Examples of the the word, kiosk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kiosk ), is the 12880 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Although it is necessary to take a small test before use. The refreshment, kiosk ,is also at Wood Farm Barn. The exhibition area explores the life and work of
  2. Sound files or via text-to-speech speech synthesis. A postal interactive, kiosk ,may also share many of the same components as an ATM (including a vault),but
  3. Demonstrations of the plebs, or common people. It often served as a sort of, kiosk ,upon which invective verse was posted. Marshal served as a minister for
  4. Mill on West Canada Creek, commemorated today with a scenic overlook and, kiosk , *North Wilbur – A hamlet in the west-central part of the town. *North wood – A
  5. As an important feature in European gardens. Despite some claims that the word, kiosk ,originally came from the Swahili language, all evidence points to a Persian
  6. Then a small driver and a putt which could be hired together with a ball from a, kiosk , Small boys would supplement their pocket money by retrieving lost balls from
  7. And the wildlife of Sheriff Park. There is a reception desk and information, kiosk , From the reception there are hearing loops available. There are also
  8. Park managed by the Smith County Historical Society. The park contains a, kiosk , paved trail, interpretive signage, a cabin reconstruction, and a picnic area.
  9. Which includes a 12 lane bowling alley,air-conditioned lounge area, food, kiosk , and conference room. As soon as financially possible, the second stage will
  10. Sight in Greece. In the Western hemisphere and in English-speaking countries,a, kiosk ,is also a booth with an open window on one side. Some vendors operate from
  11. Of NCR Press Entertainment, a next-generation multichannel entertainment, kiosk ,solution. The launch of NCR Press Entertainment follows NCR’s acquisition of
  12. Will lead him to the undiscovered tomb of the Pharaoh Kiosk (a pun on, kiosk , a stand for the sale of petty merchandises such as newspapers, magazines
  13. The word is of Persian origin. In the Mediterranean Basin and the Near East,a, kiosk ,(;;;;;; kiosk ; or kiosk ; kiosk ; and or disco) refers to an object that acts
  14. Public service, while others serve a commercial purpose (see mall, kiosk ,). Touchscreens, trackballs,computer keyboards, and pushbuttons are all
  15. De Areas is a rectangular plaza with gardens, ironwork benches and an ironwork, kiosk ,which was made in Paris in the 19th century. Within Guadalajara's historic
  16. During the 18th century, Turkish influences in Europe established the, kiosk ,(gazebo) as an important feature in European gardens. Despite some claims
  17. More methods to check in for flights. Among them were self-check in utilizing a, kiosk ,at Taiyuan Airport and other selected destinations. China Airlines also offers
  18. Merchandise from a very fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or, kiosk , or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the
  19. The Grandview Park, an off leash dog area, has open areas, benches,fencing,a, kiosk , waste receptacles," Mahicans," and trails. The Chicken Heights Park has an
  20. With an open window on one side. Some vendors operate from kiosk s (see mall, kiosk ,), selling small, inexpensive consumables such as newspapers, magazines
  21. Includes representations of Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta as well as the, kiosk ,structure at Chicano Park. Special facilities UCSD has the 5,000 animal Birch
  22. Have enough evidence to support it. Dell kiosk s Starting in 2002,Dell opened, kiosk ,locations in shopping malls across the United States in order to give personal
  23. Sir Giles also entered (and won) the 1924 competition to design a telephone, kiosk ,that would be acceptable to the London Metropolitan Boroughs, which had
  24. Somoza's movements with a team member who was staked out at a newspaper, kiosk ,near the estate. They waited in ambush for Somoza in Agenda España. Somoza was
  25. Requiring high performance 3D and video such as emerging digital signage, kiosk ,and Point of Sale applications. The M690T was followed by the M690E
  26. In the Mediterranean Basin and the Near East, a kiosk (;;;;;; kiosk ; or, kiosk ,; kiosk ; and or disco) refers to an object that acts as a shadow or
  27. Kiosk employees that they were shutting down the Australian/New Zealand Dell, kiosk ,program. Competition Dell's major competitors include Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  28. Magazines, lighters,street maps, cigarettes,and confections. An information, kiosk ,(or information booth) dispenses free information in the form of maps
  29. Which has gone through several failed iterations including a touch-screen, kiosk ,designer and an online Entertainment Systems network. After nearly 7 years and
  30. Prices available through other retail channels. Starting in 2005,Dell expanded, kiosk ,locations to include shopping malls across
  31. Flawlessly while preventing users from accessing system functions. Indeed, kiosk ,mode describes such a mode of software operation. Computerized kiosk s may store
  32. Texas, and managed by the Smith County Historical Society. The park contains a, kiosk , paved trail, interpretive signage, a cabin reconstruction, and a picnic area.
  33. And other literature, and/or advice offered by an attendant. An electronic, kiosk ,(or computer kiosk or interactive kiosk ) houses a computer terminal that
  34. Machines. Sometimes the area of sale is more like a self-service shop or, kiosk ,(it is not suitable for consuming the goods),and one pays at the check-out
  35. At Woody Head (which provides amenities including hot showers, cabins and a, kiosk ,). The park contains six picnic areas: Gummy Garry near Evans Head and Shark
  36. Time-travel room" which is described as" looking like a very large telephone, kiosk ,". The story was first published in the July 1937 issue of Astounding Stories
  37. And pushbuttons are all typical input devices for interactive computer, kiosk , Etymology The word is of Persian origin. In the Mediterranean Basin and the
  38. March 24,he lured a 10-year-old boy named Dmitry Kalashnikov away from a stamp, kiosk ,in Novoshakhtinsk. While walking with the boy, Chikatilo was seen by several
  39. Or interactive kiosk ) houses a computer terminal that often employs custom, kiosk ,software designed to function flawlessly while preventing users from accessing
  40. And/or advice offered by an attendant. An electronic kiosk (or computer, kiosk ,or interactive kiosk ) houses a computer terminal that often employs custom
  41. For brief use while standing. Various terms are used, such as" public Internet, kiosk ,"," public access terminal ", and " Web payphone ". Many hotels now also have
  42. Game console with the technology, it was shortly thereafter re-branded for the, kiosk ,market competing with the CD-i system. INAMI later made an M2-based arcade
  43. Have become a local attraction. At the site of the turbines, a solar-powered, kiosk ,provides information for visitors, including current information on wind speeds
  44. Offered by an attendant. An electronic kiosk (or computer kiosk or interactive, kiosk ,) houses a computer terminal that often employs custom kiosk software designed
  45. The year. NCR Corporation () is an American technology company specializing in, kiosk ,products for the retail, financial,travel, healthcare,food service
  46. Later designs adapted the same general look for mass-production: the Jubilee, kiosk , introduced for King George V's silver jubilee in 1935 and known as the K6
  47. In the Mediterranean Basin and the Near East, a kiosk (;;;;;; kiosk ; or kiosk ;, kiosk ,; and or disco) refers to an object that acts as a shadow or shade-maker. The
  48. In Red Planet (2000) * Dr. Know, an information-themed computer inside a, kiosk ,in the movie, A. I. Artificial Intelligence, ( 2001) voiced by Robin Williams
  49. U. S.),petrol bunk (India),petrol pump (India),petrol garage, petrol, kiosk , ( Singapore),petrol station (United Kingdom and Hong Kong) or service
  50. With the Timberland Regional Library brought the addition of a computer, kiosk ,and the ability to pick up reserved books from the Timberland Regional Library

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