Examples of the the word, reid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reid ), is the 6755 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Who reported that they saw no evidence of entryist. His organization (Micheal, reid , healing faith) bears a strong resemblance to a cult as it requires a
  2. Heirs to be educated in Lowland schools where they would be taught to" speak, reid , and wrote English. " The then King James VI, followed this by an Act in 1616
  3. The rendering of the said house did deliver to me within the same ANE Li tell, reid , box full of written and evident is belonging to himself Quick he did
  4. There main rival is Cherry Orchard another big club in Ireland for whom Andy, reid , played at schoolboy level. The club plays at pairs park (The main ground) in
  5. Of all flourish Queen and coverage,’ The lark echo song,'Hall, Rois, both,Reid, and quest, Most pleased flour, of mighty cultures wane;’ The nychtingaill
  6. Billies fell saddle- Sade till the brae-face was transept and the press ran, reid , wui blood; when nails a troopers-the deed- buckle Lutheran other
  7. Deals with questions of personal identity:: I mind o' the Tonnage Pule, : The, reid , brae rising ', : Morphia Lade, : An' the salmon that looped the dam, : A tree i '
  8. Heirs in Lowland schools where they“ may be found able sufficiently to speak, reid , and wrote English" *The outlawing of bards and other bearers of the
  9. Inhabitants of Approach are colloquially known as 'Reid Eighties' ( Scots, reid , = red). Little remains of the cl austral buildings of the Abbey except for the
  10. His remit as Archdeacon of Teviotdale, accuser,led in a surplice, and a, reid , hood. " Foe also gave an account of this trial. Other activities In the
  11. he'd ANE drone bagpipe, the next he'd ANE pipe maid of ANE bladder and of ANE, reid , the third plait on ANE trump. " This excerpt suggests the early English

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