Examples of the the word, savannah , in a Sentence Context
The word ( savannah ), is the 12894 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Ceases overnight). The descendants of our known animals may adapt to the dry, savannah , of the former Amazonian rainforest and thrive in the new, warmer temperatures.
- Water mangrove swamps, and north of that is rain forest. The, savannah ,zone's three categories are divided into mm' Guinean forest-savanna mosaic
- Sierra Leone has a tropical climate, with a diverse environment ranging from, savannah , to rainforests. Sierra Leone is divided into four geographical. Sierra Leone is
- Report was published in 2004,it was recommended that Hyde Park be used as a ", savannah ,"; though this move has attracted some concern that the Hyde Park event may
- Created with a hostile annexation of the project that Kyle Sallie registered at, savannah , Gnu. Org. Workers demoted Kyle Sallie from project leader and removed his name
- And had no other name. It was later renamed Savage, the French word for ", savannah ,", to distinguish the software itself from the websites, such as the GNU
- With vegetation changing from tropical rainforest in the north to tropical, savannah , to desert in the south. Differences in temperature and rainfall in the Costa
- Sudan Savannah, similar but with shorter grasses and shorter trees; and Sahel, savannah , patches of grass and sand, found in the northeast. Natural
- Animals) infection cycle. This is especially likely in zones with mixed open, savannah , with clumps of trees interspersed by human habitation. For Changes disease per
- Grass which are interrupted by trees, the most common across the country; Sudan, savannah , similar but with shorter grasses and shorter trees; and Sahel Savannah patches
- Peoples from Aboriginal Australia and Māori New Zealand to the Amazon, African,Savannah, and pagan Europe, some form of shamanic contact with the spirit world seems to
- Rains. In West Africa, the wet phase ushered in expanding rainforest and wooded, savannah , from Senegal to Cameroon. Between 9000 and 5000 BCE, Niger–Congo speakers
- Bantu-speaking states began to emerge, in the Great Lakes region, in the, savannah , south of the Central African rainforest, and on the Zambezi river where the
- Societies they encountered as they expanded to farm wider areas of, savannah , The technologically superior Bantu-speakers spread across Southern Africa and
- In instruments, music and social function to the riots of the West African, savannah , 1890s–1910s Ragtime The abolition of slavery led to new opportunities for the
- On another. Clarification came when CVS development moved from some. Org to, savannah , Nongnu. Org, with CVS officially assigned to the non-gnu category. On the FTP
- Ecologists and policymakers about the harm Masai pastoralists were causing to, savannah , rangelands. This concept was later proven false by anthropologists but is still
- Scientist Dr. Andrew McClung, who first showed that the ecologically biodiverse, savannah , of the Cerrado region of Brazil could grow profitable soybeans, was awarded the
- Flies. Tsetse adults are relatively large flies, with lengths of ½–1½ cm, * The, savannah , flies: (Subgenus Persians, occasionally named Glossing): * The forest flies:
- Of scattered trees and bushes dominates the semiarid northeast. To the south, savannah , ( tropical grassland) vegetation covers the Colombian portion of the llanos.
- Savannah, covers about 15,000 square kilometers in southern Guyana. This, savannah , also extends far into Venezuela and Brazil. The part in Guyana is split into
- Islands including Zanzibar. They tend to live in dry woodland regions and, savannah , regions. They are small primates (130 mm and 95-300 grams) with woolly thick
- Deer, mink,black bear, Bald Eagle, coyote,and the invasive species, savannah , monitor. Big Bay is an unincorporated community in Marquette County of the U.
- Savannah. Gnu. Org for software that is officially part of the GNU Project, and,Savannah, Nongnu. Org for all other software. Unlike SourceForge,Savannah's focus is
- And vital to the huge numbers of birds and animals from the surrounding, savannah , that gather in the region as summer drought forces them to the scattered
- Corridor: the" black cotton" ( actually black clay) soil covers the swampy, savannah , of this region. Trumpet river is home to enormous Nile crocodiles, colobus
- To the island of São Tomé. They inhabit open habitats, especially steppe and, savannah , A few species of shrike are forest dwellers, seldom occurring in open habitats
- One study of scolopendromorphs records Scolopendra Persians in a Nigerian, savannah , at a density of 0.16/m2 and a biomass of 140 mg/m2 wet weight. Hazards to
- Forests in which the tree canopy cover is between 10-30 %, such as in the, savannah , regions of the world. Trees of any type (e.g., needleleaf, broadleaf,palms)
- Recommended limit of 10 kg/L. West Bengal's climate varies from tropical, savannah , in the southern portions to humid subtropical in the north. The main seasons
- The Carries and also inland, and Limb farther up the Carries. In the hilly, savannah , north of all of these were SUS and Full. The SUS traded regularly with the
- Of habitats than any other Oregon, ranging from dense forest to fairly open, savannah , and from the Equator to southern South Africa. It is the most widespread and
- Wagon, better known as the Ghana Empire. This area was composed of mountains, savannah , and forest providing ideal protection and resources for the population of
- Swamps and mangrove near the coast. During times of heavy rainfall, much of the, savannah , area is covered by shallow water, making transportation by means other than a
- The economy was dominated by cattle-ranching (particularly in the southeastern, savannah , ) and cutting mahogany and other hard woods for export. This region retained a
- And vital to the huge numbers of birds and animals from the surrounding, savannah , that gather in the region as summer drought forces them to the scattered
- Is from Key West. Climate Frost-free zone Key West has a notably mild, tropical,Savannah, climate (Köppen Aw, similar to the Caribbean ever recorded in Key West is in
- And southern regions by the Kabuki Mountains. The sparse grasses of the, savannah , in general support only grazing, although Amerindian groups cultivate a few
- City is surrounded by a blanket of cane fields along with marshy swamps, and,Savannah, lands on its east and south. The Elevation of the land is one meter below the
- The Amazon rainforest may long since have dried and transformed itself into, savannah , killing itself in the progress (changes such as this may happen even if all
- Are scattered throughout the metropolitan area. Climate Darwin has a tropical, savannah , climate (Köppen AGI) with distinct wet and dry seasons and the average
- The Horn of Africa includes arid semidesert along its coast, contrasting with, savannah , and moist broadleaf forests in the interior of Ethiopia. * Africa's tropical
- Feeding mostly from carcasses of dead animals which it finds by soaring over, savannah , and around human habitation. They often move in flocks. The Long-billed Vulture
- Estuarine, marine,oak woodland, redwood forest, coastal scrub and oak, savannah , There are numerous species of wildlife present, especially along the San
- And zebra (which occur from July to August, and in November),the bushy, savannah , is the best place to find elephant, giraffe and dik. Wildlife As well as
- Culturally distinct from the rest of the country, the area consists of inland, savannah , with swamps and mangrove near the coast. During times of heavy rainfall, much
- Migrations over parts of its range, for example birds of Zimbabwe's plateau, savannah , depart after the breeding season. A complete picture of these movements is
- Popular SourceForge portal. Savannah's website is split into two domain names:, savannah , Gnu. Org for software that is officially part of the GNU Project, and Savannah
- Of the term, one researcher found that the term had been used for features in, savannah , climates 40 % of the time; arid or semi-arid climates 32 % of the time
- Day Mauritania. About 500 stone settlements litter the region in the former, savannah , of the Sahara. Its inhabitants fished and grew millet. It has been found that
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