Examples of the the word, syrup , in a Sentence Context
The word ( syrup ), is the 12888 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Cherries where the fruit is preserved in sugar but is then extracted from the, syrup ,and sold, the preservation being maintained by the sugar content of the fruit
- Of hot Taiwanese black tea, small tapioca pearls (粉圓),condensed milk, and, syrup , ( 糖漿) or honey. Many variations were created, the most common of which is
- Is used. Flavors may be added in the form of powder, fruit juice, pulp,or, syrup ,to hot black or green tea, which is then shaken in a cocktail shaker or mixed
- Emulsion of sweet and bitter almonds, usually made with barley syrup (orgeat, syrup ,) or in a syrup of orange flower water and sugar. The Grocer's Encyclopedia (
- Are employed to prepare many commodity chemicals including high-fructose corn, syrup ,and acrylamide. In the environment Catalysis impacts the environment by
- Chefs to prepare a dessert called turn. Almond syrup Historically, almond, syrup , was an emulsion of sweet and bitter almonds, usually made with barley syrup (
- Syrup was an emulsion of sweet and bitter almonds, usually made with barley, syrup ,(orgeat syrup ) or in a syrup of orange flower water and sugar. The Grocer's
- And are also used by Spanish chefs to prepare a dessert called turn. Almond, syrup ,Historically, almond syrup was an emulsion of sweet and bitter almonds, usually
- The Mint Julep, an iced drink consisting of bourbon, mint and a sugar, syrup ,is the traditional beverage of the race. The historic drink can be served in an
- Of Clostridium botulinum. Sugar is used to preserve fruits, either in, syrup ,with fruit such as apples, pears,peaches, apricots,plums or in crystallized
- Heart disease (treated with digitalis),tropical dysentery (Emeline (, syrup ,of ipecac) and arseno-benzol),tropical malaria (quinine and Arsenal
- Dried & ground into the spice known as file for gumbo) *Sugarcane, also cane, syrup , brown sugar and molasses Blended *"Cajun spice" blends such as Tony Chancier
- Taste of coffee, from which it is made. Kahlua also contains sugar, corn, syrup , and vanilla bean. History Pedro Dome began producing Kahlua in 1936. It was
- Tracts produced no fish, : The irrigated orchards produced neither wine nor, syrup ,: The gathered clouds did not rain, the magnum did not grow.: At that time
- Its excellent Ice Wines. Saskatoon Berries, Fiddleheads, Wild Rice, and Maple, syrup ,are also famous ingredients to Canadian cooking. Foods from the Inuit people
- Berliner Wave, a sour beer made in Berlin that is often mixed with raspberry, syrup , Since the reunification of 1990,Schweitzer, which was common in East Germany
- Companies, effectively becoming parent bottlers. Coke concentrate, or Coke, syrup , was and is sold separately at pharmacies in small quantities, as an
- Filled with milk. " * Karydopita, a cake of crushed walnuts, soaked or not in, syrup , * Kourabiedes, Christmas cookies made by kneading flour, butter and crushed
- Syrups. The low sales volume and Schedule II status of Diluted cough, syrup ,predictably leads to underutilization of the drug. There are several
- Water). Isotope ratio mass spectrometry can be used to detect addition of corn, syrup ,or sugar cane sugars by the carbon isotopic signature. Addition of sugars
- Popularity This drink was once viewed as exotic, with its dark, syrup , made (at that time) from cola nuts and coca. Soon enough, as Charles H.
- It dropped the slogan when it switched from cane sugar to high fructose corn, syrup , *http://www.johnnieryan.com Johnnie Ryan is a regional cola bottled in Niagara
- Baked between layers of fall, and then soaked with lemon-scented honey, syrup , The name derives from the Greek" gala" ( γάλα),meaning milk, and from the
- Wort (0.1 mg vitamin C per 100 g),sauerkraut (10–15 mg per 100 g) and a, syrup , or" rob ", of oranges and lemons (the juice contains 40–60 mg of vitamin C
- Prized. * Melomakarona," honey macaroons ", Christmas cookies soaked with a, syrup ,of diluted honey (melt in Greek) and then sprinkled with crushed walnuts. *
- Harm. Since 1980 in the U. S., Coke has been made with high-fructose corn, syrup ,(HFCS) as an ingredient. Originally it was used in combination with more
- Middle Ages when royalty would request fresh ice flavored with honey or a fruit, syrup , Etymology The word dessert is most commonly used for this course in U. S.
- Years later the patent was sold to a Leroy, New York-based carpenter and cough, syrup ,manufacturer, Pearle B. Wait. He and his wife May added strawberry, raspberry
- Maintained by the sugar content of the fruit and the superficial coating of, syrup , The use of sugar is often combined with alcohol for preservation of luxury
- Comparable to the French Crêpes. They are served covered with sugar, jam or, syrup , Salty variants with cheese, ground meat or bacon exist as well (but aren't
- In Burton, Ohio,Kent State's Gauge Campus is at the heart of Ohio's maple, syrup ,country in Gauge County. The campus provides easy access to urban, suburban
- Or shaved ice, flavored with sweet, usually fruit-flavored, brightly colored, syrup ,*Traffic cone, a brightly colored cone-shaped plastic object commonly used as a
- Or more geographical areas. The bottlers produce the final drink by mixing the, syrup ,with filtered water and sweeteners, and then carbonate it before putting it in
- Scares, when the US government seized 40 barrels and 20 kegs of Coca-Cola, syrup ,in Chattanooga, Tennessee,alleging the caffeine in its drink was" injurious
- Are common Halloween treats made by rolling whole apples in a sticky sugar, syrup , sometimes followed by rolling them in nuts. At one time, candy apples were
- With honey, with a bread pudding Elmer heyday, or with pumpkin simmered in, syrup , Best eaten at the famous Iqbal restaurants (either the old one in the town
- Advanced that the original Hebrew (דבש death) actually refers to the sweet, syrup ,produced from the juice of dates. Pure honey is considered kosher even though
- That the fruit are boiled whole or in large chunks covered in the fruit's made, syrup , * Toured, a traditional Christmas and Easter sweet bread also known as
- May vary, but most bubble teas contain a tea base mixed with fruit (or fruit, syrup ,) and/or milk. Ice-blended versions of the drinks, similar to slushies, are
- Often being dependent on local agricultural policy. High-fructose corn, syrup ,is predominantly used in the United States and Canada due to the lower cost of
- And bitter almonds, usually made with barley syrup (orgeat syrup ) or in a, syrup ,of orange flower water and sugar. The Grocer's Encyclopedia (1911) notes
- Acid added in an attempt to make them 'healthy '. Sweeteners, such as corn, syrup ,or sugar is added to bread making it often unpleasant for foreigners to eat.
- Mg per 100 ml). Production Ingredients * Sugar (sucrose or high-fructose corn, syrup ,depending on country of origin) A can of Coke (12 fl ounces/355 ml) has 39
- Of Coca-Cola follows a franchising model. The Coca-Cola Company only produces a, syrup ,concentrate, which it sells to bottlers throughout the world, who hold
- Truck, as he was usually covered in fake blood made from a mixture of corn, syrup , food coloring, and non-dairy coffee creamer. Joel Coen served as an assistant
- Other congenital metabolic diseases; some common include **Maple, syrup ,urine disease and other organic Asturias **Type III glycogen storage disease.
- Of a camel are very efficient at retaining water. Urine comes out as a thick, syrup , and their feces are so dry that they can fuel fires. All came lids have an
- Trihydrate form is available as capsules, chewable and dispersible tablets plus, syrup ,and pediatric suspension for oral use, and as the sodium salt for intravenous
- Coca — cocaine Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of, syrup , a significant dose; in 1891,Candler claimed his formula (altered extensively
- Taiwan, where Liu Han Chai experimented with cold milk tea by adding fruit, syrup , candied yams, and tapioca balls in the early 1980s. Although the drink was not
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