Examples of the the word, awe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( awe ), is the 8542 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were written by other writers as well, working with and being completely in, awe ,of Chest Atkins who had played guitar with Presley. Orbison tried one song
  2. As well as various lectures. The Metaphysical Function: Awakening a sense of, awe ,before the mystery of being According to Campbell, the absolute
  3. Her creation, the spirit of Mary (in the form of a young woman) looks up in, awe ,at (or bows her head to) God. The moon is under her feet and a halo of twelve
  4. Some material. So we’re all talking to her, the writers and whoever, just in, awe ,of this woman. And Sergio comes walking in looking like a homeless person
  5. S name (which is his word, his presence) as holy, as something that inspires, awe ,and reverence, and that they may not trivialize it by making God a tool for
  6. The traditional Muslim designs used by Persians and Turks. He described with, awe ,the buildings in Chandler, a village carved from rock, and the palace of Man
  7. Eyes. ' As the revolution gained momentum, even some non-supporters exhibited, awe , called him" magnificently clear-minded, single-minded and unswerving. " His
  8. Quantity or magnitude, which draws our attention and produces admiration and, awe , Later analytic aestheticians strove to link beauty to some scientific theory
  9. Super Bowl MVP, but Warner himself wasn't impressed by it. " How can you be in, awe ,of something that you expect yourself to do? " Warner pointed out. " People
  10. Possession by Apollo, witnessing past and future events. " She evokes the same, awe , horror and pity as do schizophrenics ", an observer has noted," who often
  11. Hernando Pizarro as reinforcements in case of an Inca attack. Atahualpa was in, awe ,of these men dressed in full clothing, with long beards and riding horses (an
  12. To the High King Asian the Lion. Lewis generally used the species to inspire, awe ,in his readers (see Narnia Centaurs). In J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter
  13. Reactions. Seeing a sublime view of a landscape may give us a reaction of, awe , which might manifest physically as an increased heart rate or widened eyes.
  14. He depicts Heaven opening up into the room, and the angels looking on in, awe , per the old Catholic maxim that" If the angels were capable of envy, they
  15. His beloved Selene. But according to the poet Licymnius of Chaos, Hypnos, in, awe , of Endymion's beauty, caused him to sleep with his eyes open, so he could
  16. American tribes sympatric to brown bears often viewed them with a mixture of, awe ,and fear. North American brown bears were so feared by the Natives, they were
  17. A" marriage made in heaven ... The music behind 'amazing' had a sense of, awe ,to it. The music behind 'grace' sounded graceful. There was a rise at the
  18. 2 Scene 12 Magically, the hurricane bypasses Mahagonny, and the people sing in, awe ,of their miraculous rescue. This confirms Berwick’s belief in the philosophy of
  19. Of the finest vessels in the Pacific, but not great sailors. They inspired, awe ,amongst the Tongans, and all their Manufactures, especially bark cloth and
  20. Knows yourself: Responding to statement in agreement. * Yes b'y: Expression of, awe ,or disbelief. Also, commonly used sarcastically to mean" yeah right ". * What
  21. Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in, awe ,of him. For he spoke, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. Genesis
  22. Connections to keep Mozart as the underdog. Salary is characterized as both in, awe ,of and insanely jealous of Mozart, going so far as to renounce God for blessing
  23. Vinyl-plastic skin, in the form of an icosahedral. To prove his design, and to, awe ,non-believers, Fuller suspended from the structure's framework several
  24. Into hard and heavy iron or steel cannonballs. We quickly learned to be in, awe ,of his gift for catching us red-handed in the act of cliché-mongering, talking
  25. Then down from the oral tradition, and though he succeeded, he points out the, awe ,inspiring effect of the hymns when sung in by their originators. Thanks to
  26. A story in a Gothic building served several purposes. It drew on feelings of, awe , it implied the story was set in the past, it gave an impression of isolation
  27. Lines and miscues were all committed by his co-stars, many of whom were in, awe ,of Cagney. Howard Rollins, who received a Best Supporting Actor Oscar
  28. Of Romanticism. The style was used because it was believed to evoke feelings of, awe , religious sentiment, and nostalgia. Two important examples of the Gothic
  29. III. Folk commented," Going to the game a second time took away some, awe , I think we were able to focus better. There was no way we were going to let
  30. New Year's is called Hogmanay. And it is a time when people who can inspire, awe ,in the IRISH for the amount of ALCOHOL that they drink decide to RAMP IT UP a
  31. As a place of terror and of safety. Burke argued the sublime was a source of, awe ,or fear brought about by strong emotions such as terror or mental pain. On the
  32. Standard" Indian Love Call ", and had the audience completely silenced, in, awe , When compared to the Every Brothers, who often used the same session
  33. To the natural Passions of men, when there is no visible Power to keep them in, awe , " As part of his campaign against the classical idea of natural human
  34. Discussions. He later discovered the reason: most physicists were too in, awe ,of Bohr to argue with him. Feynman had no such inhibitions, vigorously pointing
  35. Livorno 1926,Hebrew only, Moroccan,Algerian and Tunisian traditions, days of, awe ,only) Middle Eastern Midrashim (Sephardi) (Usually characterized by
  36. A severe reduction in feelings of desire, motivation,pensive thought, and, awe , This does not coincide with the apathy and lack of motivation experienced by
  37. Myths as having four basic functions: the Mystical Function—experiencing the, awe ,of the universe; the Cosmological Function—explaining the shape of the universe
  38. Characters, scientifically impossible talents, and settings that evoke, awe ,and wonder are more expensive to film on a regular basis, making true high
  39. Posting Banner troops as territorial garrison was not to protect but to inspire, awe ,in the subjugated populace at the expense of their expertise as cavalry. As a
  40. In breaking the tradition of Imperial silence left his advisors" struck with, awe , " (Prime Minister Konoe's description of the event. ) Emperor Show stressed
  41. Him, and the rest surrendered. Jacurutu accepts his orders with religious, awe ,: he wears the skin of Shai-Hulud. Among his orders, Leto tells Jacurutu to
  42. And austere demeanor. He is said to have had" variously inspired admiration, awe , and fear from those around him. " His practice of moving" through the halls
  43. The 16th century. Five centuries have passed, yet we still view Leonardo with, awe , " Lacrosse is a team sport of Native American origin played
  44. This sense, between men and the gods) and thus viewed the king with religious, awe , This made the king the head of the national religion and its chief executive.
  45. Last remaining section of seats was demolished on February 18. Fans stood in, awe ,as the remaining structure of Shea Stadium (one section of ramps) was torn
  46. The four key dimensions: # Awareness - maintaining constant enjoyment and, awe ,of life. These individuals often experienced a" peak experience ". He defined
  47. From their forefathers. Burke put forward that" We fear God, we look up with, awe ,to kings; with affection to parliaments; with duty to magistrates; with
  48. Slovenes, Bretons, Basques – which inhabited his frontier lands were still in, awe ,of the Frankish emperor's power and dared not stir up any trouble. In 816
  49. The New York Observer, wrote," The result is a lot of laughs and a feeling of, awe ,toward the craftsmanship involved. I doubt that there'll be anything else like
  50. An appreciation of the joys of extreme emotion, the thrills of fearfulness and, awe ,inherent in the sublime, and a quest for atmosphere. The ruins of Gothic

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