Examples of the the word, nicotine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nicotine ), is the 12895 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Worth of nicotine through direct contact with tobacco leaves. This level of, nicotine ,in children can permanently alter brain structure and function. Major tobacco
  2. Into the mouth, pumped around oral and nasal cavities to permit absorption of, nicotine ,toward the brain through the mucous membranes, and released. It is normal to
  3. Cigarette tobacco that is high in sugar and has medium to high levels of, nicotine , * Sun-cured tobacco dries uncovered in the sun. This method is used in Turkey
  4. In IPC comics, a Cuban robot cigar, Stogie,designed to help him cut down on, nicotine , The hero started out based on Humphrey Bogart, but after a few years he looked
  5. Believed to be a cause of schizophrenia, schizophrenics as a group use, nicotine ,at much greater rates than the general population. Prenatal Factors such as
  6. Be initiated under a guru, one must have had no caffeine (along with alcohol, nicotine ,and other drugs) for at least a year. In Islam the main rule on caffeine is
  7. Cholinergic stimulation, AChEIs and other cholinergic treatments like, nicotine ,could promote myelinization during development and myelin repair in older age.
  8. Strain as evidence that tobacco companies were intentionally manipulating the, nicotine ,content of cigarettes. In 2003,in response to growth of tobacco use in
  9. Include B vitamins niacin and pyridoxine, an anti-tuberculosis drug isoniazid, nicotine ,and other nitrogen-containing plant products. Historically, pyridine was
  10. Many medicinal and recreational drugs, like tetrahydrocannabinol, caffeine,and, nicotine ,come directly from the plant kingdom. Others are simple derivatives of
  11. Can occur through the use of various drugs, whether legal (e.g. alcohol and, nicotine ,), or illegal (e.g. heroin and cocaine). For example, people who inject
  12. Countries to produce oriental tobacco. Sun-cured tobacco is low in sugar and, nicotine ,and is used in cigarettes. Consumption Tobacco is consumed in many forms and
  13. Tobacco They also reported suffering from“ green tobacco sickness,” a form of, nicotine ,poisoning. When wet leaves are handled, nicotine from the leaves gets absorbed
  14. Circadian mechanisms and clock genes in behavioral actions of cocaine. Because, nicotine ,increases the levels of dopamine in the brain, many cocaine users find that
  15. Band). Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, nicotine acid (not the same as, nicotine ,) and vitamin PP, is an organic compound with the formula and, depending on the
  16. U. S. Surgeon General C. Everett Loop states that the addictive properties of, nicotine ,are similar to those of heroin and cocaine. ** California v. Greenwood: The U.
  17. Specific neurotransmitter systems. This applies to drugs such as marijuana, nicotine , heroin, cocaine,alcohol, Prozac,Thorazine, and many others. The two
  18. Glass fibers, ammonia,etc.) with the intent of enhancing the effect of, nicotine , Bergman began to produce a piece based upon the information, but ran into
  19. As antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytic, and drugs of abuse such as, nicotine , cocaine, methamphetamine,etc. Environmental Pharmacology Environmental
  20. And originate from amino acids. Their characteristic examples are atropine, nicotine , and morphine. This group also includes some alkaloids that besides nitrogen
  21. Cessation, as tobacco contains a naturally-occurring MALI in addition to the, nicotine , Withdrawal Antidepressants including Maoist have some dependence producing
  22. Cross-bred by Brown & Williamson in the 1970s to obtain an unusually high, nicotine ,content. In the 1990s,the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  23. Hernias (surgery),necrosis, abdominal tumors and chronic constipation and, nicotine ,poisoning, while also attempting to deal with deliberate poisonings, fetishism
  24. Ligand-gated ion channels composed of alpha and beta subunits that bind, nicotine , Ligand binding opens the channel causing influx of Na+ depolarization and
  25. Then ethyl alcohol. Methyl (wood) alcohol is poisonous. * tobacco (contains, nicotine ,and beta-carotene alkaloids) – Legal but regulated in most parts of the world
  26. Nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Children were exposed to 50-cigarettes worth of, nicotine ,through direct contact with tobacco leaves. This level of nicotine in children
  27. Of relatively low-toxic synthetic pesticides, some alkaloids, such as salts of, nicotine ,and alabamine, were used as insecticides. Their use was limited by their high
  28. Are often poisonous to humans and other animals. Despite containing enough, nicotine ,and other compounds such as germane and alabamine and other piperidine
  29. Consumption are believed to be directly related to biological strength of, nicotine ,dependence, addiction,and tolerance. The usage of tobacco is an activity that
  30. Nicotine. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide and, in the form of, nicotine ,tart rate, used in some medicines. It is most commonly used as a recreational
  31. Attitudes and broadcasting regulations, he has replaced his pipe with multiple, nicotine ,patches. Related and derivative works In addition to the Sherlock Holmes corpus
  32. Its possible usefulness alone or in conjunction with other drugs in treating, nicotine ,addiction. The mechanism by which it mitigates withdrawal symptoms is different
  33. Neurotoxin to insects. However, tobaccos contain a higher concentration of, nicotine ,than most other plants. Unlike many other Solanaceae, they do not contain
  34. Are the local anesthetic and stimulant cocaine; the stimulant caffeine;, nicotine ,; the analgesic morphine; the antibacterial barbering; the anticancer compound
  35. Count Hippolyte Visa rt de Bocarmé killed his brother-in-law by poisoning with, nicotine ,Theophrastus Phillips Aurelius Bombast us von Blenheim (1493–1541) (also
  36. Tobacco sickness,” a form of nicotine poisoning. When wet leaves are handled, nicotine ,from the leaves gets absorbed in the skin and causes nausea, vomiting and
  37. To produce Y1. This strain of tobacco contained an unusually high amount of, nicotine , nearly doubling its content from 3.2-3.5 % to 6.5 %. In the 1990s,this
  38. Of tobacco in the plant genus Nicotine. The word nicotine (as well as, nicotine ,) is in honor of Jean Picot, French ambassador to Portugal, who in 1559 sent it
  39. And the tobacco. Fire curing produces a tobacco low in sugar and high in, nicotine , Pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff are fire cured. * Flue cured tobacco
  40. Surgeon General C. Everett Loop states that the addictive properties of, nicotine ,are similar to those of heroin and cocaine. *1991 – Queen Elizabeth II of the
  41. Low in sugar, which gives the tobacco smoke a light, mild flavor, and high in, nicotine , Cigar and Burley tobaccos are air cured. * Fire cured tobacco is hung in large
  42. Has a sedative effect. An infamous alkaloid derived from Solanaceae is, nicotine , Like the trophies, its pharmacology acts on cholinergic neurons, but with the
  43. Damage with chronic use. * Liberia, which contains toxins similar in effect to, nicotine , Herbal teas can also have different effects from person to person, and this is
  44. The bloodstream via the skin ** Nicotine patch, transdermal patch that releases, nicotine ,into the body ** Contraceptive patch, transdermal patch that releases
  45. The compound its name. Other examples are the fire ant toxin solenoid,the, nicotine ,analog alabamine of the Tree Tobacco (Nicotine Laura),lobe line of the
  46. Plays a central role: addictive drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine,and, nicotine ,either cause dopamine levels to rise or cause the effects of dopamine inside
  47. To the court of Catherine de Medici. Because of the addictive properties of, nicotine , tolerance and dependence develop. Absorption quantity, frequency,and speed of
  48. Used it as evidence that tobacco companies were intentionally manipulating the, nicotine ,content of cigarettes. Impact Social Smoking in public was for a long time
  49. Australia, South West Africa and the South Pacific. Many plants contain, nicotine , a powerful neurotoxin to insects. However, tobaccos contain a higher
  50. Causing neuropathy). Causes * Drugs (anti-depressants (SSRIs) and, nicotine ,are most common) * Neurogenic disorders (spinal cord and brain injuries

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