Examples of the the word, brilliantly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( brilliantly ), is the 12269 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Critic for Frank Harris' Saturday Review, in which position he campaigned, brilliantly ,to displace the artificializes and hypocrisies of the Victorian stage with a
- Of the New Straits Times highly praised the game's humor, which he called ", brilliantly ,funny ". However, the writer commented that the game's puzzles relied on "
- About all one can say is that conditions were bad and that Swift's irony, brilliantly ,underscored this fact ". At the start of a new industrial age in the 18th
- The Victoria and Albert Museum. Opening ceremony The Games opened on 29 July,a, brilliantly ,sunny day. Army bands began playing at 2 pm for the 85,000 spectators in
- Pontus were threatening Syria and northern Mesopotamia; the nomadic Partisans, brilliantly ,led by Mithridates I of Parthia had overrun upland Media (home of the famed
- Although only a few soldiers died it was still a bad ending for a, brilliantly ,fought campaign. After a few more raids across the Rhine, which resulted in the
- Save. Rivera was one of the strongest closer in the game, and had pitched, brilliantly ,throughout the postseason up to that point. Rivera struck out the side in the
- In the later symphonies of Bruckner, and followed by what Harold Prescott has, brilliantly ,described as a" reverse climax ", leading back to a repeat of the A section).
- First distinctly Canadian style of painting. All these artists painted large, brilliantly ,colored scenes of the Canadian wilderness. Since the 1930s,Canadian painters
- His private plane near Mount Rainier, Washington. He reported seeing nine, brilliantly ,bright objects flying across the face of Rainier. Although there were other
- One shred of self-respect …. We drew the sword and waged the most righteous and, brilliantly ,successful foreign war that this generation has seen. Bryan's campaign was a
- Period. Another description said that" her mouth is rather large, the teeth, brilliantly ,white, her neck is slender and fair, and the bust is admirably proportioned ".
- Beginning he just added some humor and humanity to the series by merely acting, brilliantly ,as a very sympathetic sidekick. Then he started enriching the stories by
- Lineup while Many Ramírez rested through most of September. Ells bury played, brilliantly ,during the month, hitting .361 with 3 HR,17 RBI, and 8 stolen bases. Mike
- Had developed tank warfare into an art, and understood how to handle tanks, brilliantly ,in the field. I feel compelled, therefore,to compare him with
- Zest and zeal. This festival is held once a year during winters. Dressed in, brilliantly ,hued costumes, the people of the desert dance and sing haunting ballads of
- Infielder Denis Make, and pitcher Denny Remaster. Wilson continued to pitch, brilliantly ,and on May 1 threw the second no-hitter of his career. He was just 24 years of
- Loyalty of the formerly Hobo samurai in Kant. In the event, it worked out, brilliantly ,for Ieyasu. He reformed the Kant provinces, controlled and pacified the Hobo
- So seriously that they feared for his life. In the great battle of Borodin he, brilliantly ,commanded the key positions until he was shell-shocked and taken away from the
- Then Edgar Allan Poe, and he is therefore able to maintain his world of fantasy, brilliantly ,through three novels. The Gormenghast trilogy is a very, very great work ... a
- Italy, under the command of the young Corsican General Napoleon Bonaparte, was, brilliantly , successful,forcing Piedmont out of the war, driving the Austrians out of
- Assessed at its true importance, for it antedates by several years those more, brilliantly ,expressed but less radical Huguenot writings which have usually been taken to
- Appreciated. The reviewer called Rand" a writer of great power" who wrote ", brilliantly , beautifully and bitterly," and stated that" you will not be able to read
- Folk traditions. A batik (wax resist) process is used to create intricate, brilliantly ,colored eggs., the best-known of which is the Ukrainian Sanka. The celebrated
- Provocatively dropped plot stitches, gimcrack alternate universes—are here, brilliantly ,rehabilitated. " Mulholland Drive was not without its detractors. Rex Reed of
- In his release-day review of the full product, Eccleston reported that ", brilliantly , that's still how it feels a month later. " Other digital formats The Beatles
- Dark alley. " Sheila Benson of the Los Angeles Times called the film" the most, brilliantly ,disturbing film ever to have its roots in small-town American life. " She
- Written. Like the letter from the fictional 'friend' in the Biographic, it, brilliantly , suggests how a compressed fragment came to represent a much larger (and even
- The music by Heroku Tanaka as" sublime ", and the enemy characters as ", brilliantly ,drawn ". Although he considered the blend of gameplay elements from different
- SU (2)EU (1) group structure of the theory. Steven Weinberg and Abdul Salem, brilliantly ,invoked the Anderson-Higgs mechanism for the generation of the W's and Z
- Only eight letters (pro ... try ... notes),Born conjured up a phrase that, brilliantly ,develops the meaning and the euphony of the poem (proton' entrecôtes)
- Zest and zeal. This festival is held once a year during winter. Dressed in, brilliantly ,hued costumes, the people of the desert dance and sing haunting ballads of
- Poland began World War II. World War II At first Germany's military moves were, brilliantly ,successful, as in the" blitzkrieg" invasions of Poland (1939),Norway (
- Behind the German line to help the Swabians on the enveloped left flank. Conrad, brilliantly ,executed the difficult maneuver and his knights charged the Hungarian flanking
- Described the film as one of the all-time greats, writing in 1998 that Leigh ", brilliantly ,played" her role. Her performance in the West End production of A Streetcar
- Careful handling. When heated in air, thorium metal turnings ignite and burn, brilliantly ,with a white light. Thorium has one of the largest liquid range of any element
- Often have spotted, rosetted or striped coats, and tend to be more, brilliantly ,colored than their Canadian counterparts. This is because these species tend
- With consistency by oral cultures until they are written down. The epic weaves, brilliantly ,the (scattered remains) of these distinct tribal narratives, exchanged among
- Machine (Fanfare for Great Woods) (1986): This piece is joyfully exuberant, brilliantly ,scored for a large orchestra. It begins with a marking of half-notes (
- The photos" astonishingly good" and that" Thompson's pictures remind us, brilliantly ,in every sense, of very real people, real colors ". Films The film Where the
- With spin 1/2" repel ", whereas groups with integer spin" clump. " This was a, brilliantly ,simplified way of demonstrating how Fermi–Dirac statistics and Bose–Einstein
- Must be regarded as open questions. Here we will see how the Dirac theory, brilliantly ,answered some outstanding issues in physics at the time it was put
- Africans at the Battle of Rama. Scipio had studied Hannibal's tactics and, brilliantly ,devised some of his own, and finally defeated Rome's nemesis at Rama having
- From the band. The Independent commented that incident:" There is something, brilliantly ,Kraftwerkian about the news that Florian Schneider, a founder member of the
- Of north and south, they would decide the presidential election. Aaron Burr, brilliantly ,organized his forces in New York City in the spring elections for the state
- Idea of using an old, broken mousetrap as a spitball catapult, and it worked, brilliantly ,.... It had worked perfectly as something other than a mousetrap .... my rowdy
- Days before the January transfer window opened. Hodgson's tenure didn't start, brilliantly ,and it took a month to secure his first win against Aston Villa, courtesy of a
- Important figure in the development of the old master print. He made over 1,400, brilliantly , detailed etchings that chronicled the life of his period, featuring soldiers
- Not react with air or water even at red heat. Once ignited, beryllium burns, brilliantly ,forming a mixture of beryllium oxide and beryllium nitride. The small atomic
- For decades. Sets are sometimes thrown together ad hoc, which sometimes works, brilliantly ,and sometimes fails on the spot. After the set ends, someone will usually start
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