Examples of the the word, rubric , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rubric ), is the 12898 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And gives a notion of" dimension of the operator ". These fall under the, rubric ,of" trace class operators" on a Hilbert space, or more generally nuclear
  2. Purely cosmetic procedures such as penis enlargement do not fall under the, rubric ,of reconstructive urology. Urogynecology is a branch dealing with
  3. Dali rights have opined that the opposition to Caste being discussed under the, rubric ,of Racism at the Durban Conference is an attempt by Indian government to escape
  4. John Watkins. It was Agassi who first introduced Legatos to Popper under the, rubric ,of his applying a fallibility methodology of conjectures and refutations to
  5. In human societies When the phenomenon of skin pigmentation is placed within a, rubric ,of racial classification and then linked to social status or other human
  6. But also penetrate the everyday culture of working people. Thus, the key, rubric ,for Gram sci and for cultural studies is that of cultural hegemony. Scott Lash
  7. Words 'and oblations' into the prayer for the Church and the revision of the, rubric ,to require the monetary offerings to be brought to the Table (instead of
  8. The Slaughter-House Cases, and when incorporation did begin, it was under the, rubric ,of due process. Scholars who share Justice Black's view, such as Akhil Amar
  9. Were issuing them himself, while books that the Publisher issued under the, rubric ,of the University bore the imprint 'Oxford University Press '. Both these
  10. S systematization are found in Lovecraft, stating:" Was Derleth's use of the, rubric ,'Elder Gods' so alien to Lovecraft's in At the Mountains of Madness? Perhaps
  11. Address, Ginzberg spoke of the need to keep Conservative Jewry under the, rubric ,of Galahad. The conception that in religious matters anyone, however ignorant
  12. The use of vibrato in classical music, or instruments in Leader. Within the, rubric ,of musicology, performance practice tends to emphasize the collection and
  13. Umpire supervision—they had administered separately were consolidated under the, rubric ,of Major League Baseball (MLB). In 2001,Barry Bonds established the current
  14. A penalty for the use of the sheet music on the field written into the scoring, rubric , Practically, memorization prevents obstruction of vision caused by the folders
  15. Other structure that might also be referred to). * Discourse analysis: This, rubric ,includes a number of related tasks. One task is identifying the discourse
  16. Recently taken great interest in performing Seders according to the ancient, rubric , Many churches host Seders, usually adding a Christian (Messianic Passover)
  17. Sudanese (singular and plural) adjective: Sudanese Ethnic groups black 52 % (, rubric ,that includes numerous ethnic groups),Arab 39 %, Beja 6 %, foreigners 2 %
  18. And was trenchantly critical of many works and writers published under the, rubric ,of science fiction. Amongst his works of that period are three stories
  19. That has been erected by decisions of the United States Supreme Court under the, rubric ,of the Federal Arbitration Act, at least as applied to consumer and employment
  20. Major areas of disciplined study and knowledge exist today under the general, rubric ,of" science ", such as formal science and applied science. History and
  21. By proxy. The magazine is notable for its editorial traditions. Under the, rubric ,Profiles, it has long published articles about a range of notable people, from
  22. Of human testimony are roughly upheld in modern social psychology, under the, rubric ,of the communication-persuasion paradigm. Supporting literature includes: the
  23. Devotions. " Books like this are allowed in the Episcopal Church because of a, rubric ,in the 1979 Prayer Book which allows for the translation of the contemporary
  24. Precede Psalm 50,and the words of the canon and the prayers are different. The, rubric ,in the Book of Needs (priest's service book) states," With respect to the
  25. Separately by the two major leagues' administrations were united under the, rubric ,of Major League Baseball. The Merle incident The 1908 pennant races in both
  26. Competitions involved a changing variety of exercises gathered under the, rubric , gymnastics, that would seem strange to today's audiences and that included
  27. Economy or theoretical parsimony that are customarily placed under the, rubric ,of Ockham's razor, named after the 14th century Franciscan friar William of
  28. Are its historical relationships to what is purportedly identified under the, rubric ,'voice' as a value of presence, presence of the object, presence of meaning to
  29. Coup d'état. He ruled for nearly 26 years and pursued policies under the, rubric ,of the Burmese Way to Socialism. Between 1962 and 1974,Burma was ruled by a
  30. Called" anime "; earlier artistic preoccupation with death has gone under the, rubric ,of memento mori. In Islam The Arabic word found as Hun and Kazan in the Qur'an
  31. They are not mentioned in the Book of Common Prayer until 1662,when the famous, rubric ," In quires and places where they sing here followed the Anthem" first
  32. Early years of the George W. Bush administration, relations improved under the, rubric ,of the war on terror, though Yemen's lax policy toward wanted terrorists has
  33. This classification by including all Middle Indo-Aryan languages under the, rubric ,of" Prakrit's ", while others emphasize the independent development of these
  34. Hexameter verses in ways that were later interpreted under the golden line, rubric , Independently, these two trends show the form becoming highly artificial—more
  35. It goes hand in hand with library (descriptive) cataloging under the, rubric ,of cataloging and classification, sometimes grouped together as technical
  36. Elimination of lower-scoring poets in successive rounds. A standard elimination, rubric ,might run 8-4-2,with eight poets in the first round, four in the second, and
  37. In Victor Hugo's novel The Man Who Laughs Health care reform is a general, rubric ,used for discussing major health policy creation or changes—for the most part
  38. These ideas, regardless of provenance, are referred to in academia under the, rubric ,of" Keynesian economics ", due to Keynes's role in consolidating, elaborating
  39. Cases in 1932,and submitted them to the American Medical Association under the, rubric ,of" Terminal ileitis: A new clinical entity ". Later that year, he,along with
  40. In Day, Majorca. There they continued to publish letterpress books under the, rubric ,of the Seizing Press, founded and edited the literary journal, Epilogue; they
  41. Nomination had been" stolen. " He bundled together his reforms under the, rubric ,of" The New Nationalism" and stumped the country for a strong federal role in
  42. Ontario by passing south through Wisconsin and Minnesota was, within the, rubric ,of national interest, scrapped. The Montreal capitalist Sir Hugh Allan, with
  43. 1972) and the first three parts of Herbstmusik (1974),also fall under this, rubric ,(Machine 2005,254 and 366–68). Several of these process compositions were
  44. To any Corporal Presence of Christ's natural Flesh and Blood'—which, said the, rubric , were in heaven, not here. Unable to accept the new book 1,760 ministers were
  45. Directions other than forwards remain impossible to ascertain within the, rubric ,of Special Relativity. Fans of the show and films have noted that the Slingshot
  46. Sometimes came to express their more emotional responses to the world under the, rubric ,of" the Sublime" rather than discussing" spirituality ". The spread of the
  47. Social ties – how much interpersonal trust exists within the network? With this, rubric , the strength of a net war actor corresponds to how highly networked it is
  48. Coolidge, he promoted partnerships between government and business under the, rubric ," economic modernization ". In the presidential election of 1928,Hoover easily
  49. Stage," and both Kirschbaum and Miller argue that A Shrew does not fulfil this, rubric , Alexander's theory continued to be challenged as the years went on. In 1942
  50. To the formula of the. In Japan, the term has largely been replaced by the, rubric , which subsumes both parodies and original works, and commercial as well as

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