, erode ,to open access resources. This development has been critiqued by the tragedy of
  38. Exposure of B to being haled into court in New York by this attachment seems to, erode ,the original rationale of quasi in rem jurisdiction. Modern Constitutional
  39. Of a cavity is a relatively low-energy event, highly localized collapses can, erode ,metals, such as steel, over time. The pitting caused by the collapse of
  40. Years, however,the anti-communist atmosphere of the early Cold War began to, erode ,Labor's support. In 1947,Chile announced that he intended to nationalize
  41. Effective intelligence system. During his reign, tribal organization began to, erode ,as provincial government officials allowed land to change hands outside the
  42. Where people would have rested and cooked over large open fires. Once cliffs, erode , midden-remains become exposed as blackened areas containing charred stones
  43. Landforms because the rocks are erode d by ocean waves. The less resistant rocks, erode ,faster, creating inlets or bays; the more resistant rocks erode more slowly
  44. To aid the seed in germination, botanists now use turkeys and gem polishers to, erode ,the endear to allow germination. This tree is highly valued for its wood in
  45. Of these conditions, it is unclear to what degree education had been able to, erode ,traditional values favoring large families. Today, the population continues to
  46. Debate, representing an attempt to set a legal precedent to gradually, erode ,access to all abortion methods. Dr. Martin Haskell has called the ID procedure
  47. Acidic drinks over a long period of time and continuous sipping can therefore, erode ,the tooth enamel. However, under normal conditions, scientific evidence
  48. Reducing the amount of surface erosion. Sediments containing more clay tend to, erode ,less than those with sand or silt. Here, however,the impact of atmospheric
  49. Media from outside the Scottish communities saw the use of this language, erode ,quickly during the 20th century. Many of the Scots who immigrated there were
  50. Erosion. Sediment with high sand or silt contents and areas with steep slopes, erode ,more easily, as do areas with highly fractured or weathered rock. Porosity and

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