Examples of the the word, remotely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( remotely ), is the 8541 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Contemporary era of technological connectivity, sessions may also be conducted, remotely ,by phone, email or online chat. Women who engage in female domination typically
  2. ISS and diagnosis of medical conditions is a challenge. It is anticipated that, remotely ,guided ultrasound scans will have application on Earth in emergency and rural
  3. Into his body. This allows him greater control of the armor. Stark can also, remotely ,operate his armors (more than one Iron Man active at a time). *Victor Manchu
  4. Herbivory in a world containing very effective insect herbivores, but nothing, remotely ,as effective as modern insectivores and probably many fewer poisons than
  5. Or command from a microcomputer to activate every device in the studio, remotely ,and in synchrony, with each device responding according to conditions
  6. Traditional classroom teaching methods despite the participants being located, remotely , It requires a timetable to be organized. Web conferencing, videoconferencing
  7. Is replicated (mirrored). In many cases such mirroring is done geographically, remotely , in a different storage array, to handle also recovery from disasters (see
  8. Chancellor remained wary of any foreign policy developments that looked even, remotely ,warlike. In 1886,he moved to stop an attempted sale of horses to France on the
  9. The regular fingerboard (near the nut, on the" E" string side),which, remotely ,activate metal" fingers" on the extension fingerboard. The most expensive
  10. Ridicule at the idea of healing through prayer — particularly when practiced, remotely , However, according to his biographer, Albert Paine, Twain seemed to quarrel
  11. In practice, the term was widely misapplied to audio products that did not, remotely ,approach the DIN basis specifications. History After World War II, several
  12. And expressive value on sounds that had previously not been considered even, remotely ,musical. Vanilla Pratella's" Technical Manifesto of Futurist Music" ( 1911)
  13. Policy issues related to computers and software. He previously worked, remotely ,as Senior Scientist for Open Source with the Cybersecurity Policy Research
  14. Masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth ... Nothing, remotely ,like this economic behavior has happened before ". Name" Lectures on
  15. Bullet-proof glass windows. Additionally, some Homes have been fitted with a, remotely ,operated CROWS weapon station, which slaves the machine gun to controls in the
  16. Telephone lines by a teletype. It was the first computing machine ever used, remotely , in this case over a phone line. Some participants in the conference who
  17. Point of sale networks using any type of protocol. Such systems may be accessed, remotely ,for the purpose of obtaining records or troubleshooting. Cash register
  18. Are still permitted across at night, but must be buzzed in and out through the, remotely ,controlled security gates. Attempts to introduce a suicide barrier have been
  19. Beings do not possess interstellar travel capability, such searches are being, remotely ,carried out at great distances and rely on analysis of very subtle evidence.
  20. Solution to the coronal heating problem as these structures are being observed, remotely , where many ambiguities are present (i.e. radiation contributions along the
  21. Purchases, such as alcohol, solvents or knives, which can either be done, remotely ,by the employee observing the self-checkout, or by means of a" store login "
  22. Hard to deal with, and has given them a way to form online communities and work, remotely , Sociological and cultural aspects of autism have developed: some in the
  23. The mechanism and extent of the breach can be determined. Storing audit trails, remotely , where they can only be appended to, can keep intruders from covering their
  24. 2000 Server product range. In 2004,Bridge was employed by IBM working, remotely ,for the Alma den Research Center. In January 2005,he joined the OSD on a
  25. Describes all invertebrates. In addition, some species included are only, remotely ,related to one another, with some more related to vertebrates than other
  26. Of misstatements (out of hundreds and hundreds of unchallenged statements), remotely , undermines the conclusion that 'warming of the climate system is unequivocal '
  27. Cavalry and Abraham Bennet. An additional invention pioneered by Volta, was the, remotely ,operated pistol. He made use of a Laden jar to send an electric current from
  28. For analyzing higher-order relations, and that any communication system that, remotely ,resembles human language utterly relies on cognitive architecture that
  29. Clues to finding secret areas in the form of sounds of hidden doors opening, remotely , As in Wallenstein 3D,monsters can also become aware of the player's presence
  30. That relies on cloud technology. Both the database and most of its DBMS reside, remotely ," in the cloud," while its applications are both developed and later
  31. Scanning circuitry, and associated wiring of a CRT can be captured and used to, remotely ,reconstruct what is shown on the CRT, using a process called Van Deck phreaking.
  32. A signed applet contains a signature that the browser should verify through a, remotely ,running, independent certificate authority server. Producing this signature
  33. Diego reached the bottom of the Challenger Deep in 1995. The Nears hybrid, remotely ,operated vehicle (PROV) reached the bottom on May 31, 2009. Other deep dives
  34. Of Indo-European origin. Finnish is most closely related to Estonian and more, remotely ,to the Sami languages and Hungarian. Finnish and Swedish are the” national ”
  35. Back into visible light. Thermographic Infrared radiation can be used to, remotely ,determine the temperature of objects (if the emissivity is known). This is
  36. MI CLIC mounted over the rear of the vehicle. *M60 Panther - M60 modified into a, remotely ,controlled mine clearing tank. The turret is removed with the turret ring
  37. Or command from a microcomputer to activate every device in the studio, remotely ,and in synchrony, with each device responding according to conditions
  38. Were generally limited to only text based adventures or Mud that were played, remotely ,on a dedicated server. This was due both to the slow speed of modems (
  39. Thought Cukor's direction was like" a rich gravy poured over everything, not, remotely , as delicately rich as in the Asquith-Howard 1937 Pygmalion" — the film was a
  40. To chuckle and giggle whenever they hear words or phrases that can even, remotely ,be construed as sexual. Each episode features a few interstitial scenes in
  41. With standardized choice of hardware and software and with a systematic and, remotely ,operable administering strategy. It is easier to configure and manage the
  42. Sensations of fever, nausea,and vomiting. Any other symptoms that seem even, remotely ,suspicious must be taken very seriously. However, more mild allergy symptoms
  43. From that of the population in the original place of settlement. Over time, remotely ,separated communities tend to vary in culture, traditions,language, and other
  44. And researcher at University of Alder in 2006 and 2007,and does other work, remotely , During this time he consulted the Norwegian Government and other entities on
  45. Based in another country, on a server situated in a third country that is, remotely ,maintained by IT specialists in a fourth. These accounts could have been
  46. Can be fitted with a wide assortment of armaments which can be manually or, remotely ,operated turrets. Electric vehicle There is an all-electric range plug-in hybrid
  47. As well as economic interests. Both countries are former British colonies, and, remotely , border Saudi Arabia by means of a body of water. India and Sudan continue to
  48. Manned aircraft are flown by an onboard pilot. Unmanned aerial vehicles may be, remotely ,controlled or self-controlled by onboard computers. Aircraft may be classified
  49. Access and computer literacy grow. The Internet allows computer users to, remotely ,access other computers and information stores easily, wherever they may be.
  50. Side of the communication protocol. Alternatively, gdbserver can be used to, remotely ,debug the program without needing to change it in any way. The same mode is

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