Examples of the the word, rediscover , in a Sentence Context
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- The Plains aborigines surged as amateur and professional historians sought to, rediscover ,Taiwan's past. The opposition tang was activists seized upon the new image of
- Dismissed Kabbalah. Later 20th century non-Orthodox Jewish denominations would, rediscover ,value in traditional thought and observance, and a Neo-Hasidic adoption of
- Living dharma has declined and revived cyclically throughout history. Those who, rediscover ,and preach the dharma are called Tirthankara. The literal meaning of
- Of the world is finished; all that is needed is for the specific individual to, rediscover ,it in himself. " However, Widukind De Ridder has argued that scholars who take
- Where the pernicious effects of sin are evident," and called on people to, rediscover ,ethics in business and economic relations. Moth program on Bridenstine Mass On 7
- Poet, is executed in the Philippines. Date unknown * Nepalese archaeologists, rediscover ,the great stone pillar of Ashoka at Plumbing, using Fa Xian's records. * The
- Uses of pen plotters In the mid-to-late 2000s artists and hackers began to, rediscover ,pen plotters as quirky, customizable output devices. The quality of the lines
- Doyen Shake attend. *1896: Using Fa Xian's records, Nepalese archaeologists, rediscover ,the great stone pillar of Ashoka at Plumbing. *1899: Gordon Douglas is ordained
- Some composers were expressly nationalistic in their objectives, seeking to, rediscover ,their country's national identity in the face of occupation or oppression, as
- Until recently in the West, adding that now" the Western world has started to, rediscover ,what amounts to a lost tradition. Hesychasm, which was never anything close to
- Will arise to rediscover and reveal the timeless teachings of dharma and, rediscover ,the path to Nirvana. Maitreya is said to currently reside in the Toshiba world
- They are entrusted with the weighty task of helping the incarcerated, rediscover ,a sense of purpose so that, with God’s grace, they can reform their lives, be
- Britain is waking from the nightmare of being part of the continental bloc, to, rediscover , that these offshore islands belong to the outside world and lie open to its
- Became an impetus for their attempt to attract younger readers who seek to, rediscover ,their cultural roots. During the first three decades of the 20th century
- And now he was suddenly viewed as relevant by a new generation, who began to, rediscover ,his earlier work. Readers and critics of Rolling Stone voted him Artist of the
- Unlucky Voyage of the Vessel Batavia),published in 1647,made it possible to, rediscover ,the wreck. * 1897 – Willem Siebenhaar's The Absolves tragedy, a translation of
- To pass on information about the Grail. Ultimately, these cells will reunite to, rediscover ,the Grail's location and achieve world domination. According to Ardenti's
- As they are on warm summer weekends. Selection As many winter recreationists, rediscover ,snowshoeing, many more new models of snowshoe are becoming available. Ski areas
- That the only way to remedy the cynical ideas that characterize our times is to, rediscover ,the importance of caring for another, which May describes as the opposite of
- Of energy. " Spare's work is contemporaneous with Hugo Ball's attempts" to, rediscover ,the evangelical concept of the 'word' ( logos) as a magical complex image"—as
- Insight into Johnson's thinking:: Aim: To carefully observe, think freely, rediscover ,forgotten fact and oppose theoretical dogmatic assumptions. To help establish
- Singing, or both. Some made original musical contributions and helped this art, rediscover ,its transcultural universality. As harmonics are universal to all physical
- For cooking). He is about to turn 30 and this is his personal adventure to, rediscover ,his love of cooking. Jamie's Return To School Dinners Jamie's Chef (2007)
- Been confirmed by the Holy See, which sees the society as still requiring" to, rediscover ,the path to full communion with the Church ... the doctrinal questions
- A Hunter Warrior or bounty hunter. The story traces Alita's attempts to, rediscover ,her past and the characters whose lives she impacts on her journey. The manga
- Knowledge of the Gummi Bears. Inspired by its writings, the colony resolves to, rediscover ,their heritage and help Duncan defend against evil. Later, another human from
- Mission in the 1890s. ) The American sailing ship Topaz was the first to, rediscover ,Pitcairn in 1808. John Adams was eventually granted amnesty for the mutiny. On
- Some time following this devolution a new Buddha named Maitreya will arise to, rediscover ,and reveal the timeless teachings of dharma and rediscover the path to Nirvana.
- Full fidelity to your original charism" and asked them to reflect so as" to, rediscover ,the fullest meaning of your characteristic 'fourth vow' of obedience to the
- To the Kyoto blades, and that research should be made by all swordsmiths to, rediscover ,the lost techniques. Magazine traveled the land teaching what he knew to all
- Upon its importation, much to the dismay of Calcutta, led an expedition to, rediscover ,and restore Borobudur and other ancient monuments, and replaced the Dutch
- Many books, videos,postcards and the like have been produced to help people, rediscover ,and celebrate this part of the history of working men and women. There are
- Coupled with a pilgrimage to the Black Madonna of Rocamadour, led him to, rediscover ,the Roman Catholic faith and resulted in compositions of a more somber, austere
- Stallone stopped going to church as his acting career progressed. He began to, rediscover ,his childhood faith when his daughter was born ill in 1996,and is now a
- 1769 Gaspar de Portola traveled through the San Luis Obispo area on his way to, rediscover ,the Monterey Bay. The expedition’s diarist, Padre Juan Crest, recorded the
- Texture of life along the way. Maybe we've lost that, but the opportunity to, rediscover ,it is still out there waiting for us anytime we feel like turning off an exit
- Novels, the series moves toward more overt science fiction as the colonists, rediscover ,their links to the past and develop much higher levels of technology. Overview
- Iowa and returned to Cuba several times over the course of her short life to ", rediscover ," her cultural origins. During her visits, she established contacts with the "
- Accepted.: Officially critically endangered; recent surveys have failed to, rediscover ,it. * Réunion Po chard, Aythya cf. innovate (Réunion, Mascarenes, c.1690s): A
- Who know how to use it; having said that, many channelers have attempted to, rediscover ,the weave, and two AES Sedan, Verin Math win nominally of both the Black and
- Khan is of the line of Cain and fallen, but he wants to overcome that state and, rediscover ,paradise by creating an enclosed garden. The dome, in Thomas Maurice's
- When interviewing senior politicians. He called on the television industry to, rediscover ,a sense of purpose. Books Paxman's first book, A Higher Form of Killing (1982
- So that it will not be lost or ignored by the male point of view, ( 3) to, rediscover ,old texts, ( 4) to analyze women writers and their writings from a female
- That mystical inner construction that it was the task of their generation to, rediscover , The first painter who appears to have noticed the structural code in the
- Comprehends the political world nor tries to change it. He merely wants to, rediscover ,the grounds of happiness. In its central movement, Coming Up For Air is an
- Outside of Orthodox Judaism. Historical developments of Jewish thought could, rediscover ,new meaning in earlier traditions. The early scholars of the Haskell (Jewish
- Rather than an intellectual or ethical one. He urged his countrymen to, rediscover ,the French masters of the 18th century, for whom music was meant to charm, too
- Situation: Revival The current situation could be described as the effort to, rediscover ,the traditional music as it had been practiced before the heavy influence of
- Where couples who have once been married, or are on the verge of divorce, etc., rediscover ,that they are in love with each other, and recommit to the idea of marriage.
- Year 1772,Gaspar de Portolà discovered San Luis Obispo on a journey north to, rediscover ,the Bay of Monterey http://www.californiamissions.com/cahistory/sanluis.html.
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