Examples of the the word, devour , in a Sentence Context

The word ( devour ), is the 12879 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Images, as in Zechariah 11:1-2" Open your doors, O Lebanon, /so that fire may, devour ,your cedars! /Wail, O cypress, for the cedar has fallen, for the glorious trees
  2. Tentacle penetrates to the brain and draws it forth, allowing the monster to, devour ,it. A mind flayer's major weapon is given as the Mind Blast, a 5-foot radius
  3. And OpenPlans in the city center. The name literally translates as ", devour ,alley" because of its high concentration of gastronomy, but lately more and
  4. In Down Beat over the next few years. Are Japanese supernatural beings that, devour ,dreams and nightmares. They have a long history in Japanese folklore and art
  5. The Horrors come in an almost infinite variety—from simple eating machines that, devour ,all they encounter, to incredibly intelligent and cunning foes that feed off
  6. According to The Silmarillion,Ungoliant's unremitting hunger drove her to, devour ,herself, although an alternative sketch of Eärendil's voyage suggests that he
  7. 1902) described a Baku with very similar attributes that was also able to, devour ,nightmares. Modern Representations Since the 1980s,the Baku appears not as a
  8. Brazil," They eat human flesh when they can get it, and if a woman miscarries, devour ,the abortive immediately. If she goes her time out, she herself cuts the
  9. Larval stage, bagworms extend their head and thorax from their mobile case to, devour ,the leaves of host plants, often leading to the death of their hosts. Trees
  10. All appearance unchanged; may be his soul, which goes forth seeking whom it may, devour , leaving its body in a state of trance; or it may be no more than the messenger
  11. A hyena. It lures unwary travelers into the desert wastes to slay and, devour ,them. The creature also preys on young children, robs graves, drinks blood, and
  12. Birch in the first Route du Rum. Light and slender Olympus photo seemed to, devour ,the sea, running away from all other types of boats. No great open ocean race
  13. Causes. A bacteriophage (from 'bacteria' and Greek φαγεῖν phage in" to, devour ,") is any one of a number of viruses that infect bacteria. Bacteriophages are
  14. Ends with Galactic being transformed into harmless energy after attempting to, devour ,the planet Popup. Galactic eventually reintegrates into his normal form, and
  15. Concrete one like 'journey' or 'buildings' or 'food '. Food for thought: we, devour ,a book of raw facts, try to digest them, stew over them, let them simmer on the
  16. Defeat Galactic. The zombies gain a portion of the power cosmic as they, devour ,Galactic. MC2 The MC2 imprint title Last Planet Standing features a future
  17. And romance all into a perfect little package that kids and adults will both, devour , " Dave Kerr of Chicago Reader felt Gale and Yemenis wrote a script that
  18. Order Carnivora (or; from Latin car (stem can-) " flesh ", + rare" to, devour ,") includes over 260 species of placental mammals. Its members are formally
  19. Gate to let in the zombies and lays down on the elevator platform while they, devour ,him alive, lowering the zombie-covered elevator back down into the base as he
  20. In chapter 51,High foretells that, during Ragnarök, the wolf Henri will, devour ,Odin, Víðarr will avenge him by stepping down with one foot on the lower jaw of
  21. Rostri port" (" Two crooked bills the ravenous eagle bears, The better to, devour ,"),the latter at once replied that he spoke them as a poet, who was permitted
  22. An antagonist in Fantastic Four #545-546 (June–July 2007),when he sought to, devour ,the fellow cosmic function Epoch. In Nova vol. 4,#13-15 (May–July 2008),the
  23. Considered Jews decides and“ profane dogs,” model evildoers who" stupidly, devour ,all the riches of the earth with their unrestrained cupidity. " Among his
  24. Honorable burial. However, Achilles replies that he will let dogs and vultures, devour ,Hector's flesh. Hector dies, prophesying that Achilles' death will follow
  25. This refers to Jerusalem). Fire will come down from God, out of heaven and, devour ,Gog and Magog after the Millennium. The Devil, death,hell, and those not found
  26. Farm. There, Bart says goodbye to him and explains that he should never, ever, devour , a bird. Bart then gets into a fight with an angry ostrich. After remembering
  27. No longer, : Ten dollars a week is not very bad pay, : With no taxes or tithes to, devour ,up your wages, : When you're on the green fields of American. The experience of
  28. Hiding her hunger was so influential that she would mate with spiders only to, devour ,them later, with her offspring to be used as food once they were fully grown.
  29. In an 1854 work on fossil teeth and skeletons. And Dora, from gorier, to eat or, devour , Evolution of herbivory Our understanding of herbivory in geological time comes
  30. Galactic comes into conflict with the High Evolutionary when he attempts to, devour ,Counter-Earth. The encounter ends with Galactic being transformed into harmless
  31. Warriors to stave the day of bondage from off them; as for you, vultures shall, devour ,you here. " The dying Patrols replies:: ". Death and the day of your doom
  32. Immediately paralyzes the mobile prey, thus allowing the sessile cnidarian to, devour ,it. Discharge mechanism The nematocyst capsule stores a large concentration of
  33. He is faced with two doors, behind one of which is a hungry tiger that will, devour ,him. Behind the other is a beautiful lady-in-waiting, whom he will have to
  34. At night when they enter the maggot-infested part of the corpse to capture and, devour ,their maggot prey. During daylight, they hide under the corpse unless it is
  35. Galactic eventually decides, with the aid of new Herald Red Shift, to only, devour ,the energies of living beings. This brings him into conflict with Earth's
  36. The material equivalent of 10 stars per year. The brightest known quasars, devour ,1000 solar masses of material every year. The largest known is estimated to
  37. Supposed to be used as weapons against Godzilla. The bacteria are designed to, devour ,all radioactive material, and should prove fatal to Godzilla, but Hiragana has
  38. Meaning 'meat eater' ( Latin care meaning 'flesh' and gorier meaning 'to, devour ,'),is an organism that derives its energy and nutrient requirements from a
  39. 105 of Book 3,with the claim that the" ants/marmots" are said to chase and, devour ,full-grown camels; again, this could simply be dutiful reporting of what was in
  40. Against evil monsters; or a monster equipped with only a head which tries to, devour ,men but hurts only itself. The function and appearance of bronzes changed
  41. Prey almost exclusively on fish, where they are available. Adult trout will, devour ,smaller fish up to 1/3 their length. Trout may feed on shrimp, mealworms
  42. Galactic is tricked by the Salvadorian space knight Rom into attempting to, devour ,the" Black Nebula ", the home of the Dire Wraiths. The devour ed is repelled by
  43. Off the thin layer of algae covering the surfaces. Other toothless breeds, devour ,smaller organisms, which they may catch with their tube feet, whole. Sand
  44. Force—battled Galactic in an effort to save a planet he was preparing to, devour , The Phoenix Force disrupted Galactic' feeding process and thus was able to
  45. Geese closer and closer with its words until it was able to snatch a victim to, devour , The moral of this story was that foolish people are seduced by false doctrines
  46. Containing Zera's head and throw the head to streets below. There, demon dogs, devour ,the head until there is nothing left, thereby freeing NYX from Zera's
  47. There are indeed many among the priests and anchorites, who in Falsehood, devour ,the substance of men and hinder (them) from the way of Allah. And there are
  48. Characteristically, is careful to make distinctions, naming the wolves who, devour ,the sun and moon as Skill and Hat Hróðvitnisson respectively, and describing
  49. Who snares a living creature in all four of its tentacles can extract and, devour ,its living brain. Their eyes are pale white, and they can see perfectly well in
  50. March 1966),chronicling the arrival of Galactic, a cosmic giant who wanted to, devour ,the planet, and his herald, the Silver Surfer. Daniels noted that" the

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