Examples of the the word, redwood , in a Sentence Context
The word ( redwood ), is the 12886 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- County is known for its impressive redwood trees, and many acres of private, redwood ,timberland make Humboldt the top timber producer in California. The lush river
- Road to commemorate this area. The city got its name from a stand of tall, redwood ,trees, El Palo Alto, by the banks of the San Francisquito Creek bordering Men lo
- All the extant conifers, such as cedar, cypress,fir, juniper,larch, pine, redwood , spruce, and yew are included here. Some fossil conifers, however,belong to
- Were fast diminishing, and required some protection. Two of the native trees, redwood ,and ebony, were good for tanning, and,to save trouble, the bark was wastefully
- Port in nearby Eureka. In 1854,the Union Wharf and Plank Walk Company built, redwood ,plank and rails out into the deeper water of Arcade Bay, providing Arcade with
- Is now known for its moderate climate, the natural beauty of its coastline and, redwood ,forests, alternative community lifestyles, and socially liberal leanings. It is
- Series),Lippincott,1929. Sequoiadendron gigantism (giant sequoia, Sierra, redwood , Sierras redwood , or Wellingtonian) is the sole living species in the genus
- Wood, mud,dry grass, and lightweight metal alloys. Tirupathi is famous for, redwood ,carvings. Kondapalli is famous for mud toys with rich colors. The village of
- Of the park. There are notable oak and native plant collections and a small, redwood ,grove. A small waterway spans the arboretum along the bed of the old North Fork
- 1929. Sequoiadendron gigantism (giant sequoia, Sierra redwood , Sierran, redwood , or Wellingtonian) is the sole living species in the genus Sequoiadendron, and
- The plaza and first city streets in the Spring of 1850. By later in the 1850s, redwood , timber replaced the depleted gold fields as the economic driver for the region
- As terrorists to discredit their political organizing in defense of the, redwood ,forests. In 2002,a jury in their federal civil lawsuit exonerated Bar and
- The construction of the Springville Mill, a lumber and saw mill for the nearby, redwood ,forests, named so because of the numerous springs in the area. The mill was
- Or spruce, pine,and fir (collectively known as spruce-pine-fir or SPF) or, redwood ,and is typically used for construction and industrial purposes. The most common
- Los Altos Hills, Stanford,Tortola Valley, and Menlo Park. It is named after a, redwood ,tree called El Palo Alto. The city includes portions of Stanford University, is
- Will be useful in directing future efforts to preserve and protect ancient, redwood ,trees. Geology and soil science High-resolution digital elevation maps
- Inhabit the zone. In addition, amphibians such as the water puppy and, redwood ,salamander are common too. Birds such as the kingfisher, chickadee,towhee, and
- Near Mo raga ran through Time Valley to Alamo, since Americans preferred, redwood ,for building materials instead of Mexican adobe brick. The Hemmed, Bollinger
- Principal organizer of Earth First! Campaigns against logging in the ancient, redwood ,forests of Northern California in the 1980s and '90. She also organized efforts
- San Antonio by Lugo. When Gage occupied the residence, he added two wings and, redwood ,siding, installed bronze fireplaces, and imported expensive fabric wallpaper
- For" Redwood Summer ", a campaign of nonviolent protests focused on saving, redwood ,forests in Northern California and building connections with loggers through
- Altos contracted with Actemra to remove non-native plants and revitalize the, redwood , oak woodland, riparian and grassland ecosystems by installing native plants
- Encompasses a variety of habitats including estuaries, marine,oak woodland, redwood ,forest, coastal scrub and oak Savannah. There are numerous species of wildlife
- Creek Valley. Distinct habitat areas within the county include oak woodland, redwood ,forest, northern coastal scrub, grassland,marshland, oak savanna and riparian
- Quite close to Gloucester) called 'Horseshoes ', where they have a large, redwood ,hot tub in their back garden. Before long Helen is invited to join them for a
- To take brief respite from the perennial fog which is trapped by the bordering, redwood ,forest as it moves inland. Coastal summer highs range from the mid-60s to 70s
- Is represented by Big Basin Redwoods State Park; however, the cutaway of the, redwood ,tree showing its age is a replica of one that can still be found at Muir Woods.
- The Woods are all the streets in East Vallejo with the" wood" in them:, redwood , rolling wood, oakwood, located on the south-east side of the city between I-80
- Forest and coastal habitats. In coastal areas there are extensive amounts of, redwood ,forests. A prominent understory shrub is the to yon, whose northern range limit
- Largest natural bay. Agriculture Humboldt County is known for its impressive, redwood ,trees, and many acres of private redwood timberland make Humboldt the top
- In Mendocino County *Redwood train: Northwestern Pacific Railroad through the, redwood ,groves, California. *The Redwoods, a 1967 short documentary film about the
- The bole when old branches are lost to fire or breakage, but (unlike coast, redwood ,) mature trees do not sprout from cut stumps. Young trees start to bear cones
- Most prominent being the protection and stewardship of California's ancient, redwood ,forests. ... Now therefore be it resolved that the City of Oakland shall
- Fossils and even preserved remains of trees such as swamp cypress and dawn, redwood ,from the Eocene have been found on Ellesmere Island in the Arctic. The
- Marching Band (LSJ UMB),the tree symbol derives from the El Palo Alto, redwood ,tree on the Stanford and City of Palo Alto seals. Stanford hosts an annual U.
- It is home to some of the world's the most exceptional trees: the tallest (coast, redwood ,), most massive (Giant Sequoia),and oldest (bristle cone pine). It is also
- Attractions include the classic Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk on the beach,the, redwood ,forests, and Monterey Bay, which is protected as a marine sanctuary. Top
- California like tall vertical habitat like herons and egrets (possibly because, redwood ,trees are less available),or have longer bills, which may play a role in
- Coastal scrub. Oakland served as a rich resource when its hillside oak and, redwood ,timber were logged to build San Francisco, and Oakland's fertile flatland
- Sequoia sempervirens (coast redwood ) and Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn, redwood ,). The common use of the name" sequoia" generally refers to Sequoiadendron
- Adams would condemn that very same industry for cutting down many of the great, redwood ,forests. In 1903,his family moved two miles west to a new home near the
- In the subfamily Sequoioideae, together with Sequoia sempervirens (coast, redwood ,) and Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn redwood ). The common use of the name
- Butterfly Hill with Raitt's Arthur M. Shot Award in person on her -high, redwood ,treetop platform, where Hill had camped to protect ancient redwood s in the
- Of yellow, red,or brown coloration to them (like southern yellow pine, cedar, redwood , red oak, etc.) tend to contain a lot of tannin. Finnish hardwoods, like birch
- The north of the meadow lie most of the campus' buildings, many of them among, redwood ,groves. The campus is bounded on the south by the city's upper-west-side
- Of Mount Tamales in Marin. Marin County's natural sites include Muir Woods, redwood ,forest, the Marin Headlands, Stinson Beach, Point Reyes National Seashore, and
- Height of previously unmapped trees but to determine the biodiversity of the, redwood ,forest. Stephen Gillett who is working with the League on the North Coast LIDAR
- Contains a gamut of habitats including estuaries, marine,oak woodland, redwood ,forest, coastal scrub and oak savanna. There are numerous species of wildlife
- Resembled" crime scenes" fabricated by the FBI in a" bomb school" held in, redwood ,country earlier that year. The FBI school was intended to train local and state
- e. g., marble,granite or soapstone); other hardwoods (e.g., ash,oak, redwood ,and cedar); metals (e.g., brass or pewter); ceramic clay, or even frosted
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