Examples of the the word, cling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cling ), is the 8180 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have afflicted the mind, creating suffering and stress. Unenlightened beings, cling ,to the body, under the assumption that it represents a Self, whereas in reality
  2. When the way is free, thrust forward; when the way is obstructed, stick (, cling ,); if receiving greater force, yield or give way; and when the opponent
  3. The idea of their civil rights associated with your government, — they will, cling ,and grapple to you, and no force under heaven will be of power to tear them
  4. Were generally resisted by the Church and the Maltese elite who preferred to, cling ,to their feudal privileges. Political organizations, like the Nationalist Party
  5. Dandruff, or hairs that have already shed from their follicles but continue to, cling ,to the other hairs. There are all manner of detangling tools available in a
  6. Sustenances),and biases. But one such as this does not get involved with or, cling ,to these attachments, cling ings, fixations of awareness, biases,or obsessions;
  7. GAO. And that many local officials had declared themselves kings, attempted to, cling ,to his throne by declaring himself one king among all the others. Liu Bang then
  8. Perspiration from the skin. Linen is a stiff fabric and is less likely to, cling ,to the skin; when it billows away, it tends to dry out and become cool so that
  9. Seem to be doing all the laughing, while the public has nothing to, cling ,to but the horn dog flirtation between mismatched leads William H. Macy and Meg
  10. Skin and flat mask-like faces that can paralyze enemies with a scream, and, cling , to them to drain health away. They first appeared in Ocarina of Time. * are
  11. And surface tension of the water cause the strands to stretch downward and, cling ,together along the hair's length, holding a line and making it easier for the
  12. Completely relinquishing the ego. If the aspirant is unprepared, he will, cling ,to the ego instead, becoming a Black Brother. Rather than becoming one with God
  13. Athena hits his ship with a thunderbolt, but Ajax still survives, managing to, cling ,onto a rock. He boasts that even the gods cannot kill him and Poseidon, on
  14. As incompatible with the European common market. German breweries, however, cling , to the principle. Bavarians are also known as some of the world's most
  15. Scattering of light by the photonic crystal nature of the scales. The scales, cling ,somewhat loosely to the wing and come off easily without harming the butterfly.
  16. Located primarily within the cytosol; in the absence of steroids, they, cling , together in an preceptor complex containing chaperone or heat shock proteins (
  17. He claimed that he immediately realized that the enemy was determined to, cling ,to Torus; however, this seems to be in doubt. In a letter to his wife dated 16
  18. As a great conqueror, converted to Buddhism. His successors managed to, cling ,to power until the last known Indo-Greek ruler, a king named Strata II, who
  19. The four big satellites of Jupiter and the biggest inner satellite, Amalthea, cling ,to a regular, but non-Bode, spacing with the four innermost locked into orbital
  20. Local hip hop cultures include Oriental hip hop, the members of which, cling ,to their Turkish heritage and are confused by Advanced Chemistry's elicitation
  21. Was shown to precede glaciations by 16 million years. Even if life were to, cling ,on in all the ecological refuges listed above, a whole-Earth glaciation would
  22. Its vitalizing and up building power, then nothing more remains to which man can, cling ,and by which he can orient himself. " Developing this idea, Nietzsche wrote
  23. Being sucked out of the PARIS. The Second Doctor and his companions managed to, cling ,to the console, and the crisis passed when Jamie managed to shut the doors. In
  24. Widespread scorn from the international arena. The regime has managed to, cling ,to power by creating wealthy enclaves for government ministers, and senior
  25. Highly developed eyes. While gecko feet have unique surfaces that allow them to, cling ,to glass and run on ceilings, the flatfoot has lost its limbs. The three
  26. Knowlson's description. Didi and Logo are only trapped because they still, cling ,to the concept that freedom is possible; freedom is a state of mind, so is
  27. Industrial societies like much of urban North America, some individuals do, cling ,to a" modernized" primordial identity, apart from others and with this a more
  28. Dana VIII.3 ** This said: ‘ the liberated mind/will (pitta) which does not, cling ,’ means Nirvana” MN2-Att. 4.68 **“ 'The subjugation of becoming means Nirvana
  29. With a pair of tentilla-bearing tentacles on the amoral surface. They, cling ,to and creep on surfaces by exerting the pharynx and using it as a muscular "
  30. Spider-Man's creators gave him super strength and agility, the ability to, cling ,to most surfaces, shoot spider-webs using devices of his own invention which he
  31. Use polonium-210,an alpha emitter, to ionize air, allowing the 'static, cling ,' to more rapidly dissipate. Toxicity Being relatively heavy and positively
  32. Molt. Some spiders care for their young, for example a wolf spider's brood, cling ,to rough bristles on the mother's back, Evolutionary history Fossil record
  33. I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.: May my tongue, cling ,to the roof of my mouth.: If I do not remember you, : if I do not consider
  34. It refers to the hooks, formed from reduced branches, that Uncaring vines use to, cling ,to other vegetation. Uncaring is a member of the tribe Nuclear, but its position
  35. For clothing for a flexible quality. Plasticizers are also put in some types of, cling ,film to make the polymer more flexible. Chemical properties The attractive
  36. Believe that illness and calamity are caused by dark spirits, or masala, which, cling , to a person's body and" poison" them. Shamans, such as the one pictured to
  37. Masers as separate non-German entity, would disappear, while those who would, cling ,to their" foreigners" as one Nazi report mentioned, would be deported Poles
  38. Of ignorance (Avila) that afflict the minds of all unenlightened beings, who, cling , to them and their influence in their ignorance of the truth. But in reality
  39. Wrong. Linguists who reject Chomsky claim to be going beyond Chomsky, or they, cling ,to phrase-structure grammars. They are not turning back to Saussure. "
  40. Family had to default on their loans. With their farm repossessed, the Roads, cling ,to hope, mostly in the form of handbills distributed everywhere in Oklahoma
  41. Pasha Club explained: - Some deep psychological urge which impels a peasant to, cling ,to and die on his land. A great many of these wretched people are killed now
  42. Buried in loose soil at the base of a support. The remaining upper roots will, cling ,to the support, and often grow down into the soil. Growth is rapid under good
  43. Freely" or" by grace" through redemption in Jesus Christ. And therefore we, cling ,to this foundation, which is firm forever, giving all glory to God, humbling
  44. More of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for one's destiny to, cling , too. " *" When virtue has slept, it will arise all the more vigorous. " * "
  45. Hertz implanted a complete web server into a dead fly. The ability of flies to, cling ,to surfaces has also inspired the title of" Human Fly" for real and fictional
  46. In a war where material trumped, as he believed that the French would, cling ,fanatically to what would become a death trap. Falkenhayn claimed in his
  47. Superpowers. In the original Lee-Ditko stories, Spider-Man has the ability to, cling ,to walls, superhuman strength, a sixth sense (" spider-sense" ) that alerts
  48. Homes for their Mexican owners. Around the city are many shantytowns that, cling ,onto the mountainsides, populated by migrants who have come here looking for
  49. Voltages of sufficient magnitude to produce visible attraction (e.g., static, cling , ),repulsion, and sparks. *Sparks — Electrical breakdown of a medium which
  50. Dirty. Silk is a poor conductor of electricity and thus susceptible to static, cling , Unwashed silk chiffon may shrink up to 8 % due to a relaxation of the fiber

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