Examples of the the word, crook , in a Sentence Context
The word ( crook ), is the 12891 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- While a second person slowly traces a finger from the wrist upward to the, crook ,of the elbow, many people are unable to say when the crease of their elbow is
- Are filamentous particles that may appear in the shape of a shepherd's, crook ,or in the shape of a" U" or a" 6 ", and they may be coiled, toroid, or
- Of Honor at the 1952 Worldcon was pretty much a crook (and a contemptuous, crook ,who stiffed his writers but paid himself $100K a year as President of Greenback
- Until 1529,when the city became Protestant under Oecolampadius. The bishop's, crook ,was however retained as the city's coat of arms. The first edition of
- Of dynamical systems. The specific writing organ (mouth, foot,hand, crook ,of elbow) is irrelevant if it functions normally and is sufficiently adapted
- People in France took part in street rallies; slogans such as" vote for the, crook , not the fascist" were heard in an expression of fierce opposition to Le Pen
- Of contemporary horn playing, including the risk of selecting the wrong, crook ,by mistake. By the end of the 18th Century the horn was sufficiently
- Color red> (3),which extends from boot to local; and the local (or, crook ,) color red> (2),a crook ed metal tube that attaches the wing joint to
- Larger than the bass (and some bass recorders too) may use a local or, crook , a thin metal tube, to conduct the player's breath to the wind way, or they may
- Were only four showgirls in this version, and each one carried a shepard's, crook ,with a letter of the alphabet on it. " The musical was written in one act, and
- Within a coil. At this stage it is called a crosier (after the shepherd's, crook ,) or fiddle head (after the scroll work at the top of a violin). As the lower
- As regards the association of Osiris with the ram, the god's traditional, crook ,and flail are of course the instruments of the shepherd, which has suggested to
- Form but variable in overall shape and may appear as the classic shepherd's, crook ,or eye bolt, as a U or a 6,or coiled, circular,or branched; laboratory
- On two separate occasions. * George Alec, whom Hammer knows to have been a, crook ,— a bootlegger, to be precise — but who has obviously achieved a clean record
- Instrument of different length. Their parts were transposed according to which, crook ,or length-of-instrument they used at any given time, so that a particular note
- With a more conventional octave key arrangement,i.e. mounted above the, crook ,of the saxophone e.g. the Martin Handicraft and Seller Model 22 saxophones
- Often moves in between the two mallets and the inside mallet is held in the, crook ,of the fingers. Also, popular is the Stevens grip, named for marimbas Leigh
- In" Planting a Tree" and" Father's Day Chair" also" Gus ", a petty, crook ,in the latter; a radio station manager and a policeman in" Mystery Singer "
- Richard Nixon tells 400 Associated Press managing editors" I am not a, crook , " ** The Athens Polytechnic uprising occurs against the military regime in
- Richard Nixon tells 400 Associated Press managing editors" I am not a, crook ,". * 1973 – The Athens Polytechnic Uprising against the military regime ends in
- With seconds to spare after one of the watchmen trips the silent alarm. One, crook , Franz, is left behind in the hasty departure and captured by the police. The
- Of brass instruments. * Natural horn (no valves or slides—except tuning, crook ,) * Vuvuzela (simple short horn, origins disputed but achieved fame or
- It is the mechanical element that usually crops up in any story. In, crook ,stories it is almost always the necklace and in spy stories it is most always
- The summer of 1891 at the Monte Carlo casino, a part-time swindler and petty, crook ,from London named Charles Wells broke the bank at each table he played over a
- Scholars also an origin for Osiris in herding tribes of the upper Nile. The, crook ,and flail were originally symbols of the minor agricultural deity Anxiety, and
- Joints which could not be adequately protected by plate, such as the armpit, crook ,of the elbow and groin. Another advantage of plate was that a lance rest could
- Ornamented with gold, a rule which was soon entirely disregarded, and that the, crook ,of their pastoral staff should turn inwards instead of outwards, indicating
- Award and who was the Guest of Honor at the 1952 Worldcon was pretty much a, crook ,(and a contemptuous crook who stiffed his writers but paid himself $100K a
- St Cuthbert, pray for us" ). The school badge features a bishop's, crook ,in reference to St Cuthbert's time as a bishop, as well as ducks, reflecting
- Are filamentous particles that may appear in the shape of a shepherd's, crook ,or in the shape of a" U" or a" 6 ", and they may be coiled, toroid, or
- Responding to the allegations of wrongdoing, Nixon said," I'm not a, crook ," in front of 400 Associated Press managing editors on November 17, 1973. He
- Was marked by demonstrations against Le Pen and slogans such as" Vote for the, crook , not for the fascist" or" Vote with a clothespin on your nose ". Chiral won
- Is beneath him). After identifying the thief to be John Tuamotu, a petty, crook ,with two arrests for vehicle theft, Monk and Natalie travel to the thief's
- And curiosities. Cf. de BRIC et de Bros, corresponding to our" by hook or by, crook ," and back, refuse.; brioche: a sweet yeast bun,kind of crossover between
- Before his wife remarries. * Tim Blake Nelson as Delmar O'Donnell, a small-time, crook , imprisoned for robbing a Piggy Wiggly in Yahoo City; he at first claims
- Dissatisfaction with NBC executives watching" as if you're some sort of, crook , " Host Allen Sudden was visibly perturbed and Pepper was never asked to
- Instead of the full range of keys, Vienna horn players usually use an F, crook ,and it is looked down upon to use others, though switching to an A or B crook
- F crook , and it is looked down upon to use others, though switching to an A or B, crook ,for higher pitched music does happen on occasion. Vienna's horns are often used
- The two instruments share many characteristics: a double reed fitted to a metal, crook , obliquely drilled tone holes, and a conical bore that doubles back on itself.
- History seems to be the heqa-scepter, sometimes described as the shepherd’s, crook , The earliest examples of this piece of regalia dates to pre-dynastic times. A
- Played a murderer in the season 2 episode" Blind Justice" ( 1987) and a, crook ,in the season 3 episode" The Ambassador" ( 1988). * Bryan Cranston appeared
- Crown with two large ostrich feathers at either side, and holding a symbolic, crook ,and flail. Osiris is at times considered the oldest son of the Earth god Get
- Side—see Ate crown (hieroglyph) ). He also carries the crook and flail. The, crook ,is thought to represent Osiris as a shepherd god. The symbolism of the flail is
- Acts by clapping or jeering with bad acts pulled off the stage by a shepherd's, crook , Ar buckle sang, danced and did some clowning around but did not impress the
- Two feathers at each side—see Ate crown (hieroglyph) ). He also carries the, crook ,and flail. The crook is thought to represent Osiris as a shepherd god. The
- After his resignation, he remarked," We appointed a few dills, but we weren't, crook , " Been critical of what he sees as the dominance of factions in the party
- To which the agent responds" You won't get it! ". " By hook or by, crook , we will ..." The task of attempting to extract information from Number Six is
- The hots for Mortician. Lurch scared off the thugs and terrified the assistant, crook , Fester, trying to be nice, put Daugherty on the rack. Daugherty tried to escape
- Fred - they capture the villain and unmask him. Revealed as a flesh and blood, crook ,trying to cover up crimes by using the ghost story and costume, the criminal is
- Of the instrument required manually replacing a section of tubing (called a ", crook ,") or picking up an instrument of different length. Their parts were
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