Examples of the the word, fierce , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fierce ), is the 7355 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Band of devotees. Arawaks have a range of temperaments from lapdog to quite, fierce , Lifelong socialization and firm, but gentle handling are critical. Well
  2. Encountered in identification of the many masked protesters and the, fierce ,opposition at Congress held by most of the left-wing parties, such as the
  3. Attack. The fighting amongst the alleys and cottages soon deteriorated into a, fierce ,bayonet and clubbing melee, but the superiority in Dutch firepower soon told.
  4. Comes to the Capoeira Rocks on the coast of Europa, his ship was wrecked in a, fierce ,storm, he himself was lifted in a whirlwind and impaled with a flash of
  5. Marshes in the south, through the vast cavalry battle on the open plain; to the, fierce ,struggle for Families at the center, and to the north, where,around the
  6. For 27 years. Even Aurangzeb's own armies grew restive — particularly the, fierce ,Ragouts, who were his main source of strength. Aurangzeb gave a wide berth to
  7. That 6000 of the 9000 Muslim defenders of the city died, either on the, fierce ,battle in the streets or drowned while trying to escape. Albuquerque regained
  8. Priest. After Antaeus was defeated in battle against Oneidas, he returned to, fierce ,Jewish opposition in Jerusalem. A civil war broke out between Pharisaic
  9. In a check-and-balance system with the judiciary and legislature. After a, fierce ,debate in the states over the nature of the proposed new government, the
  10. Executed. Eastern theater 1861–1863 Because of the, fierce ,resistance of a few initial Confederate forces at Manassas, Virginia,in July
  11. S crew. Industry connections are no guarantee of a long career: competition is, fierce ,and if film industry scions do not succeed at the box office, their careers
  12. S real body, attempted to resurrect it in a Lazarus Pit only to be met with a, fierce , mindless combatant. He then realized the truth about the body. Morrison's
  13. The World Mix Championships in the London Royal Hall and won third place in a, fierce ,competition. He was invited by Dave Funkenklein to enter the lions hole in New
  14. Of the country, where he had been governing when his father died. This began a, fierce ,contest for power between Dost Mohammad's sons, which lasted for nearly five
  15. He conquered the powerful kingdom of Part in the Caucasus Mountains and the, fierce ,Guitars of the Zagros Mountains in modern Iran. He then attacked the
  16. Public exhibitions like the Zamenhof Estate, films,and sometimes, fierce ,public debate. Bauhaus and Vkhutemas, the Russian state art and
  17. Operated independently of one another and rarely cooperated. Faced with, fierce ,competition and price wars in the game console and home computer markets, Atari
  18. City, but although having scaling ladders they broke and after half day of, fierce ,battle Albuquerque was forced to retreat. They cruised the Red Sea inside the
  19. Secondary bacterial infections and mortality. Aspirin's profitability led to, fierce ,competition and the proliferation of aspirin brands and products, especially
  20. The Battle of Ravine, on forested and swampy terrain, the Wallachians won the, fierce ,battle and prevented Bayed from conquering the country. In 1394,Bayed laid
  21. Unconquered, boisterous Ares, in darts rejoicing, and in bloody wars;, fierce ,and untamed, whose mighty power can make the strongest walls from their
  22. Gilavar are typical here in all seasons. Indeed, the city is renowned for its, fierce ,winter snow storms and harsh winds. The daily mean temperature in July and
  23. A place where wind is strong and pounding. Indeed, the city is renowned for its, fierce ,winter snow storms and harsh winds. It is also believed that Baku refers to
  24. Gardens in every palace and province, where he would often sit shaded from the, fierce ,Indian sun. He tried to recreate the gardens of Kabul, which he believed were
  25. Founded by Salish in Tariff, three centuries earlier. The Perforata made a, fierce ,resistance, and it was in battle with them that Abdullah in Basin was killed
  26. Was inspired by Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin. The story depicted a, fierce , carnivorous alien, the court, stalking the crew of an exploration spaceship.
  27. During the preceding week; however, as the battalion advanced it met with, fierce ,resistance. 235 men were killed and a further 350 wounded — more than half of
  28. After his death, ultimately leading to its defeat and subjugation by Rome. A, fierce ,contest ensued with the Abrasion in which Alexander himself was wounded in the
  29. High tide onto the bridge, with success: the day after all had landed. After a, fierce ,fight during which the sultan appeared with an army of war elephants, the
  30. Writers also soared. The competition for a fresh angle on any story became, fierce , Media pundits began questioning the high salaries that the players received.
  31. Fought with him. It fell on 17 July. He was dead by September. Alfonso was a, fierce , violent man, a soldier and nothing else, whose piety was wholly militant. His
  32. Neared completion: his own mental instability, the pressure to create against, fierce ,internal opposition to his new music, the relatively unenthusiastic public
  33. On the western and southern coasts of the island, relatively sheltered from, fierce ,ocean currents, and this is where most tourist development has taken place. The
  34. And the Soviet Red Army. The Soviets first defended Stalingrad against a, fierce ,German onslaught. So great were Soviet losses that at times, the life
  35. Attempt to recruit them for his war against the Germans. The Illusions put up a, fierce ,resistance to the most powerful army on earth at the time (the Roman Army)
  36. To them by a different name. They were also described as being inhabited by, fierce ,cannibalistic tribes by the Persian navigator Burg, travelers often noted the
  37. Areas Boulder, Colorado is legendary with bouldering opportunities and, fierce ,clean climbing ethic, particularly in the Crown Rocks area featuring notable
  38. Can sometimes be strongly contested along factional lines. A particularly, fierce ,pre-selection sometimes gives rise to accusations of branch stacking (signing
  39. Well as pushing into Central Asia Minor. Ashurnasirpal II (883–859 BC) was a, fierce ,and ruthless ruler who advanced without opposition through Arm (modern Syria
  40. To the house, in an all stock transaction. Competition with Microsoft was, fierce , Microsoft launched the competing database Microsoft Access and bought the
  41. In a crossfire, the leading French ships were battered into surrender during a, fierce ,three-hour battle, while the center was able to successfully repel the initial
  42. BOAT) and British European Airways Corporation (BEA). Following two years of, fierce ,competition with British Caledonian, the second-largest airline in Britain at
  43. By a mortal and swore to slay the next mortal who crossed his path, creating, fierce , tigers to carry out his wrath. The mortal turned out to be a beautiful young
  44. Posture ". A popular legend at the time was of the Amazons, a tribe of, fierce ,female warriors who socialized with men only for procreation and even removed
  45. Of Bhagalpur around Mature revolted and created Bhagalpur state, fomenting a, fierce ,rebellion around the Mughal capital. *In 1670,Chhatrapati Shiva Sahara
  46. View it was the only system based on the protection of those rights. She was a, fierce ,opponent of all forms of collectivism and statism, including fascism, communism
  47. Was carried over to commercial television in the late 1940s and early 1950s. A, fierce ,battle was fought between those seeking to commercialize the radio and people
  48. Under the cheese surface,Britney's demand for satisfaction is complex, fierce ,and downright scary, making her a true child of rock & roll tradition. " The
  49. Hindu Rapt, to attack the Maratha's. JAI Singh won the fort of Purana after, fierce ,battle in which the Maratha commander Murasaki fell. Foreseeing defeat
  50. Roman names of the gods will be used, except for Aphrodite. ) After a brief but, fierce ,storm sent up against the group at Juno's request, and several failed attempts

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