Examples of the the word, remark , in a Sentence Context

The word ( remark ), is the 6643 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In a chryselephantine sculpture made for Eli's, of which we have only a passing, remark ,by Ananias. Thus, according to the character Ananias in Plato's Symposium
  2. Arbitrariness of government by the masses (Plato in the Seventh Epistle does, remark ,that the Thirty made the preceding democratic regime look like a Golden Age).
  3. Good appetite "; enjoy your meal;: well-chosen word (s),particularly a witty, remark ,;;: literally" good journey "; have a good trip!;:" good day," a standard
  4. They say that the part that is beneath must also be inhabited. But they do not, remark ,that, although it is supposed or scientifically demonstrated that the world is
  5. Sphere-Making and another work on polyhedra, while Then of Alexandria quotes a, remark ,about refraction from the Catoptrica. During his lifetime, Archimedes made his
  6. Forum makes the following claim while speaking of the previously mentioned, remark ,as well as a private diary which Lawrence Putin quotes in Do What Thou Wilt
  7. To establish its jurisdiction, leading New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to, remark ,dramatically that his father, an Italian who immigrated through Ellis Island
  8. To criticism that a lot of them have. " Dyson disagrees with the famous, remark ,by his fellow physicist Steven Weinberg that" With or without religion, good
  9. Makeup of that congregation in Thessalonica, and is supported by Paul's brief, remark ,in 1:9 that they" turned to God from idols. " It was Gentiles, not Jews, who
  10. Africa etc.) proved too much and no agreement was reached. (An oft-cited, remark ,attributed to Hitler is that the German leader would rather have some teeth
  11. To come upon the tomb of the holy Archbishop NNI. " (Scholar 138) The, remark ,does not make it clear if Harvard found the city destroyed or if that had
  12. Space. This was doubtless known to Czech and Leroy and explicitly appeared as a, remark ,in a paper by; various other authors such as L. Calais, W-T. Wu and N.
  13. Was committed to a belief in a personal God ". He based this on analysis of a, remark ,in The Wealth of Nations where Smith writes that the curiosity of mankind about
  14. His solutions. Hermann Handel, renowned German mathematician made the following, remark ,regarding Diaphanous. “ Our author (Diaphanous) not the slightest trace of a
  15. Added from A. H. Armstrong's introduction to Ended 2.9) Of note here is the, remark ,concerning the second hypostasis or Creator and third hypostasis or World Soul
  16. This form of realism was tied deeply with Plato's ontological projects. This, remark ,on Plato is not of merely historical interest. For example, the view that
  17. Used to obtain it. This aspect of the work of Archimedes caused John Wallis to, remark ,that he was:" as it were of set purpose to have covered up the traces of his
  18. My Father's Daughter, his daughter Tina wrote about the" eighteen-karat ", remark ,:" As flippant as Dad could be about his mental state, I believe that a Zoloft
  19. Fearing Caesar's reputation for setting elaborate traps. This caused Caesar to, remark ," The day was theirs had there been anyone among them to take it. " Pompey
  20. Bronx is burning ". Historians of New York City frequently point to Cosell's, remark ,as an acknowledgement of both the city and the borough's decline. A new
  21. Botvinnik's prestigious chess school, though Botvinnik made the following, remark ,about the young Karol:" The boy does not have a clue about chess, and there
  22. They choose, and to control the software they use. To summarize this into a, remark ,distinguishing Libra (freedom) software from gratis (zero price) software
  23. Probe, which had landed on the Moon in April 1967. This was not an off-the-cuff, remark ,: Conrad had made a $500 bet with reporter Briana Fallacy he would say these
  24. Making an attempt to make a movie with Ben Kingsley, Silvio Dante makes a funny, remark ,by calling him" Cecil B. Moltisanti ". Filmography (as director) Silent *The
  25. Sequence proper, in Greek and other similar scripts. Gabe or Game In one, remark ,in the context of a biblical commentary, the 4th century scholar Ammonium of
  26. Or holding in any way to its racist view. Robinson found no evidence that the, remark ,had ever been made, and on the contrary elicited testimony from many
  27. But popular at the time, is that the appointment caused Montgomery to, remark ,that" After having an easy war, things have now got much more difficult. " A
  28. Me every courtesy, and I think he's one of the greatest. " Though the rumored, remark ,was wholly discredited at the time, it was still being used against Presley
  29. Surface. Origins and history Dill originated in Eastern Europe. Zohar and Hope, remark ,that" wild and weedy types of dill are widespread in the Mediterranean basin
  30. She famously remark ed" there is something of the night about him ". The, remark ,was considered to be extremely damaging to Howard, who was frequently satirized
  31. To do the same. Octavio Pay called him the innocent poet. Pay made a shrewd, remark ,on the Hieronymus: In each are particles of negation or unreality. Was
  32. With either anorexia or bulimia, nor was she a user of illegal drugs. She did, remark , however, that while starring in the show she refrained from eating sweets
  33. And was not governed by a central, politico-military elite — hence, Voltaire’s, remark ,that the Holy Roman Empire“ was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire” is
  34. Lose and still rebuild economically. This attitude is reflected in Turgidson's, remark ,to the president about the outcome of a preemptive nuclear war:" Mr.
  35. Tiger Woods used span to describe his putting in that year's Masters. The, remark ,went completely unnoticed in America, but caused a major uproar in the UK.
  36. And Vitalstatistix go to Belgium because they are angry with Caesar about his, remark ,that the Belgians are the bravest of all the Gauls. In 2005 Ambrosia was
  37. With an introspective scrutiny of his own personality. His best-known, remark ,advises the artist to" close your bodily eye so that you may see your picture
  38. Of Christianity upon testimony of miraculous occurrences and makes an ironic, remark ,that anyone who" is moved by faith to assent" to revealed testimony" is
  39. D'origin control; acres nous, le deluge: literally: After us, the deluge,a, remark ,attributed to Louis XV of France in reference to the impending end of a
  40. Found the city destroyed or if that had happened after his visit and the latter, remark ,was just to warn the future pilgrims not to go there anymore in vain. As
  41. S character was the only one in the movie that he could not" understand" – a, remark ,that Brooks found amusing, as the movie's antihero was a psychotic loner.
  42. Classifies him as a pope, not an antipope. In line with its above-quoted, remark ,on the obscurities about the canon law of the time and the historical facts
  43. Sorting and Searching, Third Edition, outlines an algorithm, with the further, remark ," Simpler approaches are doomed to failure! " Computer use The algorithm
  44. For mobility. Their chief role in the plot of the series, as they frequently, remark ,in their instantly recognizable metallic voices, is to" exterminate" all
  45. Secretary of State for War and the Colonies) (leading to his celebrated, remark ,to John Bright about the" damned defenses" ). This, combined with bad timing
  46. Maximus the Confessor, Bonaventure,and the Council of Worms (868),The same, remark ,is made by Jürgen Boltzmann. The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian
  47. According to Pap pus of Alexandria, Archimedes ' work on levers caused him to, remark ,:" Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth. " () Plutarch
  48. Of the live-action 1956 film of the same title. Blacklist Because of a casual, remark ,made by Russel Grouse, Laurents was called to Washington’D. C., to account for
  49. It is believed to be the only surviving sound film of Elgar, who makes a brief, remark ,before conducting the London Symphony Orchestra, asking the musicians to" play
  50. doesn't dress Dorothy as nicely as she dresses her own daughter. " When the, remark ,inevitably got back to Ruth, he angrily told Gehrig to tell his mother to mind

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