Examples of the the word, iso , in a Sentence Context

The word ( iso ), is the 6646 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Who is Christian. *Herbert Simon - Margaret's father, who is Jewish and, iso , Margaret as" my Margaret" or her" Jewish girl ". *Nancy Wheeler - Margaret
  2. E_F). Zip ISO/IEC 5218:2004 from, iso , Org This is a list of Swedish entrepreneurs and businessmen. *Percy Barnes (
  3. And audio editing, comes with higher-end free editing software and is a DVD., iso , image unlike the Live CD the other Ubuntu distributions use. *Ubuntu, a
  4. Cleisthenes called these reforms Sonoma (" equality vis-à-vis law ", iso , equality; homos law),instead of Democratic. Soon after his reforms his life
  5. From many software vendors. ISO image files typically have a file extension of., iso , The name ISO is taken from the ISO 9660 file system used with CD-ROM media
  6. Also can be made as gulag or Soto. Cow's stomach (Rabat) and intestine (, iso , ) are popular, fried or in soup, in Javanese cuisine. Cow's lung, called part
  7. Assuming you have downloaded a Net BSD/Max 5.0 CD-ROM ISO image (pmaxcd-5.0., iso , ),the following commands will let you install Net BSD onto an emulated
  8. Become obsolete, so distribution now includes a USB image and a bootable CD, iso , image which the user must burn to CD-ROM before using. The easiest way for a
  9. Of the ionospheric layer as a function of frequency. Synchronous: From Greek, iso , equal + chronic, time. It literally means regularly, or at equal time
  10. To the private enterprise numbers allocated by DIANA under the (, iso , Org. Dod. Internet. Private. Enterprise) arc. Another increasingly used form
  11. For UK include Pitcairn (pita, long ), Isäinen (ISA, father ), Isoinen (, iso , great) and AIJ. He makes all his appearances in myths solely by natural
  12. Do not. For instance, the precise definition for a homomorphism f to be, iso , is not only that it is bijective, and thus has an inverse f-1,but also that
  13. The CD requires a minimum of 256 MiB of RAM. Users can download a disk image (., iso , ) of the CD, which can then either be written to a physical medium (CD or DVD
  14. Of additional side chains connected to the first butyl carbon. The prefix ", iso ," (from" iso mer" ) means" equal" while the prefix 'n-' stands for "
  15. Hydrolysis of the intermediate produces either aspirate or the amino acid, iso , ( Asp). For disparaging, either product results in the loss of the amide group
  16. The video as it is being played. The player can also use libido to access., iso , files so that users can play files on a disk image, even if the user's
  17. Can be differentiated between two-, three- and four-voice polyphony. The term ", iso ," refers to the drone, which accompanies the iso -polyphonic singing and is
  18. And Maria is called apostrophe.: Combined Patel'TSE and Asia is called, iso , Punctuation marks:: ANO Texas (U+0387),a middle dot used as a word
  19. Also is an example of a ring homomorphism which is both mono and EPI, but not, iso , .:: Relationships between different kinds of module homomorphism. H set of
  20. Of exercises Isotonic and plyometric exercises These terms combine the prefix ", iso ," (meaning" same" ) with" tonic" ( strength) and" polio" ( more) with "
  21. Also in use) and are commonly referred to as" ISOs ". It should be noted an., iso , file may be: # A single ISO 9660 file system image # A multi-track disc image
  22. Kanotix-Excalibur was available for 32-Bit and 64-Bit architecture and a 2in1,ISO, with both. Additionally, there are Keynote Excalibur 2010 KDE4 (KDE SC 4.3.2)
  23. 1983) * Centavos subpart (1984),in English The Flying Boneheads * Lilian, iso , keikka (1986),in English A Gig Too Big * Ones' Vilyui nanny? (1988),in
  24. Which is now believed to come from Erik" key ISU" 'go on! ' And Initio" key, iso ," 'continue, go on,' used in urging someone on or in backing a contestant.
  25. Venyi pitas" ( it) stretched long" * pent" cub ", Se on peanuts, iso ," For a cub, it is big" * must audio" black hole ", ( multi/muuntautui)
  26. Relating to the sea: * the Japanese family names Son, Fuguta, and Naming:, iso , means beach, fugu means blow fish, and name means wave The inspiration for the
  27. Currently, to use a. dmg image the file must be converted into an ISO image (., iso , ) (probably with DMGs) ) * Mac OS X Leopard support (meanwhile, try using
  28. Packages can be selected in a website where users can build a custom Slab, iso , image. Slab slogan refers to the software as a" Pocket Operating System ". The
  29. CH3CH2CH2CHO (" normal" ): vs.: H₂ + CO + CH3CH=CH2 → (CH3)2CHCHO (", iso ,") These iso mers result from the differing ways of inserting the alkene into
  30. Mp3,FLAC, and all formats supported by SOX included. * Writing existing, iso , images to CD or DVD with optional verification of the written data.: -
  31. Single-vowel syllables) are lengthened into full-blown long vowels, as in, iso , → ISO. The sound D is completely replaced with R, which produces problems such
  32. 2010 KDE4 (KDE SC 4.3.2) versions available and an" all-in-one"-DVD., iso , Kanotix-Excalibur contains the more up-to-date Ubuntu-kernels 2.6.32-BFS with
  33. Special patches. During the development most of the Kanotix-Excalibur-test., iso , were not published but accessible to the community. A first" Preview"-Version
  34. Of about 75 % saturated hydrocarbons (primarily paraffin including n, iso , and cycloparaffins),and 25 % aromatic hydrocarbons (including naphthalene
  35. Held constant) is called the expansion path. The only relevant portion of the, iso , quant is the one that is convex to the origin, part of the curve which is not
  36. Selectivity A key consideration of hydroformylation is the" normal" vs. ", iso ," selectivity. For example, the hydroformylation of propylene can afford two
  37. From the microkernel and gives files and directories to the applications.; The, iso , filesystem server" ISOs ": The translator for the ISO 9660 file system.
  38. Digit)-so ", where the digit is also in run reading: miss (30),Yoko (40),ISO, ( 50),must (60),Navajo (70),ya so (80),kimonos (90). Variations
  39. Appears to be non-orthogonal (thus the origin of the word:" a" for not,", iso ," for same, and " tropic" from tropism, relating to direction; an iso tropic
  40. A disk image, even if the user's operating system cannot work directly with., iso , images. VLC supports all audio and video formats and all file formats supported
  41. Surf — to surf (around in the net) " That's also the case with an adjective:, iso , — Isabella" big — to talk big ", or Gabriella < English fake" to be fake
  42. Flash drive, can be automatically mounted on boot up. The Kanotix-Thorhammer., iso , can be booted with the cheat code" promise=/ (path)/" from hard disk
  43. Not some fat ass company man who doesn't know the first thing from a RAR to a, iso , ... ... Gravy is awful good. ":: — BUJ, Member of razor 1911 External links *
  44. Almanac In economics, an eloquent (derived from quantity and the Greek word, iso , meaning equal) is a contour line drawn through the set of points at which the
  45. 05.1999) MEGO 023t SHOT t-shirt (01.1999) MEGO 024 Becker: R*, iso , | call CD (02.2000) MEGO 025 Fuckhead: The Male Comedy (... Oder her
  46. When making disk images of DVDs, Alcohol 120 % only supports the. Mdf/. Mds or., iso , format. Copy protection Alcohol 120%'s image recording feature is capable of
  47. Báibēi riding (白背矶鸫 simplified, 白背磯鶇 traditional) in Mandarin. # Joshi Miro, iso , hiyo Doris (コシジロイソヒヨドリ or 腰白磯鵯) in Japanese. Orgasm is a 1997 comedy film
  48. Lithium borate, which is almost never used, based on PubMed citations (LB),ISO, electric histamine, pK matched goods buffers, etc.; in most cases the purported
  49. Isotropy is uniformity in all orientations; it is derived from the Greek, iso , ( equal) and troops (direction). Precise definitions depend on the subject
  50. Transfer the contents of CD-ROMs. They often have the filename extension., iso , (. Iso9660 is less common, but also in use) and are commonly referred to as "

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