Examples of the the word, dwindle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dwindle ), is the 12270 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The recently-published The Third Violet were causing his literary reputation to, dwindle , Reviewers were also highly critical of Crane's war letters, deeming them
  2. The newspaper prints a retraction, the calls keep coming, and when they, dwindle , Tender prints up fliers for a fake crisis hotline with his number on them so
  3. The OVP. Despite the new coalition, the voter support for the FPO continued to, dwindle ,in all most all local and state elections. Disputes between" nationalist" and
  4. Tune for" Halted, dragons d'ALCAPA! " In Act II, saw the audiences gradually, dwindle ,up to the last night,15 February 1876. Before long three leading composers in
  5. Continuously renewed because it evaporates quickly. When the supply begins to, dwindle , the trail making ceases. In at least one species of ant, trails that no longer
  6. First to Valladolid and then to Madrid, thus letting the city's importance, dwindle ,until the late 20th century, when it became the capital of the autonomous
  7. Non-fiction and drama, history and philosophy written in Latin has continued to, dwindle , the Latin language is still not dead. Well into the 20th century, some
  8. The unfavorable investment climate has caused foreign investment inflows to, dwindle ,to a trickle. It is believed that Uzbekistan has the lowest level of FDI per
  9. Problems, he did not rejoin the team. The popularity of X-Factor continued to, dwindle ,and Mystique and Sabre tooth, two popular X-Men villains, failed to draw in more
  10. The first six rounds of voting in the Illinois assembly, his support began to, dwindle , and Lincoln instructed his backers to vote for Lyman Trumbull, who defeated
  11. The Ta conics this far north are on the Vermont side of the border, and begin to, dwindle ,comparatively into foothills in Hebron. Hebron can be described as the
  12. Automation in the mining industry, the town has recently seen its fortunes, dwindle ,and has undertaken a major effort to reinvent itself. Tourism has become a
  13. The West Midlands. After nationalization in 1948,passenger traffic started to, dwindle , The line was closed to through passenger and freight services in 1963 and the
  14. Of bombing damage (26.6 %),but in successive years Tokyo saw its share, dwindle , By 1949,Tokyo was given only 10.9 % of the budget; at the same time there was
  15. At the top levels of the pyramid make significant amounts of money. The amounts, dwindle ,steeply down the pyramid slopes. Individuals at the bottom of the pyramid (
  16. El Niño condition moves into the Western Pacific, when groundwater supplies can, dwindle ,to emergency proportions. Tropical typhoons are an annual threat, particularly
  17. Lifestyle. Billiard is one of many towns along US 1 that saw its tourism trade, dwindle ,when I-95 was opened. Logging is a major industry in the area surrounding
  18. And the Late Bronze Age collapse, trade through the Canaanite area would, dwindle , as Egypt and Mesopotamia withdrew into their isolation. When the climates
  19. Durin's Folk to their ancestral homes. Apparently the Dwarves race began to, dwindle ,by the end of the Fourth Age, for their women made up less than a third of
  20. By the American destruction of a key road, and the army's supplies began to, dwindle , In response to a proposal first made on July 22 by the commander of his German
  21. The Undying Lands with Pergolas. It is said that the Dwarf population began to, dwindle ,because most male Dwarves did not desire wives, or could not find one that they
  22. Became the choice of many and the archipelago's populations continued to, dwindle ,throughout the late 19th century and for much of the 20th century. Lengthy
  23. Housing tracts. A few small orchards remain, though their numbers continue to, dwindle ,rapidly as they are converted to housing and shopping. Education Santa Clara
  24. To commence fusion of heavier elements, and nuclear reactions in the core will, dwindle , Its outer layers will fall away into space, leaving a white dwarf, an
  25. Became larger over the years. Although the festival's popularity started to, dwindle ,after the Meiji Restoration, and almost disappeared during the economic
  26. Became the choice of many and the archipelago's populations continued to, dwindle ,throughout the late 19th and 20th centuries. By 2001 the population of North
  27. Became the choice of many and the archipelago's populations continued to, dwindle ,throughout the late 19th and 20th centuries. Jura's population fell from 1300
  28. Name a few). By 1900 the mines began to shut down. The booming town began to, dwindle , A fraction of the people stayed in Carrillo. Today there is only a few of the
  29. Had killed one with a spear a number of years ago. The locals have noted a firm, dwindle ,in the population of these animals lately, and are hard to find. Gibbons
  30. A rarityand the number of letter-carvers left in the USA continues to, dwindle , For monumental lettering to be effective it must be considered carefully in
  31. Was founded in today's Montebello, causing the Tongva communities to rapidly, dwindle , The mission was later moved to San Gabriel because of severe flooding from the
  32. Greatness and luster, before which the glory of Ancient Greece and Rome shall, dwindle ,to a point, and the splendor of modern Empires fade into obscurity. Webster
  33. Life — making headlines around the world. Public interest soon started to, dwindle ,as most experts started to agree that these structures were not indicative of
  34. Rush in the nearby mountains of Northwest Georgia. While gold supplies began to, dwindle , soon eclipsed by the California Gold Rush, the settlement by White farmers
  35. In the hands of the gods" ), Leavers thrive in times of abundance and, dwindle ,in times of scarcity. The Takers however, practicing their unique form of
  36. Out like a wheel from a central core. The urban density of the area would, dwindle ,as the city fanned out. Transportation The city would be connected to the other
  37. Special courts are given wide-ranging powers to shoot prisoners. As food stocks, dwindle , rations are reduced to 500-1000 calories per day. Those who work get more food
  38. San Luis Obispo, the city was forgotten. In 1772,when food supplies started to, dwindle , Father Juniper Serra remembered the" Valley of the Bears. " He decided to
  39. The tribe is characterized as fickle - unstable as water, and condemned to, dwindle ,in power and size due to the incest of its eponymous founder with Jacob's
  40. The population of North Stoning ton—like most of rural New England—continued to, dwindle , so that by 1910,after just over a century since its incorporation, the number
  41. Of Europe into the Energy Capital of Europe as oil supplies may start to, dwindle ,in coming years, and there is considerable interest in the development of new
  42. As a result of the sudden loss of its administrative function, Guthrie began to, dwindle ,in size and soon lost its status as Oklahoma's second-largest city, first to
  43. As Tinley Park in 1892. The population of Bachelor's Grove began to, dwindle ,as people moved to New Bremen/Tinley Park or Blue Island to be along the
  44. The presentation of actresses he favored. All the Big Five saw their profits, dwindle ,in 1948—from Fox, down 11 percent, to Low's/MGM, down 62 percent—but at RIO
  45. Romantic attachment within the brain. Take away sex, and romantic love can, dwindle , But this is just part of the problem, say Fisher and University of Virginia
  46. Began to cause the share of the steel market for U. S. manufacturers to, dwindle , With the shift of steel production overseas, the Cambridge Bridge Company ended
  47. Slipped into severe depression in the early 1890s and the crowds began to, dwindle , a cabal of strong teams began to agitate for a reform of the competition.
  48. For her opposition, and in crossing the desert to Jerusalem, watched his army, dwindle , Eleanor was humiliated by imprisonment a second time, for rightly opposing
  49. Very productive but gave out after a few years, and the population began to, dwindle ,until gold-bearing quartz veins were discovered in the town, which brought
  50. S military mission now less important, support for the organization began to, dwindle , The situation was complex though, as over the two hundred years of their

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