Examples of the the word, hemisphere , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hemisphere ), is the 6647 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Some birds have also demonstrated the capacity to fall into slow-wave sleep one, hemisphere ,of the brain at a time. The birds tend to exercise this ability depending upon
  2. Blooms are believed to be limited by irradiance in the austral (southern, hemisphere ,) spring, and by biologically available iron in the summer. Much of the biology
  3. Architecture. The hemisphere to the left is the seat of the Senate and the, hemisphere ,to the right is the seat of the Chamber of Deputies. Between them there are two
  4. With the season of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern, hemisphere , where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Northern Hemisphere and
  5. Sabbath, Beltane is a cross-quarter day; it is celebrated in the northern, hemisphere ,on 1 May and in the Southern Hemisphere on 1 November. Beltane follows Star
  6. Prevailing sunlight (south in the Northern Hemisphere, north in the southern, hemisphere ,), and the building must incorporate thermal mass to keep it warm in the night.
  7. The spherical buckyballs, and the ends of a nanotube may be capped with a, hemisphere ,of the buckyball structure. Their name is derived from their long, hollow
  8. About days with clear blue skies. *Blue is commonly used in the Western, hemisphere ,to symbolize the male gender in contrast to pink used for females, although in
  9. In a very small number of people, language ability is found in the right, hemisphere , In either case, damage to these language areas can be caused by a stroke
  10. Neural pathways between them. These areas are almost always located in the left, hemisphere , and in most people this is where the ability to produce and comprehend
  11. Show both the east-to-west direction characteristic, at least in the eastern, hemisphere , of the more northern parts of the world, and the north-to-south direction seen
  12. Day; it is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere on 1 May and in the southern, hemisphere ,on 1 November. Beltane follows Star and precedes Midsummer.
  13. American Trophy for the first official one-kilometre flight in the Western, hemisphere , and who later became a world-renowned airplane manufacturer; Lieutenant Thomas
  14. Regions and a non-breeding season in the tropical regions or opposite, hemisphere , Before migration, birds substantially increase body fats and reserves and
  15. Has a visual magnitude of −0.04,making it the brightest star in the northern, hemisphere ,and the fourth-brightest star in the night sky, after – 1.46 magnitude Sirius
  16. Visible during the northern spring or the southern autumn. From the northern, hemisphere , an easy way to find Arcturus is to follow the arc of the handle of the Big
  17. The cortex. Other evidence suggests the under connectivity is mainly within each, hemisphere ,of the cortex and that autism is a disorder of the association cortex. From
  18. Designed by Oscar Wiemar in the style of modern Brazilian architecture. The, hemisphere ,to the left is the seat of the Senate and the hemisphere to the right is the
  19. To the outside of the flock. This may allow the eye opposite the sleeping, hemisphere ,to remain vigilant for predators by viewing the outer margins of the flock.
  20. Of autumn. Meteorologists (and most of the temperate countries in the southern, hemisphere ,) use a definition based on months, with autumn being September, October and
  21. November in the Northern Hemisphere, and March, April and May in the southern, hemisphere , In North America, autumn is usually considered starting with the September
  22. Dark patches in the Milky Way are more visible and striking in the southern, hemisphere ,than in the northern. They vividly stand out when conditions are otherwise so
  23. The flower-rich habitat on which they depend for food. Throughout the northern, hemisphere , the last 70 or so years have seen an intensification of agricultural systems
  24. For a large, nonhuman primate, i. e., temperate latitudes in the northern, hemisphere ,; all recognized nonhuman apes are found in the tropics of Africa and Asia. Thus
  25. Is the largest in Latin American nations and the second largest in the western, hemisphere , Brazil is one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world with an
  26. Flattened were then bolted together to form a duodeca-rhombicahedron (22 sided, hemisphere ,) geodesic structure with spans ranging to. The form was then draped with
  27. Hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Northern, hemisphere ,and vice versa. April starts on the same day of the week as July in all years
  28. Neopagan wheel of the year August begins at or near Lughnasadh in the northern, hemisphere ,and IMOC in the Southern Hemisphere. * Some of Ireland's the most famous battles
  29. Website that 3,000,000 years ago beings from Arcturus colonized the northern, hemisphere ,of Mars and beings from Antares colonized the planet’s Southern Hemisphere.
  30. A car sharing program. Austin was chosen as the first city in the western, hemisphere ,to host this company's business, which is based in Germany. Walkability A 2011
  31. Has shown the shift of Christian adherence to the Third World and southern, hemisphere ,in general, with western civilization no longer the chief standard-bearer of
  32. The Ming Dynasty Chinese astronomer EU Huangdi adapted the European southern, hemisphere ,constellations to the Chinese system in The Southern Asterisms, he combined
  33. Pea. April is commonly associated with the season of spring in the Northern, hemisphere ,and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to
  34. Families are cosmopolitan, with many of their species found in the northern, hemisphere , and the smaller families are usually confined to Australia and the adjacent
  35. On months, with autumn being September, October and November in the northern, hemisphere , and March, April and May in the Southern Hemisphere. In North America, autumn
  36. Isolated landmasses. Most continental land mass was clustered in the southern, hemisphere , With a lack of sea ice – the great glaciers of the Marion Snowball Earth
  37. The solar collectors must face the prevailing sunlight (south in the northern, hemisphere , north in the Southern Hemisphere),and the building must incorporate thermal
  38. From England, Ireland,Scotland and Wales that undertakes tours of the southern, hemisphere ,rugby playing nations every four years. This team was formerly known as the
  39. Altars Cabral lands in Brazil. *1529 – Treaty of Saragossa divides the eastern, hemisphere ,between Spain and Portugal along a line 297.5 leagues or 17° east of the
  40. And, thus,by ice. The Antarctic continent, located in the Earth's southern, hemisphere , is centered asymmetrically around the South Pole and largely south of the
  41. The archipelago of the Azores is located in the middle of the northern, hemisphere ,of the Atlantic Ocean and extends along a west-northwest to east-southeast
  42. Bears is: Distribution and habitat The bears are mostly found in the northern, hemisphere , with a single species, the spectacled bear, occurring in South America. The
  43. Hemisphere of Mars and beings from Antares colonized the planet’s southern, hemisphere , Androphagi (Greek:" Ἀνδροφάγοι" for" man-eaters" ) was an ancient nation
  44. Art, music,and so on related to it. Many of the population of the Western, hemisphere ,could broadly be described as cultural Christians, due to the predominance of
  45. Wave, a periodic oscillation that affects the climate of much of the southern, hemisphere , There is also the Antarctic oscillation, which involves changes in the
  46. Both are easily resolved in binoculars or small telescopes. In the southern, hemisphere , Alpha Centauri forms the outer star of The Pointers or The Southern Pointers
  47. Are only apart. With the extension of the Aleutian Islands into the eastern, hemisphere , it is technically both the westernmost and easternmost state in the United
  48. For example, one meta-analysis reviewing human brain lesions has shown a left, hemisphere ,bias during tool usage. Abstraction in art Typically, abstraction is used in
  49. To balance the sour taste. Available only from mid-April to mid-June (northern, hemisphere ,), pickling or brining extends the fruit's shelf life. *In China, almonds are
  50. At or near Lughnasadh in the Northern Hemisphere and IMOC in the southern, hemisphere , * Some of Ireland's the most famous battles have been fought in this month. They

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