Examples of the the word, buildup , in a Sentence Context

The word ( buildup ), is the 12884 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tanks, heavy artillery and HIND attack helicopters, an unprecedented military, buildup ,that made the Sandinista Army more powerful than all of its neighbors combined.
  2. In 1986. In recent years, drought and economic mismanagement have resulted in a, buildup ,of foreign debt. In March 1999,the government signed an agreement with a joint
  3. Mission; by 2008 the force had been reduced to 11,000. In the interim, buildup ,period, President Johnson-Sirleaf decided that a Nigerian officer would act as
  4. F-117 Nighthawks. Modern smokeless powder is coated in graphite to prevent the, buildup ,of static charge. Graphite mining, beneficiation, and milling Graphite is mined
  5. Fuel in a reactor. Long before all possible fission has taken place,the, buildup ,of long-lived neutron absorbing fission byproducts impedes the chain reaction.
  6. Extremely good insulation, or both, in order to avoid excessive pressure, buildup ,due to vaporization. The Service Module oxygen tanks were so well insulated
  7. To Guam from Okinawa, Japan. Including the required construction workers, this, buildup , would increase Guam's population by 45 %. In a February 2010 letter, the
  8. Increased volume of invasive species associated with the unprecedented military, buildup ,on Guam. Other invasive animal species From the seventeenth through nineteenth
  9. Come into thermal equilibrium. Their models failed, however,because of the, buildup ,of entropy over several cycles. Mister made the (ultimately incorrect)
  10. Play roles as well. Skins in the genus Prasinohaema have green blood due to a, buildup ,of the waste product biliverdin. Hemocyanin The blood of most mollusks –
  11. A second microprocessor dedicated to this. * Users may experience scar tissue, buildup ,around the inserted cannula, resulting in a hard bump under the skin after the
  12. Fodder. Deforestation promotes erosion in the hills, in turn causing alluvial, buildup ,down on the Genetic Plain that interferes with flood control structures.
  13. To Eugenics, inter-regional travel became impossible, and there was military, buildup ,everywhere. There was" not a place where people were not expecting the onset
  14. S., investing Cuban and East European assistance into a new army of 75,000. The, buildup ,included T-55 heavy tanks, heavy artillery and HIND attack helicopters, an
  15. Of viable" spots" to wear the pump. In addition, the areas with scar tissue, buildup ,generally have lower insulin sensitivity and may affect basal rates and bolus
  16. Less common, but still ends up producing significant helium-4 and tritium gas, buildup ,in the fuel rods of modern nuclear reactors. Energetics Input The fission of a
  17. Initially irritate the nose and throat, while higher exposure can cause a, buildup ,of fluid in the lungs, leading to pulmonary edema. The metal itself is a
  18. The population claiming an affiliation with it. The programmed U. S. military, buildup ,(2010–14) will cause an unprecedented population increase (approximately 40
  19. Issues were no longer Roosevelt's the most urgent policy concern. The military, buildup ,spurred economic growth. By 1941,unemployment had fallen to under 1 million.
  20. Result in formation of insoluble compounds. This is responsible for the, buildup ,of scale inside pipes caused by hard water. Carbonated water is formed by
  21. In Havana. Cuban intervention abroad: 1959 - Early 1990s Aided by a massive, buildup ,of Soviet advisors, military personnel, and advanced weaponry during the Cold
  22. Until it consumed 20 to 30 percent of the national budget. Before the military, buildup ,began in fiscal year (FY) 1980,United States military assistance to Honduras
  23. Channel blockers. By inhibiting meh, valproic acid and valnoctamide cause a, buildup ,of the active metabolite, prolonging the effects of carbamazepine and delaying
  24. But this steady, long-term rise is an unusual record of environmental nitrogen, buildup , It may relate to anthropogenic alternations to the regional Nitrogen Cycle
  25. Peroxide) must be stored in a suitable, vented container to prevent the, buildup ,of oxygen gas, which would otherwise lead to the eventual rupture of the
  26. Pool glove over hand chalk or talc because of the messiness of these powders;, buildup ,of particles on the cloth will affect ball behavior and necessitate
  27. The Gdańsk agreement, the Soviet Union proceeded with a massive military, buildup ,along Poland's border in December 1980. In February 1981,Defense Minister
  28. Until the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Due to the years of Soviet military, buildup ,at the expense of domestic development, economic growth stagnated. Failed
  29. Low relative humidity, fluctuations in relative humidity, light exposure, dust, buildup , pollution, mold,and bug infestation. For books with red rot, acid-free phase
  30. Added benefit of this type of ducting is the prevention of foreign particle, buildup ,within the ducts, due to a combination of the higher velocity air, as well as
  31. It comprises but is currently gradually increasing in size owing to the, buildup ,of volcanic deposits on the southeast coast. The island is long and wide, with
  32. Intracranial hemorrhage is a serious medical emergency caused by the, buildup ,of pressure inside the skull. It can cause disorientation, nausea,loss of
  33. Increased US military spending to 7 % of the GDP. To match the USA's military, buildup , the Soviet Union increased its own military spending to 27 % of its GDP and
  34. Of their food supply. A honey bee queen may lay 2000 eggs per day during spring, buildup , but she also must lay 1000 to 1500 eggs per day during the foraging season
  35. Well as swamps. The extensive burial of biologically-produced carbon led to a, buildup ,of surplus oxygen in the atmosphere; estimates place the peak oxygen content as
  36. Surgery, which involved cutting holes in the skull in order to alleviate fluid, buildup ,and inflammation caused by head wounds. Anthropologists have discovered
  37. Based on tessellations of the plane, in which he described the systematic, buildup ,of mathematical designs in his artworks. He emphasized," Mathematicians have
  38. What they see. The 1954 Japanese cut is shot like a classic film noir, and the, buildup ,to Tokyo's inevitable thrashing is quite slow by today's standards. The
  39. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as the first of a planned heavy bomber, buildup ,in the Pacific. Half of the group's airplanes were wiped out on December 8
  40. Figure whose life was enhanced in the scripture and given a theological, buildup , Gotta W. Maelstrom argues the inconsistencies of the biblical tradition are
  41. And replaced with new (fresh) fuel assemblies, although in practice it is the, buildup ,of reaction poisons in nuclear fuel that determines the lifetime of nuclear
  42. Where cooler temperatures mean less water stress. The monsoon is preceded by a, buildup ,of thunderstorm activity in the hills that helps farmers irrigate rice seedbeds
  43. The feed. Corn contains short chain omega-6 fatty acids that contribute to the, buildup ,of these materials in the fish. " Ratios of long-chain omega-6 to long-chain
  44. Economy rose remarkably from the ashes of World War II, resulting in the, buildup ,of another Nordic-style welfare state. Despite the passport union with Sweden
  45. There may also be symmetric flow from both loop foot points, causing a, buildup ,of mass in the loop structure. The plasma may cool rapidly in this region (for
  46. Are that water purification plants may be planted in the ponds to eliminate the, buildup ,of nitrogen, from fecal and other contamination. Also, the ponds can be left
  47. Many people relocated to urban areas, particularly on the West Coast with the, buildup ,of the defense industry. There were also losses as a result of the war. For
  48. Took on 410,000 lb (186,000 kg) of fuel. Gunships also were part of the, buildup ,of U. S. forces in 1998 to convince Iraq to comply with UN weapons inspections.
  49. Black Caesar. In 1974,he toured Africa and performed in Zaire as part of the, buildup ,to the Rumble in the Jungle fight between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman.
  50. Not recommended for closed indoor areas without a chimney due to the danger of, buildup ,of carbon monoxide gas. Kerosene is widely used in Japan as a home heating fuel

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