Examples of the the word, statewide , in a Sentence Context

The word ( statewide ), is the 7356 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of CRTs through landfills or incineration. Regulatory agencies, local and, statewide , monitor the disposal of CRTs and other computer equipment. In Europe, disposal
  2. 10 miles of the New Hampshire or Vermont border. Since 1992 cities and towns, statewide ,were able to sell on Sundays from the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving to New Years
  3. Competitor. Work was completed on October 26, 1825. The event was marked by a, statewide ," Grand Celebration," culminating in successive cannon shots along the length
  4. The Legislature take office immediately after the November elections, but the, statewide ,officials, such as the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and
  5. Had joined forces. From then on, most Republican candidates for local and, statewide ,offices sought the endorsement of Bob Jones III and greeted faculty/staff
  6. Still operates under its original (1889) state constitution. Since 1946, statewide , elected constitutional officers have been elected to four-year terms. They
  7. Metropolitan area, and even though the greater Phoenix area has 2/3 of the, statewide ,population, Colangelo still decided to call the team the" Arizona Diamondbacks
  8. Remains strong on the state level; in 2006,Democrats were elected to all, statewide ,offices by the voters in a Democratic sweep that included the Democratic Party
  9. Have also been conducted, for example, in Massachusetts, which conducted a, statewide ,census every five years until 1985. Additionally, each community in
  10. California to the entire USA. The California Highway Patrol is the largest, statewide ,police agency in the United States in terms of employment with over 10,000
  11. For severe traffic congestion. Construction and maintenance of state roads and, statewide ,transportation planning are primarily the responsibility of the California
  12. Massive temblor, and thousands of refugees flowed across the Bay. In 1908,a, statewide ,referendum that proposed moving the California state capital to Berkeley was
  13. Also held by Democrats. This is rare in the modern South, where a majority of, statewide ,offices are held by Republicans. Arkansas had the distinction in 1992 of being
  14. Holds majority status in the Arkansas General Assembly. A majority of local and, statewide ,offices are also held by Democrats. This is rare in the modern South, where a
  15. Last Democrat in August 2011. Today, Republicans also hold all seven of the, statewide ,elected executive branch offices. Republicans also hold six of the eight
  16. Islands. As of 2001,native speakers of Hawaiian amount to under 0.1 % of the, statewide ,population. Linguists are worried about the fate of this and other endangered
  17. Pole. The cities, towns,villages, and region served by ARR tracks are known, statewide ,as" The Rail belt ". In recent years, the ever-improving paved highway system
  18. And that each state had a right to secede. After intense debates and, statewide ,votes, seven Deep South cotton states passed secession ordinances by February
  19. Public schools Hawaii has the U. S.' only school system that is unified, statewide , Policy decisions are made by the fourteen-member state Board of Education. The
  20. In the 1906 election to gain the position, and he was the only Republican, statewide ,candidate to win office. In 1908,he was offered the vice-presidential
  21. On the same ticket. The governor is the only state public official elected, statewide ,; all others are appointed by the governor. The lieutenant governor acts as the
  22. Past four gubernatorial elections. Democrats presently hold eight of the nine, statewide ,elected offices, while the Republicans hold only one statewide office, State
  23. Assembly seats selectively contested as compared to 2003. However,the, statewide ,vote share fell because the party was unable to field as many candidates as in
  24. Eighty. Coolidge senior engaged in many occupations, and ultimately enjoyed a, statewide ,reputation as a prosperous farmer, storekeeper and public servant; he farmed
  25. Of the nine statewide elected offices, while the Republicans hold only one, statewide ,office, State Auditor. Freedom of information Each of the 50 states of the
  26. Statewide referendum before it took effect. On April 27, 2011 Indiana passed a, statewide ,voucher program, the largest in the U. S. It offers up to $4,500 to students
  27. Has two PBS affiliates: HGTV (Channel 8.1),the flagship station of the, statewide ,Georgia Public Television network, and PBA (Channel 30.1),owned by Atlanta
  28. Arizona Board of Regents in 1945 and was renamed Arizona State College. A 1958, statewide , ballot measure gave the university its present name. ASU offers programs in the
  29. The Land of Lincoln suffers from overall poor effectiveness and quality of its, statewide ,public space cleanliness—due to state and related eradication standards and
  30. Of $3000 was passed in Utah in 2007,but 62 % of voters repealed it in a, statewide ,referendum before it took effect. On April 27, 2011 Indiana passed a statewide
  31. The Republican challenger Guy Hunt as Governor. Hunt had been nominated in a, statewide ,Republican primary that had 28,000 participants compared to the 1,000,000 plus
  32. Bob Harlan. Since the 2008 pre-season all the Packers' pre-season games on the, statewide ,network are produced and aired in high definition, with WCMH-TV subcontracting
  33. Black people. Every' election as mayor had enormous symbolic significance, statewide ,and national resonance. The NAACP named Every the 1969 Man of the Year. John
  34. Public health and public safety The Alaska State Troopers are Alaska's, statewide ,police force. They have a long and storied history, but were not an official
  35. Much of Colorado is a relatively dry state averaging only of rain per year, statewide ,and rarely experiences a time when some portion of the state is not in some
  36. However, and came within 4,500 votes of winning, out of more than 400,000 cast, statewide , Mental collapse and World War II Ford had long opposed war and continued to
  37. Republicans across the North. The stage was then set for the campaign for, statewide ,election of the Illinois legislature which would, in turn, select Lincoln or
  38. Station. * KDKA-TV, channel 6,is the flagship outlet of Rocky Mountain PBS,a, statewide ,network of Public Broadcasting Service stations. Programming on KARMA is
  39. Team From the beginning, Colangelo wanted to market the Diamondbacks to a, statewide ,fan base and not limit fan appeal to Phoenix and its suburbs. Although every
  40. Regions. These regions were established in the 1980s in order to facilitate, statewide ,economic planning. Many of these regions are based on state and federal highway
  41. Agencies in the U. S. to implement the painting of centerlines on highways, statewide ,(thanks to June Carroll); the first to build a freeway west of the
  42. Sports in Hobart Most of Hobart's sporting teams in national competitions are, statewide ,teams rather than exclusively city teams. These include the Tasmanian Tigers
  43. State Litter Scorecard, for overall poor effectiveness and quality of its, statewide ,public space cleanliness—primarily roadway and adjacent litter removals—from
  44. Preservation group. In 2003,it changed its name to reflect its wider focus in, statewide ,preservation issues. Today, professional conservators join and take part in the
  45. Dominance in the 1930s during the Great Depression. Since World War II, most, statewide , elected officials have been Republicans. The last time the Democratic Party
  46. For the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities) was the United States' first, statewide ,historic preservation group. In 2003,it changed its name to reflect its wider
  47. Near Grosbeak, to Emma Lee Foley and John Tompkins Wills. His father was a, statewide ,champion fiddle player and the Wills family was either playing music, or
  48. And lower courts. The state of Alaska employs approximately 15,000 employees, statewide , The Alaska Legislature consists of a 40-member House of Representatives and a
  49. The Atari administration nullified the deal. The creation of a unified, statewide ,Erie Canal historic trail or Greenway to attract tourism has been an elusive
  50. Governor elected in Alabama since Reconstruction when he won 57 % of the vote, statewide ,against Bailey. Since 1986,Republicans have won six of the seven Governors

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