Examples of the the word, martian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( martian ), is the 12877 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For three to five years. The spacecraft was also to point its cameras at the, martian ,moons Phobos and Deimos. Spacecraft and subsystems The Naomi orbiter is a 0.58
  2. Herschel measured the axial tilt of the planet Mars and discovered that the, martian ,ice caps, first observed by Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1666) and Christian
  3. The past, liquid water flowing in gullies and river valleys may have shaped the, martian ,regolith. Mars researchers are studying whether groundwater sapping is shaping
  4. Coated with TOPCOAT, an ablating material made by EADS. Compression of the, martian ,atmosphere and radiation from the hot gas are estimated to have led to a peak
  5. More than two millennia, suggesting that members of his species, and possibly, martian ,creatures in general, have extremely long lifespans. The original reference to
  6. That suggested their origin from a planetary body such as Mars. Among, martian ,meteorites, only ALH 84001 has a radiometric age older than about 1400 Ma (Ma
  7. On such distance of IGA automatic docking system As an adjective, the term, martian ,is used to describe anything pertaining to the planet Mars. However, a Martian
  8. S character infiltrates the transit terraforming project, the newly evolving, martian ,biosphere is described at great length. A mainstay of the novel is a detailed
  9. Revolution beginning in the 2120s. The book follows the characters across the, martian ,landscape, which is explained in detail. As Sax Russell's character
  10. Similarity to the Mars trilogy, with a similar overarching storyline (the, martian ,revolution) and many of the same techniques were used to change the surface.
  11. For this reason it is classified within its own group, the " OPT, martian ,meteorites ". This meteorite received a lot of attention after an electron
  12. The rover made measurements of the elements found in those rocks and in the, martian ,soil, while the lander took pictures of the Sojourner and the surrounding
  13. Polar ice, clouds,and dust storms, as well as a much more sensitive mapping of, martian ,minerals. On September 30, 2008 the spacecraft activated its thrusters for 6
  14. The most notable find in recent years has been the Los Angeles meteorite,a, martian ,meteorite that was reportedly found by Robert Perish. A number of finds from
  15. Of biological origin. Shetty meteorite The Shetty meteorite, a 4 kg, martian ,meteorite, fell on Earth on Shetty, India on August 25, 1865 and was
  16. Landing capsule was sterilized before launch to prevent contamination of the, martian ,environment. The descent module separated from the orbiter on 27 November 1971
  17. Lux. The cause of the failure may have been related to the extremely powerful, martian ,dust storm taking place at the time which may have induced a coronal discharge
  18. Martian years) while her genius younger brother Clark is 11 earth years (6, martian , years ). Due to the unscheduled" uncorking" ( birth) of their three
  19. There is little alternative to the hypothesis that it is hollow and therefore, martian ,made. The big" if" lies in the astronomical observations; they may well be in
  20. On the Earth. Of over 53000 meteorites that have been found on Earth,99 are, martian ,(as of 2011-07-30). These meteorites are thought to be from Mars because they
  21. Of the center of the 200 km wide landing site ellipse. During Sol 1 – or, martian ,days – the lander took pictures and made some meteorologic measurements. Once
  22. On Mars only a few hundred million years ago. The young formation ages of, martian ,meteorites was one of the early recognized characteristics that suggested their
  23. Take pictures through a viewport when a sensor indicated the Sun-illuminated, martian ,surface was in view. Attitude was controlled by a Sun-star sensor with attitude
  24. To give the sky a reddish hue. The sand is believed to move only slowly in the, martian ,winds due to the very low density of the atmosphere in the present epoch. In
  25. Shown to have some weakness to extreme heat (intense heat vision attack from a, martian ,) and was temporarily melted. In some versions, Plastic Man is also vulnerable
  26. On these bodies. Alternatively, energy could be transmitted to the lunar and, martian ,surfaces from solar power satellites. For both solar thermal and nuclear power
  27. Of exchanges sees the cutting of the space elevator, bombardment of several, martian ,cities (including the city where Already is himself organizing the rebellion;
  28. Up at a Vancouver wireless station. It is thought by some to be evidence of, martian ,contact. *October 21 - CFC carried a speech made by Prime Minister Mackenzie
  29. That could measure the composition and abundance of organic compounds in the, martian ,soil. The results were surprising and interesting: the GCMS gave a negative
  30. My Favorite Martian,Martin's hands are tied, so he is unable to utilize his, martian ,powers with his finger. He instead tries twitching his nose, and when
  31. Glass of the EET79001 shergottite, gases which closely resembled those in the, martian ,atmosphere as analyzed by Viking. These trapped gases provided direct evidence
  32. For Mariner 6 occurred July 31, 1969,at 05:19:07 UT at a distance of above the, martian ,surface. Closest approach for Mariner 7 occurred August 5,1969, at 05:00:49 UT
  33. Issue, Les pretends to be something and dresses up like it, beginning with a, martian ,in his debut. His dad is called DES (and is thus one of the few Beans parents
  34. And Maxwell Montes which is named after James Clark Maxwell The Moon Mars and, martian ,satellites Mars When space probes have landed on Mars, individual small
  35. As analyzed by Viking. These trapped gases provided direct evidence for a, martian ,origin. In 2000,an article by Trajan, Gleason and Board gave a survey of all
  36. Itself. It is also developing software projects, IT systems for the future, martian ,habitat, with a Virtual Mars Base and remote access. Jan Dollar of MSP has
  37. For unknown reasons and no further signals were received at Earth from the, martian ,surface. It is not known whether the fault originated with the lander or the
  38. Other types The famous specimen ALH 84001 has a different rock type than other, martian ,meteorites: it is an orthopyroxenite (an igneous rock dominantly composed of
  39. Of problems for older or buggy network software. Such packets are known as ‘, martian ,packets’ http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/M/ martian . HTML and the source
  40. Names unknown. During Keen's first adventure in Mars, one of the friendlier, martian ,aliens, a green critter with an eye on a stalk (called a Corp) sneaked into
  41. Green Martians. In Pre-Crisis continuity he caused the destruction of the, martian ,race. * Daresay - An evil alien" god" who invaded Mars years before J'on
  42. craft's foot pad. Image: Mars Viking 12a240. PNG | Viking 1 Lander image of a, martian ,sunset over Choose Planta. Image: Mars Viking 11d128. PNG | Trenches dug by
  43. Mars researchers are studying whether groundwater sapping is shaping the, martian ,regolith in the present epoch, and whether carbon dioxide hydrates exist on
  44. Poet known to Menu, lured him out of his place and pushed him over a cliff. A, martian ,meteorite is a rock that formed on the planet Mars, was ejected from Mars by
  45. Products, and some similarity in chemical composition to analyses of the, martian ,surface rocks in 1976 by the Viking landers. Several workers suggested these
  46. For Mariner 7 occurred August 5,1969, at 05:00:49 UT at a distance of above the, martian ,surface. The ultraviolet spectrometer onboard Mariners 6 and 7 was constructed
  47. Landing capsule was sterilized before launch to prevent contamination of the, martian ,environment. Mars 3's descent module was released at 09:14 UT on December 2
  48. Their interactions with the solar wind. The nominal mission was planned for one, martian ,year (approximately two Earth years). An extended mission might have allowed
  49. Satellite of Mars beating the planned American Mariner 8 and Mariner 9, martian , orbiters. But on May 5,1971, Cosmos 419 (Mars 1971C),a heavy probe of the
  50. In the Third Impression. The album credits read" Many thanks and a garland of, martian ,fire flowers to Pete Infield for his collaboration on 'Benny The Bouncer' and

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