Examples of the the word, relic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( relic ), is the 12268 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Breaking of Lorentz invariance shortly after the Big Bang could have left a ", relic ,field" throughout the universe which causes particles to behave differently
  2. Kenya, Mount Elton and Kilimanjaro. The Alameda Forest in western Kenya is, relic ,of an East African rainforest. Much larger is MAU Forest, the largest forest
  3. Woke, his cloak was restored, and the miraculous cloak was preserved among the, relic ,collection of the Merovingian kings of the Franks. The dream confirmed Martin
  4. Ælfric as Archbishop of Canterbury, taking Swithun's head with him as a, relic ,for the new location. While at Canterbury he promoted the cult of Duns tan, He
  5. Became diluted in practice: Viollet-le-Duc provided a Gothic reliquary for the, relic ,of the Crown of Thorns at Notre-Dame in 1862,and yet Napoleon III also
  6. Forms into one form ending in - *The development of Class III weak verbs into a, relic ,class consisting of four verbs (*Sagan" to say ", *human" to think ", *The
  7. But examples include Decontrol, and Trakosopoulos The Jews have also left a, relic ,of their presence on the island with the surnames of Abel, Ellul, Azzopardi
  8. Four, or six. " The first of these (Delilah mold taken) is thought to be a, relic ,of when the calendar was established empirically (although there is some doubt
  9. Kings, would be carried everywhere the king went, even into battle, as a holy, relic ,upon which oaths were sworn. The cloak is first attested in the royal treasury
  10. Air, water,and soil quality. In general, the vertical hierarchy structure,a, relic ,of Soviet times, has led to poor coordination and duplication of effort among
  11. S arm bones was brought to Macau where it was kept in a silver reliquary. The, relic ,was destined for Japan, but religious persecution there persuaded the church to
  12. Cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation (also CMBR, CBR,MBR, and, relic , radiation ) is thermal radiation filling the observable universe almost
  13. S discovery in Antioch of the Holy Lance, especially because he knew such a, relic ,already existed in Constantinople; however, he was willing to let the Crusader
  14. 1978 to the Chapel of St. Francis Xavier on Cologne Island. More recently the, relic ,was moved to St. Joseph's Seminary and the Sacred Art Museum. Legacy St.
  15. An exponential expansion could eliminate domain walls (another kind of exotic, relic , ) In 1981 Bighorn and NATO published a model similar to Guth's and showed
  16. After Theocracy on January 6 (January 7 also commemorates the transfer of the, relic ,of the right hand of John the Baptist from Antioch to Constantinople in 956) *
  17. Teachings on the redemption. Which he brought back to Egypt on 15 May. The, relic ,of St Athanasius the Great of Alexandria is currently preserved under the new
  18. His butler Norman Burg. When the need arises, Roger calls upon Big O, a giant, relic ,from the city's past. The television series is designed as a tribute to
  19. Him undisciplined and naïve. For his part, Kennedy thought Adenauer was a, relic ,of the past, stating " The real trouble is that he is too old, and I am too
  20. Odysseus eventually gave the armor to Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles. A, relic ,claimed to be Achilles' bronze-headed spear was for centuries preserved in the
  21. And paraded annually on Cameron Day. It is the foreign legion's most precious, relic , During the Mexican Campaign,6,654 French died. Of the deaths were from a
  22. Sumatra appears in Sanskrit writings from 200 BCE. The earliest archeological, relic ,discovered in Indonesia is from the Jung Upon National Park, West Java, where
  23. That the church is named after. The Bishop will also often present a small, relic ,of a Saint to place in or on the altar as part of the consecration of a new
  24. That he saw as rooted in a collectivist mentality, and existing only as a, relic ,of humankind's realistic past. He viewed traditional names as almost always
  25. Over the past couple of decades the town has been transformed from industrial, relic ,into the clean, modernised area it is today – this has largely been achieved
  26. There from Livia by the Catalans. In 1462,the Venetian Senate ordered the, relic ,to be removed to St. Giorgio Maggie in Venice. On 12 November, it was
  27. Canada Malaya" in Sri Lanka is the place where what some believe to be the, relic ,of the right tooth of Buddha is kept at present. According to the Pale
  28. Visible through a Estrella in the apse wall. During the Middle Ages,the, relic ,of St. Martin’s cloak, ( Zappa Anti Martini),conserved at the Marmoreal
  29. Fill a larger and larger universe. This is the source for the alternate term, relic ,radiation. Precise measurements of cosmic background radiation are critical to
  30. Strikes to win concessions from employers. Powderly opposed strikes as a ", relic ,of barbarism," but the size and the diversity of the Knights afforded local
  31. The disastrous Horns of Hatpin. When the battle was lost, Saladin captured the, relic , which was then ransomed back to the Crusaders when the Muslims surrendered the
  32. And replacement, and second, that modern Judaism remains merely as a ", relic ,". Most importantly the myth of the Judeo-Christian tradition insidiously
  33. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Holy Hand Grenade is described a" sacred, relic ," carried by Cistercian monk Brother Maynard (Eric Idle) and is used near the
  34. Have so far turned out fruitless, placing stringent limits on the density of, relic ,magnetic monopolies in the universe. A period of inflation that occurs below the
  35. Fission, and by cosmic rays. Some helium-3 in the atmosphere is also a, relic ,of open air thermonuclear weapon testing. Tritium, with a roughly 12-year
  36. Away from the eyes of an afflicted individual upon contact with a holy man or, relic , Almost without exception in early literature, blind people could bring this
  37. Theory is that the spliceosome and the intron-exon structure of genes is a, relic ,of the RNA world (the introns-first hypothesis). There is still considerable
  38. And were subsequently discouraged by the communist government for being a, relic ,of feudal China. In contemporary Chinese society, tongzhi (same goal or spirit
  39. Of Star Trek: Enterprise entitled" Terra Prime ", a quick shot is shown of the, relic ,rover Sojourner, part of the Mars Pathfinder mission, placed by a historical
  40. Of Omar Khayyam. Earlier antecedents include the custom of exhibiting the, relic ,skulls of Christian martyrs decorated with roses on their feast days. The rose
  41. A treasure, a Byzantine coin die, a decorated Mendel period shield, a Christian, relic , etc. Kalevala saga compiler Control interpreted it to be a" Queen" or mill
  42. Blood of the gods, ichor, was a substance that was poisonous to mortals. As a, relic ,of Germanic Law the orientation, an ordeal where the corpse of the victim was
  43. Its charred remains can now be seen. The historic Frank-Loeb house is another, relic ,of the Jewish presence in Landau: its proprietor in the late 19th Century was
  44. Model),in particular the CMB. In cosmology the CMB is explained as, relic ,radiation from the big bang, originally at thousands of degrees kelvin but red
  45. To dispense with the atomistic theory of matter, a theory which he viewed as a, relic ,of the metaphysics of substance. One study of Nietzsche defines his fully
  46. Templar inquisition there was never a single mention of anything like a Grail, relic , In reality, most mainstream scholars agree that the story of the Grail was
  47. Obtained money for her defenses by the unwilling sacrifice of her cherished, relic , the head of St. George, which had been carried there from Livia by the
  48. Templar's' insignia: this version presented the" Holy" Grail as a Christian, relic , Recent uncritical and popular literature has claimed that since the Templar's
  49. Dignitaries Humane Personae. In the Constitution of Norway form 1814,a, relic ,from the earlier anti-catholic laws of Denmark-Norway, Paragraph 2 originally
  50. Games between Soviet and NATO aircraft, ships,and especially submarines. A, relic ,of the Cold War in the Norwegian Sea, the Soviet nuclear submarine K-278

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