Examples of the the word, lieutenant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lieutenant ), is the 6644 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of 41 cadets in his class from West Point with a commission as a brevet second, lieutenant ,in the 2nd U. S. Infantry. Johnston was assigned to posts in New York and
  2. Led by fellow Amherst alumnus Frank Stairs, encouraged him again to run for, lieutenant ,governor. This time, he accepted their advice. Lieutenant Governor Coolidge
  3. Governor of the newly chartered Province of Massachusetts Bay, appointed his, lieutenant ,governor, William Stoughton, as head of a special witchcraft tribunal and then
  4. Branch The power of the executive is formally vested The governor and the, lieutenant ,governor are elected on the same ticket by popular vote for four-year terms.
  5. Second lieutenant , first seeing service in India until 1913. He was promoted to, lieutenant ,in 1910. First World War The First World War began in August 1914 and
  6. But during the general election, the nominee for governor and nominee for, lieutenant ,governor run together on the same ticket. Alaska's court system has four
  7. Better make sure we are on the winning side. " Yeager was commissioned a second, lieutenant ,while at Eaton and was promoted to captain before the end of his tour. He
  8. Lookouts on HMS Zealous reported the French anchored in About Bay, its signal, lieutenant ,just beating the lieutenant on HMS Goliath with the signal, but inaccurately
  9. Was“ bin Laden’s CEO ”,“ a central figure in Al-Qaeda ”, and a“ bin Laden, lieutenant , ” *Abu Zubaydah is“ one of a handful of men entrusted with running the
  10. 125 Choctaw warriors with a rousing speech and was commissioned (as either a, lieutenant ,colonel or a brigadier general) in the United States Army at St. Stephens.
  11. In Alberta are carried out by Lieutenant Governor Donald Ethel. Although the, lieutenant ,governor is technically the most powerful person in Alberta, he is in reality a
  12. Advisor, serving from 1987 to 1989 while retaining his Army commission as a, lieutenant ,general. After his tenure with the National Security Council, Powell was
  13. Cheka's executions vary widely. The lowest figures are provided by Dzerzhinsky’s, lieutenant ,Martyn Lats is, limited to RSFSR over the period 1918–1920: *For the period
  14. Coolidge's duties as lieutenant governor were few; in Massachusetts,the, lieutenant ,governor does not preside over the state Senate, although Coolidge did become
  15. Acknowledged the signal, but Lieutenant-Commander Ralph Seymour,Beatty's flag, lieutenant , aggravated the situation when he did not haul down the flags (to execute the
  16. Banning abortion in the event Roe v. Wade is ever overturned. In Arkansas,the, lieutenant ,governor is elected separately from the governor and thus can be from a
  17. Been influential in gaining politically unpopular Stoughton his appointment as, lieutenant ,governor under Ships by appealing to his politically powerful father, Increase
  18. Completing her regular education, Coleman joined the Air Force as a second, lieutenant ,while continuing her graduate work for a Ph.D. at the University of
  19. Out the six machine gun positions, the Marines faced the 47 mm gun cave. A, lieutenant ,blinded the 47 mm gunner with a smoke grenade, allowing Corporal Henry W. Hahn
  20. Of Osama bin Laden’s death or capture. ” *Abu Zubaydah was a senior bin Laden, lieutenant ,who was believed“ to be organizing al-Qaida resources to carry out attacks on
  21. The French anchored in About Bay, its signal lieutenant just beating the, lieutenant ,on HMS Goliath with the signal, but inaccurately describing 16 French ships of
  22. In 1842,24th in a class of 56 cadets, and was commissioned a brevet second, lieutenant ,in the 3rd U. S. Artillery. One of the persistent legends of baseball history
  23. Were small or supporting parts. During World War I, he served as an infantry, lieutenant ,in the Austro-Hungarian Army from 1914 to 1916. There he rose to the rank of
  24. Promoted to Lieutenant General for his valor displayed on Ellis. A Japanese, lieutenant ,with his 26 2nd Infantry soldiers and eight 45th Guard Force sailors held out
  25. Terms and House members two. The Governor of Alaska serves four-year terms. The, lieutenant ,governor runs separately from the governor in the primaries, but during the
  26. But the official listing includes these as full governors. The governor and, lieutenant ,governor are not elected on the same ticket. Alabama was a strongly Democratic
  27. Of a scratch on his face. Paul Bauer beats him because of it and when a, lieutenant ,comes along looking for men for a trench charge, Himmelstoß joins and leads the
  28. When Henry moved to Haverfordwest, the county town of Pembrokeshire. Richard's, lieutenant ,in South Wales, Sir Walter Herbert, failed to move against Henry, and two of
  29. 1st Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment in September 1908 as a second, lieutenant , first seeing service in India until 1913. He was promoted to lieutenant in
  30. Named several officers he served under that inspired and mentored him. As a, lieutenant ,colonel serving in South Korea, Powell was very close to General Henry "
  31. Becomes acting governor, and if the office of governor becomes vacant the, lieutenant ,governor fully becomes governor. Earlier constitutions said the powers of the
  32. Andaman. The settlement is now known as Port Blair (after the Bombay Marine, lieutenant ,Archibald Blair who founded it). After two years, the colony was moved to the
  33. Should the governor be out of the state for more than 20 days,the, lieutenant ,governor becomes acting governor, and if the office of governor becomes vacant
  34. To destroy the administration by ordering conspirators to assassinate Johnson, lieutenant ,general of the Union army Ulysses S. Grant, and Secretary of State William H.
  35. In this year he became Stadtholder in Belgium and received the army rank of, lieutenant ,field marshal. This promotion was soon followed by that to Feldzeugmeister. In
  36. Pastor, had been a professor of theology. Clausewitz's father was once a, lieutenant ,in the Prussian army and held a minor post in the Prussian internal revenue
  37. The end of the term, many of them were proposing his name for nomination to, lieutenant ,governor. After winning reelection to the Senate by an increased margin in the
  38. Their advice. Lieutenant Governor Coolidge entered the primary election for, lieutenant ,governor and was nominated to run alongside gubernatorial candidate Samuel W.
  39. University with a degree in physics. He later joined the navy and served as a, lieutenant ,during World War II. During his service, Morita met his future business partner
  40. Trojans — descendants of Daedalus),as well as a third cousin and principal, lieutenant ,of Hector, son of the Trojan king Priam. In the poem, Aeneas ' mother Aphrodite
  41. Defeating his opponent by more than 50,000 votes. Coolidge's duties as, lieutenant ,governor were few; in Massachusetts, the lieutenant governor does not preside
  42. The ship's log, Selkirk died at 8 p. m. on 13 December 1721 while serving as a, lieutenant ,on board the Royal ship Weymouth. He probably succumbed to the yellow fever
  43. Would have become a race to see who could float their ship first. The, lieutenant ,had kept many of his men below deck and in anticipation of being boarded told
  44. Of Louis burg, Nova Scotia on July 26, 1758. On April 17, 1759,he received a, lieutenant ,'s commission and was assigned to the command of General James Wolfe, under
  45. State Capitol building, located downtown, houses the offices of the governor, lieutenant ,governor and Secretary of State, as well as the General Assembly. The Governor
  46. Team competition. Upon graduation, he received a commission as an Army second, lieutenant , He was a professional soldier for 35 years, holding a variety of command and
  47. In the battle was presented with a specially minted gold medal and the first, lieutenant ,of every ship engaged in the battle was promoted to commander. From his own
  48. Politics The current governor of the state is Republican Robert Bentley. The, lieutenant ,governor is Republican Kay Ivey. The Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court
  49. Arnold Roth stein supplied the $100,000 that GANIL had requested through his, lieutenant ,Abe At tell, a former featherweight boxing champion. After the 1919 series, and
  50. Revolution, a very interesting one called The Red Adder. He would have been a, lieutenant ,in the Secret Police. Then the revolution happened and at the end he is in the

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