Examples of the the word, rehearsal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rehearsal ), is the 8178 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The rest of the program was conducted by Albert Coates, who overran his, rehearsal ,time at the expense of Elgar's. Lady Elgar wrote," that brutal selfish
  2. To having his instructions disobeyed. When the band was summoned to the, rehearsal ,stage on short notice, only Holly was in their dressing room. Sullivan said,"
  3. Of this foundation is to support artistic groups with facilities, especially, rehearsal , stages and areas (housed in the old Philips location of Stripes) but also
  4. And whispered the news to his partner. Both sweated through an afternoon of, rehearsal ,in which nothing seemed to go right. At the end, the two walked to the back of
  5. To change their name again. A movie theater across the street from the band's, rehearsal ,room was showing the 1963 Boris Karloff horror film Black Sabbath directed by
  6. Set up the server to play the files, and then set up the projector. A full, rehearsal ,screening of the feature was mandatory as was the requirement to have back up
  7. Knowing how to improvise off the script helps actors find life-like choices in, rehearsal ,and to then keep the quality of discovery in the present moment in their
  8. Procedure, Ebbinghaus wanted to use simple acoustic encoding and maintenance, rehearsal ,for which a list of words could have been used. However, Ebbinghaus knew that
  9. The set at dress rehearsal . Sullivan, who had approved the song at a previous, rehearsal , backed Dylan's decision. The incident resulted in accusations against the
  10. Of acting theory, both heavily utilized improvisation in acting training and, rehearsal , While some people credit Dudley Riggs as the first vaudevillian to use
  11. Primacy effect is remembering the first items in a list better due to increased, rehearsal ,and commitment to long-term memory. The other important discovery is that of
  12. Director in the video viewing room. Here, they watch the footage of the, rehearsal ,just performed, discussing camera angles, lighting and choreography, in order
  13. Instruction in UGLY may be warranted by any ordinary Lodge for the learning and, rehearsal ,of Masonic Ritual. Freemasons correctly meet as a Lodge, not in a Lodge, the
  14. This is however less likely to be seen in a professional arena and more used in, rehearsal ,or in private. *Wolf tone eliminators are often placed on cello strings between
  15. His riffs and melodies into a tape recorder, which he brought to the band's, rehearsal ,and/or recording sessions. This later became a problem when the other members
  16. Set needs to have a keyboard amplifier or PA system in order to be heard in a, rehearsal , Another approach to making electronic drums is to use an acoustic drum kit (
  17. Flight on Apollo 9 (with the original Apollo 8 crew),and the lunar" dress, rehearsal ," Apollo 10 which took the LM to within of the surface, but did not land. The
  18. On industrial targets at Kobe and Nagoya, Enola Gay was used on 31 July on a, rehearsal ,flight for the actual mission. The partially-assembled Little Boy combat weapon
  19. Comic operas, or " entertainments ", for Thomas German Reed. At a, rehearsal ,for one of these entertainments, Ages Ago (1869),the composer Frederic Clay
  20. Hole played their first gig in November 1989 at Raji's after three months of, rehearsal , and made singles on the Long Beach, California,independent label Sympathy for
  21. Did was work out significant and expressive natural gestures in intensive, rehearsal ,periods with his actors, before the film was shot, such as the enraged and
  22. Worked individuals through five months of 14-hour workdays and several weeks of, rehearsal ,shows before launch, on October 7,1996. At launch, only 10 million households
  23. And journalists, he was a tireless worker, dedicated to the writing and, rehearsal ,processes. He was particularly revered within the business as a" play doctor.
  24. The pilots in their quarters. Two plans were drafted and underwent preliminary, rehearsal ,: a landing by approximately fifty-five SAS in two C-130 Hercules aircraft
  25. Covering Robert Johnson songs using electric and acoustic guitars live and in, rehearsal , Clapton co-authored with others the book Discovering Robert Johnson, in which
  26. From New Rochelle" and" Strike Up the Band" on the piano during a Broadway, rehearsal ,of the 1930 production of Strike Up the Band. In the mid-30's," Strike Up The
  27. Was above the lunar surface at 21:29:43 UTC. Mission highlights This dress, rehearsal ,for a Moon landing brought Stafford and Cernan's lunar module Snoopy to from
  28. Refusing to perform a different song, Dylan walked off the set at dress, rehearsal , Sullivan, who had approved the song at a previous rehearsal , backed Dylan's
  29. These are different) and work extensively with the director prior to the first, rehearsal , Dispersion may refer to: In physics: *The dependence of wave velocity on
  30. Years earlier, Umlauf had watched as the composer's attempt to conduct a dress, rehearsal ,of his opera Fidelity ended in disaster. So this time, he instructed the singers
  31. And though this specifically referred to his training of the Chorus in, rehearsal , it also covered his relationship with the audience as a commentator on
  32. Funny – but we would have to take out the show version and put in one of the, rehearsal ,takes. Sometimes, if Crosby was having fun with a song and not really working
  33. With, at best, one rehearsal . Indeed, even after 1790 Mozart writes about" the, rehearsal ,", with the implication that his concerts would have only one. Since polyphonic
  34. Corps, part of General Sir Herbert Plumer's Second Army. Through his training, rehearsal , and integration of the infantry with artillery and engineers, the troops of
  35. Newman, wrote," There have been rumors about during the week of inadequate, rehearsal , Whatever the explanation, the sad fact remains that never, in all probability
  36. Under Dr. Austin Pierce. First compositions For a time, Kern worked as a, rehearsal ,pianist in Broadway theaters and as a song-plugger for Tin Pan Alley music
  37. Tensions were present in the band; these surfaced again during the filming of, rehearsal ,sessions at Wickersham Studios for the album Let It Be in early 1969.
  38. The improvisation as technique in order to free the actor of limitations in, rehearsal , Harold Guskin's approach or" taking it off the page" as he calls it is
  39. War II: Nine German S-boots attacked US and UK units during Exercise Tiger,the, rehearsal ,for the Normandy landings, killing 946. *1945 – Benito Mussolini and his
  40. The Phantom of the Opera and its 2004 film adaption, the Opera Popular is in, rehearsal ,for an opera about Hannibal. Hannibal in film and on television Comics File:
  41. Such interruptions continued through the evening. At the time, only the dress, rehearsal ,and opening night performance were held, and the play was not revived until
  42. Were probably used. Fighting styles were probably learned through constant, rehearsal ,as choreographed" numbers ". An elegant, economical style was preferred.
  43. Alexander, Walska got into an argument with director Pietro Bimini during dress, rehearsal ,and stormed out of the production before she appeared. Roger Ebert, in his DVD
  44. Britain, it topped the U. S. adult contemporary chart, as well. MGM filmed, rehearsal ,and concert footage at the International during August for the documentary in
  45. Was rightly described by then Indian Foreign minister Aswan Singh as a 'dress, rehearsal ,' for September 11 attacks. Bin laden personally welcomed Altar and threw a
  46. The performance was set on a bare stage, conceived to appear like a dress, rehearsal , with Burton in a black v-neck sweater, and Gielgud himself tape-recorded the
  47. To sacrificing a living animal, he resolved to crucify a frog as part of a, rehearsal ,of the life of Jesus in the Gospels (afterward declaring it his willing
  48. Who works with scripts in stage, film or television, use improvisation in their, rehearsal ,process. " Improve" techniques are often taught in standard acting classes.
  49. From the Baroque, meant that works had to be performable with, at best, one, rehearsal , Indeed, even after 1790 Mozart writes about" the rehearsal ", with the
  50. Programs with the same directorial tools and craftsmanship (editing, retaking, rehearsal , time shifting) being used in motion picture production. This became the

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