Examples of the the word, berg , in a Sentence Context

The word ( berg ), is the 12876 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. General information Name The name (Old Norse: Berghain) is composed of, berg ,which means" mountain" and hair which means" homestead" or" farm ". It
  2. Then the fleet ran into an area of ice, with Sébastien Jesse hitting a, berg ,head-on. As the fleet re-entered the Atlantic, the lead changed several times;
  3. First Officer William Murdoch, decided to attempt to clear the, berg ,by swinging the ship to its port side. He ordered 'Hard-a-Starboard ', which
  4. Oscillator, at ca. 500 Hz frequency, was unable to determine the bearing of the, berg ,due to the 3-metre wavelength and the small dimension of the transducer's
  5. Out and plates buckled, making water come in. In the film, the ship hits the, berg ,on the starboard side, and it rips a huge gash in the side, shown flipped
  6. Common Swedish surname formed by the words lung (English: calling) and, berg ,(English: mountain). Career Hanna Lund berg is one of several professionals
  7. Been named after. Thunman's works include, for example, Vi GA over daggstänkta, berg , The sportsman Gotta" Krista" Sand berg is from Krista, and has played for
  8. A season-long time trial competition held in the UK.; berg : The term “, berg ,” means a climb.; beyond category: See hours categories.; Bicycle Shaped Object:
  9. Two days Endurance dogged back and forth under the sheltering protection of the, berg , On January 18 the gale began to moderate and thus Endurance, one day short of
  10. Lies in a mountainous mid-lower-central district of Sweden named Bergslagen (, berg ,mountain, lag law),after the regional laws and customs prevailing there.
  11. Interior. There arose places with names ending in – rode, – scheme, – Hahn, –, berg , – tail and – safe. Once clearing settlements had been established and logging
  12. People in Cape Town, South Africa. The word originates from the Afrikaans, berg ,meaning" mountain" - the term originally referred to the homeless people who
  13. Of road which means" edge "," brink ", or " verge" and the last element is, berg ,which means" mountain ". Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is from modern times.
  14. By other crew members who testified that the stern of the ship never hit the, berg , Quartermaster Robert Lichens, who was at the helm, and Fourth Officer Joseph
  15. Hills. Andes Hack sell mapped the area in 1736 and named the mountains Fredrik, berg ,(Kiirunavaara) and Bergen Ulrike Eleonora (Luossavaara),after king Fredrik
  16. And Crowbar. Crop (Old English: saffron or golden-yellow color and, berg ,means hill). Gorse, growing in profusion in the Crow borough Beacon area, and
  17. Case of Kong which means" king" ( referring to king Christian IV) and, berg ,which means" mountain ". Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is from modern times
  18. Icelandic and Faeroese the city is still called Bargain). The first element is, berg ,(n) or Berg (f),which translates to mountain. The last element is VIN (f
  19. Refers to a particular subculture of vagrants in Cape Town (from Afrikaans, berg ,(mountain),originally referring to vagrants who sheltered in the forests of
  20. War the derives from the German words States of Germany | land or 'state' and, berg ,or 'mountain' combined with Margrethe German name for the river Marta. In
  21. The old Berg farm (Old Norse: Berg). The name is identical with the word, berg ,which means" mountain ". Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is from modern times.
  22. Here. The first element is fees which means" rock" and the last element is, berg ,which means" mountain ". Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is from modern times.
  23. Lombard personal names show *b > p, having pert, perg, prand for Bert, berg , brand. According to most scholars, the pre-Old High German runic inscriptions
  24. Valley and the Value, of which the southwest hill is called the Wageningen, berg , Wageningen can be reached by car from highways A12,A15 and A50,and from
  25. An attempt to swing the remainder (aft section) of the ship away from the, berg ,in a common maneuver called a" port around" ( this could explain Murdoch's
  26. Name (it means baboon in Afrikaans),after the song“ Bobbejaan slim die, berg , ” (“ Bobbejaan Climb That Mountain! ”). * In 1948,the legendary guitarist
  27. Element is the genitive case of bratty m 'steep mountain ', the last element is, berg ,n 'mountain '. (The name is referring to a steep mountainside behind the farm.
  28. Takes its name from a combination of two words: Wii, meaning a holy place, and, berg , meaning a hill. Sights Cyborg is famous for Cyborg Cathedral. The construction
  29. Genitive case of TUN (n),meaning fenced area or garden. The last element is, berg ,(n),meaning mountain. The name originally referred to the fortifications on
  30. The name consists of the Swedish words for falcon (fall) and mountain (, berg ,). The main beach of the town, Skrea strand, was awarded a Blue Flag once again
  31. First element is the genitive plural case of as f 'oak ', the last element is, berg ,n 'mountain '. Østensjø is a borough of the city of Oslo, Norway. The borough
  32. In Walking Tall (1973). Lund berg is a Swedish surname (sound meaning sound, berg ,meaning mountain). The Lund berg surname may refer to: People * Anton Niklas
  33. Efforts the ship made its fatal collision at an estimated 37 seconds after the, berg ,had been sighted. The ship's starboard (right) side brushed the ice berg
  34. British Best All-Rounder, a season-long time trial competition held in the UK.;, berg ,: The term“ berg ” means a climb.; beyond category: See hours categories.;
  35. Gods, and he sits on the edge of heaven to guard the Frost bridge from the, berg ,Jonas. Handball requires less sleep than a bird, can see at night just as
  36. Have an f- by Grimm's Law: Old English fir gen" mountains" ( modern German ", berg ,"" mountain" ), Gothic airguns =" mountain range ". The assimilated would
  37. The name“ Bobbejaan” comes from the South-African song,“ Bobbejaan slim die, berg ,” (“ Baboon Climbs the Mountain” ). Chosen took it as his artist name in
  38. Adrian) * Over lightened repels (1902) (Over Shining Doorsteps) * DE, berg ,van light (1905/6) (The mountain of light) * Van rude mensches, de dinged
  39. Around 1753,he baptized the plot" Lisa's Mountain" ( in Swedish: Lisa's, berg ,) which eventually became Ice berg . 1900s In 1908,Gothenburg City bought the
  40. The plural genitive case of spot which means" spear" and the last element is, berg ,which means" mountain ". The word" spear" is here probably referring to some
  41. Leumund at the Folks Palest * http://www.taz.de/pt/2005/08/19/a0191.1/text The, berg ,party organized by Jan Theiler *
  42. Bergstrom or Bergstrom is a Swedish surname. It derives from the Swedish words, berg ,meaning mountain and strum meaning stream and may refer to: Bergstrom *Andes
  43. Words as their names' prefixes, and " man "," won"/"wan" (" wine" ),", berg ," (" mountain" ), and other German words as their names' suffixes. Most
  44. Of Bundy, the Kali Aboriginal word denoting important man and the German suffix, berg ,indicating mountain. The city is colloquially known as" Bundy ". History The
  45. Ice that fell onto the deck after the collision, even though the ship hit the, berg ,with her starboard side at the bow and the ice berg never even fully reached
  46. By Khan i Hickman Burushaski German Dictionary: Published By Haida, berg ,university
  47. The name also has a double meaning as Rune (letter in the Runic alphabet) and, berg ,(mountain) can, in most of the Nordic languages, be translated loosely to "
  48. Could not be made, and Endurance took shelter under the lee of a large grounded, berg , During the next two days Endurance dogged back and forth under the sheltering
  49. Takes its name from the River Leaden, on which it stands. The Old English, berg ,(hill) has been added to the river name. The Feathers at Led bury was a famous
  50. Case of as which means" path around a waterfall" and the last element is, berg ,which means" mountain ". Prior to 1847,the name was spelled" Eds berg ".

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